Danse Macabre

Spook2552's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Gorbacz wrote:

One of my players decided to play a very interesting character: a human Inquisitor (from the APG playtest) of Groetus with alignment of Chaotic Good.

Now the concept is, in my view, pure gold - but I need to help him flesh it out. We have here a:

- zealous vindicator fighting against the enemies of the faith;
- with Chatoic Good, free-spirited alignment;
- who worships a CN god of disaster, void, apocalypse - who disdains healing and encourages madness.

Now it's all legal by the rules, and I see great potential but ... I need ideas ! It's challenging to wrap the head around such a bizarre idea, and I really want to make it work and for my player to have great time with the character. Any ideas about how to make such character work (fluff-wise) are appreciated !

ok lets see

  • He's a Zealous Vindicator
  • A protector of faith
  • Chaotic Good
  • God of disaster, the void and apocalypse

I have this incling to say, play him like a good 'ol 40k inquisitor.

You have every right to be wherever you deem fit, you will forcebly maintain the order of things as they lead to the impending apocolypse, you will help those in need of help unless they play a key roll in the end of times. You help some accept it, and purge the heretics and false soothsayers that predict or denounce it. You know not when it will occur but you know that it will and as such are always ready to die, but resist death to contiune playing your role.

Sound good?
