Spartacus Conrad's page

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Does anyone know if they have Hex maps for the rest of the Golarion? My players wants to take over the world. I would be a bad DM if i were to restrict them of their dreams.

I love how my players had the drive and creativity to build their first city under ground. I did go with my first idea, also adding in some other ideas from people. by digging down it would take longer to prepare. I treated the time length to be the (terran type) time plus mountine time. But that is each district as per the rules. So it took them 8 months to prepare the city district site. I also doubled the BP cost. It turned out great. I did not increase the cost of buildings. My thinking is they could use the stone/ earth or just carve them right out of the wall. The only increae cost to buildings i did was to the waterfront and docks, and locks. I have not come up with a sytem for building up yet. My players are having fun digging down. Now their first district is complete and they want to go further down. Should i increase the Time/BP Cost for the new district that will be under the one thats already underground !! Or should i leave it the same?

In the Kingmaker game i am running. My players have decided to make a dwarven kingdom. THey asked me if they could build their cities under the ground. I think the idead would be interesting. Are there any rules that would allow a city district to be built (under the ground), (floating in the air), (on the water).

Another question: my players have asked me to find rules or create house rules that would allow them to build...up... stacking one district antop of another, to make a city of towers. It is a neat idea.

So far i have not been able to find any rules for this. i would think that it would be the matter of increasing duration of preparing a city, and buildings. for example it takes 8 months i think to prepare a city in the mountines i think. So if the players want it to be under the ground would it be double the duration? Also BP's i would assume that if house rules were made up or found for any of this. Would it be a good idea to increase the BP cost of these buildings to build them?