Soliloquies's page
Organized Play Member. 135 posts (153 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.
still shows pending. wanted to be sure it's not a card issue. the same thing happened two months ago and I thought we got it fixed.
Due to ordering the special edition version of starfinder #4386323 I need to cancel the regular edition included in order #4363906. I still want the subs that's part of that order. Thanks in advance.
I am in the middle of a job relocation and buying/selling of homes. Please cancel my subs. I'll be back when things settle and I don't have to pay two mortgages..
hopefully, i dont have to wait till Gencon to get my copy.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
so, do we start a wait list? tried to pre-order and its spinning.
Justin Riddler wrote: Hey there,
I have canceled the Print version of this book from your sidecart. Unfortunately we cannot return or refund PDFs after they have been downloaded. As such, I have refunded you the cost difference between the PDF & the Print/PDF Bundle in Store Credit. Preserving your Pathfinder Advantage discount, you have been refunded $50.99 in Store Credit which is immediately available to you.
~Justin Riddler
Customer Service
so, i hadnt downloaded but i did hit personalize and was about to download but that was when i saw the mistake and immidiately wrote the change order.
is there a way i can order the PFRPG version print copy without the PDF? if not, i might as well cancel the the add on since i cant run the add on without the main book.
let me know my options
Hey, i screwed up. i wanted the PFRPG version and not the Swords & Wizardry version. I chose the wrong one. could you swap the two? I have no use for the non-Pathfinder version
Order # 2910983
thanks in advance
I have always been fascinated by Kaer Maga and cant wait for more. Death's heretic was a blast so this is a pleasant two-for.
Erik Keith wrote: You should be able to check your My Subscriptions page to confirm the Limited Edition 5th Edition Hardcover of Shadowrun is no longer pending to ship to you. We don't charge for physical products until we ship them from our warehouse, and you have not been charged for it.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks!
Thanks Erik!
Can you please cancel this item in my side cart? I cant remember if I pre-paid or not but I cant afford it at this time.
thanks in advance
im leaving in the morning!
Please cancel my player companion subscription. thanks in advance.
Doug Miles wrote: Soliloquies wrote: I'm happy to see the expansion of the PFS area but concerned about the 30% coverage of the exhibit hall. I can only assume they are going to squeeze out the small press gaming industries to make room for Paizo. Is this the case? or will the exhibit hall grow accordingly? A 30% increase over last year, not 30% of the total floor space. I feel MUCH better now. thanks for clarifying
I'm happy to see the expansion of the PFS area but concerned about the 30% coverage of the exhibit hall. I can only assume they are going to squeeze out the small press gaming industries to make room for Paizo. Is this the case? or will the exhibit hall grow accordingly?
[edit] I suppose that the WoTC area is up for grabs in 2013 since they wont have any product but that may be different in 14 & 15.
Cubicle 7 (victoriana) had a kick starter? Or was it another company like Zobek?
I saw this at my LGS in Greenville SC today and was tempted to buy it but i put it back. I leafed through it and wondered if i could ever get my gaming group to play the Victoriana setting. BUT.... tonight (after i left) i sit here and reflect on the fact that i want to run a campaign in the Mana wastes.
while thumbing through this book, i got several ideas that i could bring in to my pathfinder game. I now realize, this is the perfect book to use for steampunk based items where magic may not work exactly right in the Golorian. Also, there is that certain techno faction that may chase after a few of these inventions and provide the perfect incentive for my pathfinder group to go after these first...
So, i signed up to play this at Gencon 2012 and am seriously looking forward to it. I am a long reader of the THOR comic and am wondering if this game will bring the comic to life in RPG format. Will I see Surtur? My review will come sometime in September.
I checked my local B&N today, and the still have it listed to be released on July 10th and weirdly has the author listed as James Suttur. I wonder if there is some blending going on? They wouldn't let me look at the Ingram database. Nevertheless, it is not on the shelves in Atlanta nor Greenville SC
Dragnmoon wrote: The Information page for the project, says it will be available to all that go to the Grand Masquerade Convention in New Orleans, I hope it is not only for people that go to that Con. The POD version is due in Novemeber. if you just want the PDF, it is out now.
Uninvited Ghost wrote: 3rdclass wrote: Why or why not? And please provide references? Yes, Arcane Spell Failure definitely applies to Divine Casters... if they're casting an Arcane Spell. Sorry, no reference. so funny the irony
Sara Marie wrote: Soliloquies wrote: Is there any reason this particular order is still showing pending? My local gaming store has all of these items in stock for sale which usually doesnt happen till after i get my shipment. We had one item listed as "Not Ready for Fulfillment" when it was in fact, ready for fulfillment. We are correcting the error and your order should likely ship within the next day or so. Thanks Sara
Is there any reason this particular order is still showing pending? My local gaming store has all of these items in stock for sale which usually doesnt happen till after i get my shipment.
There was a mention about artifacts showing up in the UE guide during the Paizo 2012 seminar at Gencon.
