
Sparks''s page

305 posts. Organized Play character for Eric Collins - France.

Full Name



| Active condition(s): Life Bubble (immune to void effects)


N lvl 1 Mystic (Star Shaman) lvl 5 Technomancer ; worships Ibra


young white-furred Female Ysoki | SP 43/43 ; HP 33/33 ; RP 5/7 | +4 Mobility EAC 16 ; KAC 16 | +2 vs. spells & magical effects - Fort. +3 ; Ref. +6 ; Will +8 | Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. fly) | Perception +11 ; SM +2 (+6) |




10 1/2 years old

Special Abilities

Cheek pouches!








Common ; Akitonian ; Ysoki ; Aklo ; Aquan ; Auran ; Protean


Summoned Creatures data

Homepage URL

Equipment Sheet

Strength 8
Dexterity 22
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 14
Charisma 11

About Sparks'


Current Mission Log:
• Health Status: --
• Spells left: 2/3 lvl 1 mystic ; 4/5 lvl 1 technomancer ; 3/3 lvl 2 technomancer
• use social boon to get augmentation from CRB at end of scenario @ -20%

Has no weapons
Uses Agile Casting (Full Action to move up to speed & cast a spell w. standard or less at any point)
when Off-Kilter no penalties to attacks

Telekinetic Projectile:
Telekinetic Projectile
[dice=vs KAC]1d20+9[/dice] (40 ft. range)
(range = 25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels ; damage w. harmful spells ; 1 Standard casting ; no Save or SR)

Energy Ray:
Energy Ray
[dice=vs EAC]1d20+9[/dice] (40 ft. range)
[dice=Acid, Cold, Elec’, or Fire - SR]1d3+2[/dice]
(range = 25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels ; damage w. harmful spells ; 1 Standard casting ; no Save ; but SR)

Smoke Grenades:
(lvl 1) Underwater property: no penalty to attack & full damage
Damage — ; Range 20 ft. ; Critical — ; Capacity drawn ; Has 2
Releases a cloud of dense smoke. Lasts 1 minute, 20 ft. radius.
All who inhale smoke save vs. Fortitude (DC w. -4 for non prof' = 15 + 1 per previous check) or spend round choking and coughing: he can do nothing else.
A character who chokes for 2 consecutive rounds takes 1d6 nonlethal damage. (Active environmental protection armor prevents this effect altogether) Regardless of armor, smoke obscures vision: concealment to all within it.
[dice=vs. AC 5 (non proficient)]1d20+9-4[/dice]

Space Combat:
• Engineer
• Gunner
• Pilot
• Science Officer

Female Ysoki N Ace Pilot Level 1 Mystic (Star Shaman) & Level 5 Technomancer
SFS #101218-711
Starship Pilot & Electrician
Worships Ibra
3’ (92 cm) tall ; 60 lbs. (27 kg) ; pure white fur ; black eyes ; 10 1/2 years old

A young, small, petite, delicate, and immaculately white Ysoki, carrying nothing at all, and wearing only the lustrous fur her parents gave her.
Oh, you do spot a datajack on the left side of her head.
She smiles: ”Hello, hello, hello! I’m Sparks! Where’s our starship? Ready to go?”
As she flits about, you see a small white mouse perched on top of her head.

Sparks is from Akiton, where her parents work for PANGEA. Since a baby she traveled on the cargo ships, and worked first as an electrician, then moved up to pilot.
In love with all things starships, she worked on repairing the Master of the Stars, and, vetted by Fitch, she joined the Wayfinders, and is off for adventure after adventure!

