Spacehopper's page

Goblin Squad Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

I myself could only afford the $35 pledge on the Kickstarter due to some unforseen financial cock-ups (i.e. my wages didnt get paid correctly over the last 2 months...). Even that $35 was a struggle - and I had to leave it till the very last day of the Kickstarter as I was hoping I could resolve my issues and pledge the $100, so I lost out on the daily deals - but I wanted to contribute. Now, the day after the Kickstarter drive ended, my financial problems are fixed. Nice Timing, I'm sure you'll agree.
I really want to be involved in the crowdsourcing / early enrollment phase of the game, and would be quite willing to pay the difference (and probably even a bit more, as long as we're not talking silly extra money) to gain access to this. Knowing that this may well be possible and is getting looked at makes me a very happy chappy indeed :)