
Soupor Slaad's page

16 posts. Alias of Mr.Sandman.


Ranch Dretching wrote:
Merry Slaadmas, m&$*#%%@*+%!s!

I would, but the priests are all busy today for some reason.

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Sunomono Slaad wrote:
I'll take a herpetologist. With curry sauce and a side of roasted corn.
I didn’t know herpes was its own field!

It's not, its just out standing in it.

Just a reminder! Turkeys are loud!

Wrong! Charlie invented VEGETABLES not VEGEMITE!

10 Larpers leaving
9 Jars of Fog
8 Jiggling Egg Sacs
7 Modron Corpses
2d4 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 Slaadlings
6 Terry Gilliam animations
5 Purple pills
4 from Sesame Street
3 hub caps marked property of Frias
2 Lava lamps
And a Bear in a Bare tree.

Spicy Nacho Slaad wrote:

:::meanders out of the middle navel of an alternate universe:::

Wow everybody, I have the number 4 from Sesame Street, 3 hub cabs marked property of Frias, 2 lava lamps, and 1 bear in a bare tree. Who wants to antie up?

On the fifth day of Slaadmas my true glove gave to me 5 purple pills!


If I went sane would Hugh still call me Soupor Slaad?

If I'm a liver well would you be there holding a ham?

Hey, has anybody seen my sheep?

Cut! It's Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, not Potatoes! Who messed with the scripts?

Why are these snakes so dry? Don't worry, I'll take care of you.
*goes in search of a snake-oil salesman.*

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Flute Slaad wrote:
And I rounded off Paula Cole. Start with angle grinder, use a high-grade file for fine work, then finish off with emery paper. A lot of effort, but worth it, I think.
I tried that once. My subject started leaking fluids.

You need to let it rest after baking, any mechanic could tell you that.

Beef is Nifty!

does it take two to peel a tangorine?

I juggled monkey wrenches 'till my bicycle went flat. But pineapple is out of season, so I need a red coffee pot now.

Do tuba toothpaste players get discounts at the dentists?


Initiative +3, Perception +12, Leader: Aolis

About Nakir Lalish

Nakir Lalish
Male Aasimar Fey Adapt 5
NG Medium Outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 90 ft.; Perception +12
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 Armor)
hp 45 (5d8+5)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +8 (+1 vs mind affecting effects, +2 vs charm effects)
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft
Melee Dagger +1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Dagger +4 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Special Attacks Shadowmark (3d8, -1), Truesight (1/day), Illusions (DC 17)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 13
Traits Illuminator, Tough Minded
Feats Greater Shadowmark, Tactile Illusion, Iron Will, Leadership, Stronghold
Appraise +11
Bluff +13
Diplomacy +17
Knowledge (Nature) +11
Linguistics +10
Perception +12
Sense Motive +10
Stealth +11
Use Magic Device +13
Languages Common, Celestial, Sylvan, Draconic, Elven, Aklo, Undercommon, Goblin, Giant
Spell Pool 11
Caster Level 5th (6th Illusion)
Spheres Illusion (Complex Illusions, Invisibility, Illusionary Sound, Illusionary Touch x2), Telekinesis (Finesse),
Drawbacks Emotional Casting, Focus Casting, Somatic Casting x2
Boons Easy Focus
Fey Magic, Master Illusionist (2), Shdowstuff (6), Shadowmark (3d8, -1), Darkvision, Truesight (1/day),
Cold Weather Outfit
Entertainer's Outfit
Explorer's Outfit
Hot Weather Outfit
Noble's Outfit
Scholar's Outfit
Traveler's Outfit
Pocketed Scarf
Reversible Cloak
Bandolier (2)
Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath x2
Pavilion Tent
Dire Wolf (Bishop)
Dandy Brush
Exotic Military Saddle
Grooming Kit
Ranger's Kit
Board Game
Scepter of Illusion +1
Hat of Disguise
Pathfinder Pouch
Cloak of Resistance +1
Cracked Dark Blue Rhomboid
Cracked Pale Ruby Trillion
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism
Cracked Mossy Disk (Knowledge Nature)
Cracked Mulberry Pentacle
Cracked Scarlet and Blue Sphere (Appraise)
Cracked Pink and Green Sphere (Use Magic Device)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds

558 gp, 7 sp


Nakir Lalish was born to a pair of wild elves from the Ekujae tribe in the mwangi expanse. Descended from a line of great warriors, his unique nature did not go unnoticed. Many thought he was blessed and destined to be a champion of their people. Years passed in the jungle, in time Nakir showed that he was weak and no better with the bow then most. He was no warrior or even a hunter, so he was given to the shamans. They to found him lacking, a fair mind but still nothing exceptional. Slowly those around thought his blessing wasted. Nakir for his part paid no heed to it, for he was willful above all. Refusing to admit he was not only lacking but of no use to the tribe he sneaked into the jungle alone. This was not only foolish but forbidden, the young simply could not survive the jungle alone and unskilled as they all were. The jungle knows no mercy and suffers no weakness, Nakir would be no exception. Only fate ever fickle saw him fall prey not to some beast but to a much more dangerous creature, human slavers of the Aspis Consortium.

