Groetus (Symbol)

Stare at the Moon's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


I apologize, my internet has been spotty the last few days and I'm able to post infrequently because of this. If the issue isn't resolved by Sunday, I apologize and will respectfully withdraw. I'll update as soon as possible.

Hello there! Thank you again for selecting my character. I'm glad to be joining you all and I'm looking forward to a fun and interesting game!

So, on to business. How might we be handling the "panache predicament"?

Cedifor Nokes

Race: Human (Taldan)

Class: Cavalier (Daring Champion)

NPC 1 - Ser Bolver Henderson (Retired Hedge Knight, Adoptive Father) "Any saint would kill to have had the patience of that codger and every sellsword would pray to have had his skill."

NPC 2 - Hearle Witherden (Scion of a Lesser Noble House) "He's exactly what's wrong with society, the brat's not even ashamed of the things he does to the smallfolk!"

NPC 3 - Miss Taffine (Calistrean Prostitute, Mother's Friend) "Not everyone can say they're off to visit an old family friend at the whorehouse and be telling the truth."

Event 1 Mother's Disappearance "The Madame never gave me much of an explanation, I was just a whore's son after all...well, make that a whore's orphan."

Event 2 Adoption by Henderson "I sat in squalor, digging in the alleys and risking death every day until the morning that grump forced me into the bakery. That was the best day of my life."

Event 3 The Fatal Duel "That pompous little bastard cut him down in the street over burnt bread and they did NOTHING!"

Motivation Revenge "A pox upon House Witherden, their ilk will learn that no one is without worth or wrath."

Description: A young man of decidedly fair physique, Cedifor often appears light of heart and sometimes absent-minded although he hides complex emotions in his manner. His threadbare tunic is well-loved and the dingy chainmail he wears over it bears a number of broken links and patches of dull metal that don't look likely to be polished any time soon. Sandy blonde hair hangs unkempt to his shoulders and in his face which appears hard and lean from a life of peasantry. Care-free eyes of watery grey do nothing to suggest attention to any other area of his person, unlike that which he pays to the finely maintained blade at his belt.

Origins Cedifor has lived at the bottom-most tier of Brevic society for the entirety of his life. He comes from Cadaroc's Rest, a farming town situated north of Restov.

I'm a great fan of this AP and seeing your attention to story off the bat gives me warm fuzzy feelings. Looking forward to writing a submission.

More soon to come!

Interested for sure! I will submit my character as soon as possible!

Full Name

Brendel Bramblethorn




Bard 2





Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 17