STR 8 ; DEX*** 22 ; CON 14 ; INT* 18 ; WIS 14 ; CHA 11
* Key Ability & Mk I booster (Synergizing Symbiote) ; ** Mk II booster (Synergizing Symbiote) ; lvl 5 boost to Dex, Con, Int, Wis

43 SP ; 33 HP ; 7 RP

EAC 16 ; KAC 16 (+4 AC w. Mobility ; when Off-Kilter no flat-footed condition)
(+0 Armor + 6 Dex)

Init' +6 ; Speed 30 ft. (Fly speed of 20 feet while in space) ; BAB +3
can stand from Prone as a Swift action


+3 Fortitude (+1 +2 Con)
[dice=Fortitude]1d20+3[/dice] +2 vs. spells & magical effects
+6 Reflex (+1 + 5 Dex)
[dice=Reflex]1d20+6[/dice] +2 vs. spells & magical effects
+8 Will (+6 + 2 Wis)
[dice=Will]1d20+8[/dice] +2 vs. spells & magical effects

Light Armor ; Basic Melee Weapons & Small Arms
lvl 1 - Skill Focus Piloting
lvl 3 - Mobility
lvl 4 - Spell Focus ; Weapon Specialization
lvl 5 - Agile Casting

Decipher otherwise unintelligible magical inscriptions ; full action to ID spell gems.
speaks Common ; Akitonian ; Ysoki ; Auran ; Terran ; Aquan ; Celestial ; Aklo ; Abyssal ; Infernal ; Draconic ; Goblin
translator mouse speaks Common ; Azlanti ; Ghibran ; Morlamaw ; Kalo

4+Int/level + (6+Int @level1) ; * = class skill
+6 Acrobatics (Dex)
[dice=Acrobatics]1d20+6[/dice] (+5 tumble space of opponent at least 1 size larger)
-1 Athletics (Str)
+0 *Bluff (Cha)
+6 Fitch Bluff (Cha)
[dice=Fitch Bluff]1d20+6[/dice]
+9 *Computers (Int) 1 rank +3 class skill +4 Int +1 techlore insight
+13 *Culture (Int) 6 ranks +3 class skill +4 Int
[dice=Culture]1d20+13[/dice] (+4 to recall knowledge & can take 20)
(-5 DC recall knowl’ re. starship & vehicle models & parts, and pilots)
+0 *Diplomacy (Cha)
+6 Fitch Diplomacy (Cha)
[dice=Fitch Diplomacy]1d20+6[/dice]
+0 *Disguise (Cha)
+15 *Engineering (Int) 6 ranks +3 class skill +4 Int +2 racial
[dice=Engineering]1d20+15[/dice] (+4 to recall knowledge & can take 20) +4 vs. traps
+0 *Intimidate (Cha)
+6 Fitch Intimidate (Cha)
[dice=Fitch Intimidate]1d20+6[/dice]
+13 *Life Science (Int) 6 ranks +3 class skill +4 Int
[dice=Life Science]1d20+13[/dice] (+4 to recall knowledge & can take 20)
+8 *Medicine (Int) 1 rank +3 class skill +4 Int
+8 *Mysticism (Wis) 2 ranks + 3 class + 2 Wis + 1 techlore insight
[dice=Mysticism]1d20+8[/dice] (+4 to recall knowledge & can take 20) +4 vs. traps
+11 *Perception (Wis) 6 ranks + 3 class + 2 Wis
[dice=Perception]1d20+11[/dice] (+4 to search)
+13 *Physical Science (Int) 6 ranks +3 class skill +4 Int
[dice=Physical Science]1d20+13[/dice] (+4 to recall knowledge & can take 20)
+19 *Piloting (Dex) 6 ranks +3 class skill +6 Dex +3 insight +1 theme
+12 *Profession, Starship Electrician (Int) 1 rank + 3 class skill + 4 Int + 4 Kit
(+1 for Day Job w. outfit: +13 & Take 10 = 23 or 46 Cr.)
[dice=Starship Electrician]1d20+13[/dice]
+2 *Sense Motive (Wis)
[dice=Sense Motive]1d20+2[/dice]
+6 Fitch Sense Motive (Wis)
[dice=Fitch Sense Motive]1d20+6[/dice]
+10 *Sleight of Hand (Dex) 1 rank +3 class skill +6 Dex
[dice=Sleight of Hand]1d20+10[/dice]
+8 Stealth (Dex) +2 racial
+10 *Survival (Wis) 3 ranks +3 class skill +2 Wis +2 racial
[dice=Survival]1d20+10[/dice] (when sees stars, determines precise location)


