
Spaceship's page

9 posts. Alias of Kelsey MacAilbert.


I lost it at "Are you ready, James?".

When I say found footage, I refer to the style of filming from Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield. I'm currently watching the Norwegian movie Troll Hunter, which is satisfying enough to make me want to find more horror movies filmed in this style. Does anyone know of any?

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I believe the vodka gives me the ability to speak Russian.

Even though the vodka is Swedish.

I believe that I lack understanding of what the flavors grape, dragon fruit, and papaya have to do with San Francisco, but that the pretty label design on Absolut's SF edition, combined with my being from the region, necessitated my purchase.

I take it this is a regional thing, then. When I turned 21, I got turned away in Colorado because my id was expired.

I don't think I've ever had German beer.

In the three states I've lived in, minor ids look different from drinking age ones, to make it clear you are not 21. You presumably cannot get an over 21 id until you turn 21, but it takes a couple weeks to get the id in the mail. This brings up the question of how to legally have a 21st birthday party at the bar, because you lack valid id (the under 21 is expired, the over 21is in the mail, and the paper temp is, at least in Colorado, not valid for drinking, even with the voided under 21 id with it). Granted, I'm 22 with valid id, so it doesn't effect me, but the logic of the situation is bugging me.

James, have you ever had too many good distractions to write? How do you get past this issue? I should be working on the setting I haven't touched in two months, and I have a ton of ideas, but I end up going to the library, going out walking or cycling, watching dads, or playing video games, despite what my intentions are when I start the day.

As an aside, did you play Red Dead Redemption Unread Nightmare? It's what I'm currently playing when I'm gaming.

I used to drink mostly Heineken, but I only did so because it was cheap. I stopped drinking it, and I've fallen in love with Kona Brewing's creations. It's a Hawaiian microbrewery, but the local grocery store (southern San Francisco Bay Area) sells their products at a far lower price than many other microbrews. It is a very high quality beer, so, with the price as good as it is, I've made it my normal choice.

I also like Guinness, which is my beer of choice at restaurants, bars, and the like.