Captured as a slave and quickly sent east to the slave markets of Katapesh. Nakir found himself on one of the infamous yellow sailed ships of the okeno slavers. In route to Cheliax the ship was attacked by Andoran grey corsairs. Which finally found him free and land bound in their home nation of Andoran. Still very much a young elf he was cared for to some extent and given a basic education. Nakir found his talent in wordplay and a keen eye for the value of goods. Solid foundation for a merchant and businessman, which some found quite valuable even in Andoran.

After spending years as a merchants apprentice, he was finally allowed to become one himself. Still young for an elf, he had grown enough that he no longer looked like a child. Yet he was still no adult in form or age. His ability could not be denied for his willfulness saw him at the head of a caravan heading to the far north to trade.

Eventually the caravan made it's way to the lands of the linnorm kings. They unloaded their goods and made their best deals in Jol. There Nakir got wind of a good trading tip in Sojourner's Rest. Informing the others that he would be taking a break from business to enjoy the northern lands, the caravan made it's way back south while he remained behind. Hiring a guide and a few bodyguards he made his way to Sojourner's Rest only to find the tip was false. Disappointed but unsurprising consider it was a common thing in his business he really did choose to remain to enjoy the strange city with it's many wonders. Taking to the night life and walking too far from the city then was safe he stumbled upon the city of the moon, Nithveil. He never saw the dawn as the city vanished into the first world.

With the ebb of the moon Nithveil returned a month later. Still Nakir did not. So it went every month for years until on the 10th anniversary, on the very same night no less. When Nithveil appeared, Nakir stepped out from it's borders. He was not as he was, nor was he alone. Accompanying Nakir was a lone norn, an oddity considering such beings were known as a trio. The two made their way south, Nakir seeking to return home while the norn had her own mysterious purpose. Along the way they found themselves often in the company of local fey, some good and some less so. One such encounter found the pair in the court of ether below Andoran. It was here that Nakir spent a year learning the ways of wicked fey and the secrets of shadow. It was with in the court that his norn companion met her death. After which Nakir left the court secretly and alone. Booking passage to Osirion and from their a caravan heading into the mwangi.

Eventually he made it back to his childhood home and his tribe. Their welcome was less then grand. The years and change in him did not endear his people to him. Still he was allowed back into the tribe. His newfound abilities were not well received but they made him an effective hunter. Then the raiders came one day, among them were members of the same slavers that stole him away years ago. Nakir not only defended his tribesmen but stalked the slavers afterwards. Using his illusions to great and deadly effect he did not simply kill them, he drove them mad as he snuffed out their lives. His ruthless cruelty did not go unnoticed by the elders. They sent Nakir away to the ancient school of Magaambya. It was here in his supposed exile that Nakir met Aolis, a northern elven mage. The two got along surprisingly well and spent much time in each others company. When the day came for Aolis to head back to his own home, Nakir had all but abandoned his own as it had done to him. So he left with his friend back to the north which had proven far more beneficial to him.

Appearance and Personality:

Nakir is of average height, being somewhat short for those of elven blood. He is tanned, regardless of how much or little sun he gets, as well as having the rarity of facial hair. Which unlike his somewhat wild black hair requires little to remain well groomed. His eyes are solid and dark yet oddly jewel like to those that can hold his gaze. Other tall tell signs of his unusual nature lay in his strange grace and shadow that seems to move on it's own at times. Then their is his voice which can be heard beyond simple sound to those he addresses. All these aside he is slim as any elf only lacking muscle, lean or otherwise. Giving him a rather soft appearance for the more physically inclined.

He favors fine clothes that are understated or subdued at a glance. Yet upon closer inspection show remarkable details and designs.


Casting Abilities

Trick (40 ft. Range, 6 Minutes)
Illusion- 1 SP (Huge, 15 ft. Cube)
-Huge, 15 ft. Cube, Atk +10, Touch 15
-Large, 10 ft. Cube, Atk +10, Touch 16
-Medium, 5 ft. Cube, Atk +10, Touch 17
Complex Illusions- 1 SP
Illusionary Touch (10 Dmg)
Invisibility (+3 Slight of Hand, +6 Stealth)
Telekinesis (40 ft. Range, 25 ft. Move, Small Size)
Sustained Force- 1 SP (5 Minutes)
Hostile Lift- 1 SP
Bludgeon (Atk +6)
Catch (Small Size)