level 0 - DC 13
Detect Affliction (determine if creature or object poisoned, diseased, Cursed, or suffering similar affliction)
Stabilize (close range)
Telekinetic Projectile (1d6 + Harmful Spells, bludgeoning, KAC, close range)
Token Spell (can also do Dim Light in 30' radius - lasts 1 hour)

level 1 - DC 14 - 3/day
• Mystic Cure no AoO (1d8+2)
• Shooting Stars (110 ft. ; 2 x 1d4+1 missiles (+Harmful Spells) - or 3 if full action ; targets cannot be > 15 ft. apart)
• Summon Creature I full round casting (100 ft.+10 ft./level) 1 round/level

(+2 circumstance to skill checks w. these spells)
level 0 - DC 13
• Grave Words
level 1 - DC 14
Charm Person
Detect Augmentation
Detect Radiation
Detect Thoughts
Might of the Ellicoth
Mind Link
Remove Condition
Seeking Shot
• 2 x Share Language
Wisp Ally


level 0 - DC 15
Detect Magic (60 ft. cone)
Energy Ray (close range)
Mending (10 ft.) 10 min’ casting
Object up to 1 bulk ; Repairs 1d4 HP
Psychokinetic Hand (close range) Object up to 1 bulk
Telepathic Message (100 ft.+10 ft./level) 1 creature/level (10 mins./level) 10 words/round (works w. constructs & computers)
• Fabricate Scrap

level 1 - DC 16 - 5/day
• Life Bubble cast every day
• Magic Missile (110 ft. ; 2 x 1d4+1 missiles (+Harmful Spells) - or 3 if full action ; targets cannot be > 15 ft. apart)

level 2 - DC 17 - 3/day
• Polymorph
• Summon Creature I full round casting (100 ft.+10 ft./level) 1 round/level
Summon either one 2nd level summon, or three 1st level summons

(+2 circumstance to skill checks w. these spells)
level 0 - DC 15
Dancing Lights
Transfer Charge
Ghost Sound
level 1 - DC 16
Comprehend Languages
Detect Tech
• Erase
• Flight
• Hold Portal
• 2 x Holographic Image
• Junk Armor
• Necromantic Revitalization
• Unseen Servant
level 2 - DC 17
Command Undead
Fog Cloud
Make Whole
• Mirror Image
See Invisibility


+10 Disguise
(DC not modified re. altering major features, different race or creature type)
• if polymorph form granted is same creature type as target’s true form: armor, weapons, & equipment target had at time of casting remain visible and accessible (changed by magic to be usable in new form).
• if the polymorph form is different creature type than target’s true form: spell causes target’s armor (including armor upgrades & abilities of powered armor) to function and be able to be activated by target regardless of form (armor isn’t visible in polymorph form, and cannot be targeted or accessed - such as to change batteries - by target or other creatures).
All other equipment unavailable in polymorph form of different type & cannot be used, activated, targeted, or modified by target or other creatures.
Level 1 spell - only target Small or Medium creatures:
• Sea Ysoki (small) +1 to Dex checks
Sharp teeth ; +3 bite (1d4+3 P +Str only from personal upgrade)
Long tail ; 20 ft. swim speed
• Nosy Ysoki (small) +1 to Dex checks
Strong body ; +3 slam (1d4+3 B +Str only from personal upgrade)
Big nose ; tracking (scent)
• Sick Ysoki (small) +1 to Dex checks
Gastric problems ; +3 acid spit (1d4+3 A)
Red eyes ; low-light vision
• Magic Ysoki (small) +1 to Dex checks
Sharp paws ; +3 claw (1d4+3 S +Str only from personal upgrade)
Silver fur ; DR 1/magic

