Solomon Kane's page

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When we saw the trade routes, my group just assumed it was a typo (-LM instead of +LM) in the formula. Basically the same idea you have.

For kingdoms, the buildings are constructed in 1 month. I'm guessing the increased cost is for getting it done that fast. The simpler buildings that could actually be built in that time with the room construction rules seem to have a much smaller 'price gap' with the kingdom rules.

Combat Reflexes actually allows ADDITIONAL attacks of opportunity in PF instead of the set number from 3.5. We always interpreted Selective Channel the same way.

Although. in all fairness, Selective Channel does not use the word 'additional' so we are probably doing it wrong...

River Kingdoms book, definitely.

You can also use the River Into Darkness module for some ideas. (Mostly the upriver travel in the first part.)

When I'm not DMing I generally play rogues with a mobility/HTH focus and
I love having a monk in the party...

"Hey Kato, what say we move across this battlefield without provoking
any AoO and flank some deserving enemy" ^5

regarding entangling the fighter,
1. 30' move? (fighter in light armor?)
2. breaking free is a move action in itself
3. if you don't get out you have to make another reflex save
4. a fighter whose str=druid wis has a 50/50 chance of making the
check...hardly something I would assume

I think its gonna be at LEAST 2 rds unless he's at the edge.

Go Monks

Just a curious question...

Since the adventures whether homebrew, AP or whatever are geared
for a party of a specific size (usually 4 for published), why couldn't
you use TOTAL Wealth by Level for the appropriately sized party?

Just let the player's split the Vow of Poverty monk's share amongst the
other characters. Then the other members have some extra to make up for
the 'weakness' of the Vow character.

Other party members might wind up with something a 'little' bit
more powerful than their level indicates but that wouldn't be Earth shattering.

One of my all time favorites!! Fair amount of Poe influence as well. Maybe I'll have to dig them out and take a look at converting them...

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Rogue no longer 'flat-footed' with uncanny dodge...means you get to make
AoO even if you haven't gone yet.