Hobgoblin Commander

Soulgear's page

98 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I generally start out with: PO BOX...

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John Mechalas wrote:
My spell card generator includes the Shaman class.

I am unable to find the words for the epicness of this website! John, just wow. Well done.

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I always pictured deep black with a hint of dark green when light reflected off of it.

I like the idea of other colors though, like the DEEP PURPLE!

The necro is strong with this one...

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The real question is: Do werebears $hit in the woods?

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After reading the spell description and the definition of the word demesne,

"Deities and other beings who rule a planar realm can prevent a gate from opening in their presence or personal demesnes if they so desire."

Demesne: 1. land attached to a manor and retained for the owner's own use.
2. the lands of an estate.
a region or domain.


possession of real property in one's own right.

I would have to adjudicate this to include their castle, lair, or for deities, the entire plane. For lesser beings, I think this would be reduced to the size of their domicile and the surrounding lands they control directly.

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I just figured it was a self-esteem booster.

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It'd be like a sentient cow watching a human eat a hamburger in front of them.

The evil part is killing a sentient being and using them for food. It's not a soulless, mindless living thing, like a tree or grass.

That's what makes it evil.

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3.5-- Had a monk party member that made it to lvl 9 or 10 with a rolled 5 INT. At said lvl, the monk found himself wandering underground tunnels, alone. Separated from his party, he was too dumb to turn around and rejoin his party (as the player frustratingly knew to, but said monk...).

He was attacked by an invisible Intellect Devourer. With an astounding CHA of 7, combined with low rolls vs Ego Whip (psionic attack that drains CHA), he was incapacitated, his brain eaten, and for at least 6 games, the player played his monk as controlled by the evil, diabolical, Intellect Devourer.

He did such a great job, no one in the party found out until his demise as something definitive had finally been seriously suspected and in an attempt to escape, jumped into a pit of boiling mud (giant underground cavern, rope bridges, deadly environment, classic). As the now useless body burned and boiled away, the Devourer finally revealed itself as it escaped the dead body of our former trusted ally.

Sure, some of his behavior and actions were a little weird, but we had been playing with this monk for about 2 years. He always behaved weird because the player constantly did eccentric and often dumb things, playing the best dumb character I've ever played with.

It was epic.

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If you're looking for an offensive beast that can self-heal, crush the enemy, and front-line, look into this.

Oracle/Barb/Rage Prophet

Here's a build I ran up to 17 and handily served as our groups front-line tank every step of the way. Might be the funnest character I've ever played.

Easily self buffed to 36 str, 260+ hp, rage, and 50+ intimidate. Feel free to change any of the feats to suit your purposes.

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2un3f?The-Oracle-of-Battle-The-Prophet-of-Rage- Is#1

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I recently played a barb/oracle/rage prophet 2/11/4 and I could not speak highly enough of this build.

With those stats, this build would really shine!

High casting levels, insane dpr, cast self-heals while raged, buffed and raged 36 str, 360+ hp self-buffed, cast the "heal" spell=10 hp/CL...

This list is endless...

I originally created him as our front-line tank and after 4 levels of rage prophet, I focused solely on oracle for the spells and class abilities of the Oracle of Battle.

You can front-line fight with a 2-hander, back-up heal almost as well as a pure healer, and the buffs....

If you are interested, pm me for more details.

My build can be found here: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2un3f?The-Oracle-of-Battle-The-Prophet-of-Rage- Is#1

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And now deep thoughts:

Do the poorly played paladins so overshadow the memories of a well played paladin because a well played paladin is semi-invisible?

In truth, a well played paladin is simply a holy warrior with a moral code. That code applies to the paladin, not the party.

Maybe the paladins I've had the fortune to play with were of the exceptional sort.

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I wouldn't call taking 2 rounds to drop a Rune Giant sick damage. Most well built martials should be able to do it in one round by the end of Rise of the Runelords. I've seen over 700 damage in a round at that level, with a couple crits. That would be enough to drop 2 rune giants and severely injure a storm giant. That is probably too much DPR.

Wow! We only ever got to level 16, but over 700? Dang. Most I ever got was 279.

We also use a house rules crit table that adds tons of flavor, making them spectator events, it doesn't follow the x2, x3, etc format.

Gotta be honest though...700? That's hard to wrap my head around.

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Pretty sure my GM hated my rage prophet/oracle of battle from our just recently completed Rise of the Runelords campaign.

Dude was sick!

DPR unbuffed and unraged was ~200.

Storm giants? 1 round drop
Rune giants? 2 round drop

It literally didn't matter...I think I made him kill too well...

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Musta been 1996...

I was playing D&D 2E as a dwarven battlerager from the Complete Book of Dwarves. They were the precursor to the 3.5 and beyond barbarian, but with heavy restrictions.