Level 2 spell - only target Small or Medium creatures:
• Super Ysoki (small ; humanoid) +1 to Dex checks
retains gear
Sharp Paws ; +6 claw (1d6+6 S +Str only from personal upgrade)
Sticky paws ; 20 ft. climb speed
Silver Fur ; DR2/magic
Ysorcy ; Orc Ferocity
• Kalo (medium ; monstrous humanoid) +1 to Str checks
Sharp teeth ; +6 bite (1d6+6 P +Str only from personal upgrade)
Fins ; Swim speed of 30 feet
Thick Fur ; Cold Resistance 5
Kalo Vision ; Kalos’ innate sonar grants them blindsight (sound) 60 ft., while their specialized eyes grant them low-light vision
• Quorlu (medium ; monstrous humanoid) +1 to Str checks
Acid Maw ; +6 slam (1d6+6 A)
Tunneler (Ex) ; A quorlu can dig through soil at a rate of 5 feet per minute. A quorlu can use this
ability combined with its internal heat to dig through stone at a rate of 1 foot per minute. When it
digs, a quorlu can leave a tunnel behind.
Black eyes ; 60 ft. darkvision
Thick Skin ; Fire Resistance 5
• Contemplative (medium ; monstrous humanoid) +1 to Str checks
Gastric problems ; +6 acid spit (1d6+6 A)
Psychic Flight ; Contemplatives fly supernaturally at a speed of 30 feet with average
Psychic Senses ; Contemplatives have blindsense (thought) out to 30 feet and darkvision to a range of 60 feet
Silver Fur ; DR2/magic

(Su) comm unit
Activate spell cache to cast any one spell you know and are capable of casting, even if you’ve expended all your spell slots for that spell’s level.

1/day spend 10 minutes to magically heal an ally up to 5 Hit Points per mystic level

Immune to harmful effects of outer space and vacuum.
Gain a fly speed of 20 feet while in space.
Whenever see the stars, determine your precise location.

Add 1/2 technomancer level to damage of instantaneous spells that deals damage.
Applies to all creatures in an area spell.
But only to a single ray or missile.
Increased damage does not apply to ongoing damage (bleed or burn) nor increases ability damage or other spell effects (only damage to Stamina Points or Hit Points).

You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

carries absolutely nothing apparent (other than a datajack in left side of head)

no weapons

no armor but Life Bubble:
Life Bubble always up
Also is immune to the harmful environmental effects of outer space and vacuum

(in brain)
Cybernetic programmable data port allowing to access computers & digital storage media. Handheld computers can be inserted into the port. Larger systems are connected by an adapter cable. System connected directly to your nervous system obviating need for interface to access data. Some closed systems don’t allow data access or require some rewiring (usually an Engineering check).

(in datajack) Spell Cache
80 charges ; use 1/hour (Bulk L)
Pocket-sized device combining a tier-0 computer (see below) & a cellular communication device, allowing wireless communication with other comm units in both audio- and text-based formats at planetary range.
Also includes a calculator, a flashlight (increases the light level one step in a 15-foot cone), and several entertainment options (including games and access to any local infospheres).

(in Comm Unit)
tier-0 size (Bulk: L ) 1 week
DC 25 to hack ; Alarm 
Computer (1250 Cr.) ; Miniaturized 3 times (375 Cr.) ; Alarm (10 Cr.) ; Artificial Personality (125 Cr.) using the voice of Fitch ; Range III - Planetwide (100 Cr.) ; Self Charging - 2 weeks (250 Cr.)

• Library Chips (+4 to recall knowledge & can take 20)
Culture ; Engineering ; Life Science ; Mysticism ; Physical Science
• Spell Chips (+2 circumstance bonus to any skill check involving these spells)
(see under spells)

( in palm of right paw - hand)
Activated or deactivated mentally as swift action.
Rendition of Starfinder Society’s symbol glows underneath the skin.
Increases the light level within 5 feet by one step while active.

