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With Great Power Comes....oh you know
Using your cool toys indescriminantly leads to colateral damage
In a campaign I ran way back the party, about level 12 and 13, were long frustrated because they knew they didn't have a chance against the local evil king and his minions (yet anyway). The party wizard decided to make a 'statement' with some of his cool powers.
Their plan was during the next major military parade the king led (and he led a lot of them to keep his populace in fear) he would dump several bags of holding worth of fruit while flying and invisible from a few thousand feet up on the King's head, then teleport out. All the while protecting himself to the hilt from scrying and detection. They figured they'd embarass the King and win a moral victory. Perhaps they'd even show the people of the city how to stand up to the king.
Fine, I said nothing against their plan. They went around to all the merchants, I described them all and made them them rp every purchase as they cleared out four or five shops. I described the little old men and women, how much joy they were bringing to these people's lives buying all their wares. One old woman gave the wizard a hand knitted scarf as a thank you. One merchant insisted on bringing his pregnant wife from downstairs and they said they'd consider naming their newborn after the party's bard, etc.
The plan went off without a hitch. I didn't even force them to make a hit roll. Sure the King had several layers of protections including protection from misslies but his guards, entourage, advisors and most of the supporters were covered in tomatos, summer squash and apple juice. They even killed one of the king's favorite mayors.
The party cheered their victory and went to the inn to celebrate. The next day the party got the news. Every merchant they had bought from had been 'brought in for questioning' and then 'killed while trying to escape'. The merchants, their families, and people who just happened to be near the stores...all gone. Their bodies were impaled in front of the King's keep as reminders to the others.
The players realized their mistake almost at once. Sure they were protected from scyring and such. But all a single level 1 guard had to do was walk around to all the local shopkeepers and see who's stalls were completely and unexplainably empty and return that list to the King to bring untold damage to innocent people for their 'statement'.
Let them play with their high level toys, but remind them the dangers using them without thought may have if they endanger others.
Oh, and as an added bonus I'm pretty sure the party wizard had a moment of silence every time he saw 'knitted scarf' on his character sheet's inventory every time he looked at it...but he never erased it.