Such as:

Int and Wis no higher than 10. I think mine were around 6. To end your rage, make a Wis check or attack the nearest creature.

While enraged, temporarily unaffected by all "cure" spells, bless, aid, heal, regenerate.

Must continue fighting each round until all enemies are dead.

Anyhow, we're around level 9 as a group and end up fighting a beholder of one sort or another. The beholder casts earthquake at some point, creating a huge rent in the earth separating the group from the beholder.

Being a front-liner, I was in close and when the rent began to appear, I was given an action to move or fall into the chasm.

Enraged and non-too-bright, I opt for plan C. I jumped into the beholders mouth, swung my dwarven axe and hit once, and promptly got munched.


He didn't die, but did take a crap ton of damage, leapt out of the maw, and survived...

Luckily, there were other targets to attack.

It can be tough playing a der character. Or easy. Just make poor choices.

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Most of my characters have been melee. I really enjoy the divine melee combo and have only ever played one pure wizard. One evil character, all others were neutral/good/lawful/chaotic males of varying races.

The most memorable ones:

Human male barb/oracle/rage prophet lvl 16(the beastiest beast that ever beasted) -- Pathfinder
Bhuka male cleric/walker in the waste lvl 15 -- D&D 3.5
Human male rogue/ranger (the rogues always die young!) lvl 5 -- D&D 3.5
Dwarven male battlerager lvl 9 -- D&D 2nd edition
Human male paladin lvl 10 -- D&D 2nd edition
Elven male wizard (conj/summoner) lvl 18 -- D&D 2nd edition

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Few years back, our group set upon the task of besting the Rise of the Runelords campaign. No one wanted to build a tank, so I decided to give the Rage Prophet a go, and see how that worked.

I started with barb, added in oracle, threw in some rage prophet. Ended up just dipping into rage prophet and going mostly oracle, I think for the better in this campaign setting.

Now at level 16, I have to say...nothing comes close!

This guy is a beast!

Build breakdown:

Human NG

Oracle/Rage Prophet/Barb


HP: 198

Stats (rolled): current/(base)

STR: 24 (19)
DEX: 16 (15)
CON: 22 (17)
INT: 13 (12)
WIS: 12 (11)
CHA: 22 (16)

BAB: 12/7/2

Feats: PA, Totem Spirit (extra human feat) - Tamir Quah (+5 speed, +2 jump), WF(revelation) - Earthbreaker, Intimidating Prowess, Dazzling Display, Quicken Spell (house rules = 3/day), Improved Crit (revelation) - Earthbreaker, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, GWF(revelation) - Earthbreaker, Shatter Defenses, Deadly Stroke

Skills: Intim-32

Weapon: +3 Furious Earthbreaker of Giant Bane (LG size)=3d6 base/4d6 when enlarged.

Unbuffed, he's not that great, but...those buffs though.

With just 3 spells, this Oracle of Battle becomes an unparalleled beast!

Divine Power=+4/+4, Righteous Might=+4 str/con 5/evil, Eaglesoul=+4 str, +2 AC, +5 intim, fast healing 2.

Then add rage. Str = 36, intim = 47, HP: 274 (I've been to the 360's)

4 attacks/round @ +38/+34/+29/+24 +40 dam/hit (+4d6 weapon dam roll)

Let that sink in....that's with only 3 buffs...

And, I can cast heal, and "cure" spells on myself while raging.

Got mobs? Deadly Juggernaut.

Seriously, the funnest melee build I've ever played.

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I've got a 2/4/4 barb/oracle/rage prophet. It's an absolute blast to play. I've read far too many posts about how gimped they are and how they are a trap. Lies! All of 'em.

Race: Human (age 45)
HP: 114
BAB: +8
Movement: 45
Caster Level: 7

Abilities: Base:
STR: 23 19
DEX: 14 15
CON: 21 17
INT: 13 12
WIS: 12 11
CHA: 17 16

Rage Power: Moment of Clarity, Mystery: Battle, Curse: Lame, Revelation(s): War Sight, Weapon Mastery

Totem Spirit (extra human feat) - Tamir Quah (+5 speed, +2 jump)
Weapon Focus (revelation) - Earthbreaker
Intimidating Prowess
Dazzling Display
Quicken Spell (house rules = 3/day)
Improved Crit (revelation) - Earthbreaker
Craft Magical Arms and Armor


Boots of Striding and Springing - only thing needed to get speed to 45

This guy wrecks face! I use him as a front-line fighter who self-buffs, self heals, and has some damaging spells.

Raging with 29 STR, swinging an earthbreaker with PA +21 to hit, +31 to damage, enlarged, large size earthbreaker = 3d8...