Store up to 1 cubic foot of items weighing total of 1 bulk in cheek pouches.
Can transfer a single object between hand and cheek as a swift action.
Can disgorge entire contents of pouch onto the ground in her square as a move action (that does not provoke an attack of opportunity).

• Symbol of Pharasma
• Starfinder Insignia (DC 20 Perception or SM to spot w. a hidden ‘common Mk I datapad’)
• Engineering Toolkit (1 L)
• Hacking Toolkit (1 L)
• Profession Pilot Toolkit (1 L)
• Trapsmith Toolkit (1 L)
• Broad-spectrum scanning kit (1 L)
• Badge - Laboni’s official pit crew (pure RP from 1-01)
• Cherry Pits (for Telekinetic Projectile)
• 1 x Restraints
• 2 x Underwater Smoke Grenades (2 L)
• Fire Extinguisher (1 L)
• Tetrad Certified Translator (1 L)
This elaborate datapad has several additional audio receptors to capture nearby sounds. If you don’t share a language with creatures you encounter, you can activate this device to collect basic linguistic information.
The device requires 10 minutes of observed conversation to gain enough information to operate. The device then acts as a rudimentary translator. It does not allow you to converse with creatures with whom you don’t share a language, but it can relate very basic information.
Examples of statements the device could interpret would be: “come with us,” “lower your weapons,” or “leave immediately.”
The device cannot parse proper names, including personal designations or the names of items and places.
Some extraordinary complex or obscure languages might not translate clearly with this device.
A Tetrad certified translator has 10 capacity and 1/hour usage

• Reconfigurable clothing (5 outfits within) 1 L
Constructed of specialized nanofibers allowing to shift between outfits at your move action signal:
• Profession Pilot Outfit: leather jacket, old-style leather helmet w. goggles, leather gloves
• Formal outdoor clothing: white cocktail dress, white sunhat, white sunglasses, white hand fan
• Formal safari chic clothing: white safari clothes, white pith helmet, white sunglasses
• Formal black tie clothing: black full length gown
• Party clothing: strapless short dress, made of white sequins

can carry 4 Bulk w/o encumbered
1 is Current Total
2 L - Grenades
1 L - Clothes
5 L - 5 x Toolkits
1 L - Fire Extinguisher
1 L - Translator
0 B 10 L total


Living Translator
An aide - a small white mouse - skilled in languages accompanies you as a translator on missions. You bring along a noncombatant translator skilled in several languages. In addition to Common, the translator knows a number of languages equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Wayfinders faction + 1. When you purchase this boon, you must select the languages known by the translator.
These can be any languages listed on page 41 of the CRB or any unique language you’ve encountered in a previous scenario.
When your Reputation Tier increases, you can add an additional language to those known by your translator.

Wayfinders Champion
(Faction Boon)
Allows Reputation gain w. Wayfinders

Promotional Record Keeper
(Starfinder Player Character Folio)
1/ per session:
• either reduce RP cost to regain Stamina by 1 (down to 0 RP)
• or reduce DC of one starship combat check (including a gunnery) by 4

AbadarCorp Augmentations
2/time use left (out of 3) ; 20% off CRB augmentation (from 1-10)

Hero of the Stars
(Starship Boon; Limited Use)
Anytime reduced to 0 or fewer Hull Points your starship immediately regains tier x 5 Hull Points (max' 30). Only 1 boon / starship. When activated, cross off sheet

Starfinder Insignia
Appears as ordinary medal showing symbol of Starfinder Society, can store as much information as a common tier-1 datapad. DC 20 Perception or Sense Motive to realize insignia is a storage device.
• Marked Field Agent - Society Subdermal Graft
Light & shows am SFS ; from 1-01
• Abysshead Download
Half orc hard rock
• Copaxi Linguist
Can learn Copaxi
• Ghibrani Linguist
Can learn Ghibrani
• Morlamaw Linguist
Can learn Morlamaw
Worldwide Explorer
1 extra Fame & Reputation when in different RVC area, 1/Wayfinders Tier
- played in Köln, Germany (Chronicle #1 - 1-01 The Commencement)
used @ Tier 1 (Chronicle #4 - AP Incident at Absalom Station)
- played in Helsinki, Finland (from Chronicle #2 - 1-1 Quest Into the Unknown)
used @ Tier 2 (Chronicle #6 - 1-03 Yesteryear’s Truth)

Tip of the Conspiracy
Will be called upon (Historia-7 vs. conspiracy)

• 15 XP
• 35 Total Reputation (Tier 3)
• 32 Wayfinders Reputation (Tier 3)
• 1 Acquisitives Reputation (Tier 0)
• 1 Exo-Guardians Reputation (Tier 0)
• 1 Dataphiles Reputation (Tier 0)
• 30 Fame (-2 spent for Living Translator)

• Grand Lodge PFS Faction Pin
(1/scenario add 2d4 to Culture skill & treat as trained, even if you don’t have a rank in it)
• Copaxi Admittance
(play a Copaxi)
• Half Orc Admittance
(play a Half Orc ; from 1-06)
• Morlamaw Admittance
(play a Morlamaw ; from 1-08)
• Brakim Admittance
(play a Brakim ; from 1-27)
• Halfling Admittance
(play a Halfling ; from 1-10)
• Heart Friend Forever
(use if w. Vesks or Skittermanders)
• Muldoi’s Debt
(from 1-15 ; use if told)
• Vossi’s Roar
(from 1-15 ; use if in Ukulam, can cower enemies 1/time)
• Trusted by the Conservancy
(from 1-15 ; bonus to Life Science or Survival = to Acquisitives Rep’ Tier)
• Scoured Stars Memorial
(1/time use ; reduce Fame for body recovery, raise dead, tow starship ; from 1-14)
• Contractor’s Respect Knights of Golarion
(3/time use - use weapon or armor for adventure ; from 1-12)
• Gun Runner
(10% reduc’ on grenades ; 20% 1/time use on weapon ; from 1-06)
• Victory over Authority
(will be called upon, for Gideron Authority ; from 1-24)
• Friend of the Ghibrani (Husk & Membrane)
(used in specific scenarios)
• Faction’s Friend
3/time use - can recoup Reputation even if Fame not earned ; from 1-01)
• Street Cred: Absalom Station
(1/scenario use - +1 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate & +1 Att’ & Dam’ vs. gangs (+2 if Absalom Station gangs. Lasts 1 minute ; from AP Incident at Absalom Station)
 • Star Monster Slayer
(+2 bonus to skill checks in starship combat vs. enemy living starship. Fellow crewmates w/o boon slotted gain +1 bonus ; from Chronicle 1-12)
• Automated Defenses
(Science Officer can reduce speed of single tracking weapon ; from 1-03)

• 14 - 1-19 - To Conquer the Dragon
• 13 - 1-15 - Save the Renkrodas
• 12 - 1-10 - The Half-Alive Streets
• 11 - 1-27 - King Xeros of Star Azlant - DM Credit
• 10 - 1-08 - Sanctuary of Drowned Delight
• 9 - 1-06 - A Night in Nightarch
• 8 - 1-24 - Siege of Enlightenment
• 7 - 1-14 - Star Sugar Heartlove
• 6 - 1-03 - Yesteryear’s Truth
• 5 - 1-22 - The Protectorate Petition
• 4 - AP DS 1 Incident at Absalom Station - DM Credit
• 3 - 1-12 - Ashes of Discovery
• 2 - Q-01 Into The Unknown - DM Credit
• 1 - 1-01 The Commencement - DM Credit