I am excited about the Runelords update and collected edition. I hope I didnt steal Mona's thunder by getting him to announce this through my question during the semiar.
sieylianna wrote: It's going to be a challenge for HeroLab - not only do they have new factions to add, but they need to make exceptions for variant races and other one-off changes. I talked to the Hero Lab folks about these boons on Saturday and they were unaware of it (seemed to be anyway). I showed him the boon and they said they would need to have contact from Paizo to get any of these changes into their system. Otherwise, i would have to create my character with a bunch of red ink on the screen.
Chris Mortika wrote: sieylianna wrote: Where are the rules for PCs of these races? The ARG won't be out for eight months and I haven't hseen anything about a playtest. We're insructed to use the rules for those races from the Bestiary or Bestiary II.
So far, I've seen: Aasimar, Tiefling, Tengu, Ifrit, Oread, (I presume the other two elemental races) and Dhampyr. I'm curious what other races were available.
(I admit, I was taken aback on Friday when a fellow -- a great player, who knows what he's doing -- sat down at my table with an aasimar PC.) I got an Oread!
Erik Mona wrote: We are going to push for considerably more space next year. A lot of the problem this year had to do with figuring out the new space. I think we could run twice the number of tables next year, but that is going to take a TON of volunteer GMs. I noticed there was an awefull lot of empty, unused space in the old sections of the convention center. Perhaps they can try to utilize it? I would'nt mind the walk.
Should I be worried that I seem to be missing 5 to 6 sessions from my main PC? they were there a week ago and now they are gone. Is this a database rebuild we are experiencing?
voted as well. I have to say I was surprised that neither of the free Paizo RPGday modules didnt make the cut for the Free RPG category at the Ennie awards. Both We be Goblins and Master of the Fallen Fortress deserve mentions.
The MPLS pathfinder society was able to host 4 tables of "We be goblins" today. Two tables at two different locations. Overall rating was extremely positive with new players stating that they will be back for future PFS play. A resounding success.
Both stores had copies to give away along with other goodies and one of them was a competing game publishing company. they really like us there.
Mark Garringer wrote: For those of you not at PaizoCon (like me) or who don't follow @NEONCON on twitter...here you go!
#3 - The Skarni, the Gypsy "mafia" of Varisia.
So, i have heard of the Sczarni as they have appeared in print many times over the last year. is this one different?
Critzible wrote: But hopefully I won't be gaming with him much longer he is slowly creeping into a WoW zombie!! I have to admit that I am a WoW zombie but i still find time to sit behind the screen 3 times a month for a good ole fashion pencil, paper and dice game. :-)
PS, i like the Tengu also. I may find a place for an NPC in Carrion Crown.
Eclipse Phase need a stronger push. great stuff.
Twin Agate Dragons wrote: Soliloquies wrote: Dragnmoon wrote: Soliloquies wrote: Do i only get PDFs of subscription products? Yes :-( I wanted the Magus section in PDf format. The PDF of UM is only $10, well worth the investment for copy and paste capability imo. I agree, i think it is worth it. Expecially now that i can get the pdf's on my Ipad; but had i known, I would have chosen a better discout, free tax and possibly free shipping at another online retailer. I should have looked more into it before doing it this way.
Water under the bridge
Dragnmoon wrote: Soliloquies wrote: Do i only get PDFs of subscription products? Yes :-( I wanted the Magus section in PDf format.
I do not have the PF roleplaying game subscription but orderd the ultimate Magic anyway with the rest of my subscriptions. It shows that it is being shipped with my order but I do not see the associated PDF on the site. Do i only get PDFs of subscription products?
order number #1673297
I cant help but feel extremely happy at this news. Obama will get a second term and we need a huge shout out to the US military as well as the Pakistani officials/people for not preventing the US from doing what they needed to do.
PS, my niece and her husband are in base lockdown at the moment, keep your wits and I will talk to you in the morning.

Theocrat Issak wrote: Spoilers...
I just ran this at our Friday Night PFS game at the local game shop.
The party had a 1st cleric of Sarenrae, 1 Halfling Samurai on a Wolf, 1 fighter and 2 wizard.
I used DougDoug's idea of how loyal to the PFS the PC's were.
During the fight with Vadoma, the party used much of their resources. They went into the fight with the Bard a little under prepared.
Prior to the first round, I hit the summon spell. The next round I hit the fighter with Charm Person. I said to enjoy the show that will be starting soon. Don't worry friends disagree all the time.
While the PC's where still trying to get to me, I hit the Samurai with Charm Person. He saved. So the next round I hit him with Hideous Laughter. 4 rounds. The cleric attempted to parlay and I said I'd go for a short time - giving him ample time to discuss is (much more than the 6seconds of 1 round) but officially only one round. He was of course attempting to get the spell to wear off. During this he did a channel energy, healing the Samurai from some minor damage. On my next turn the Bard again hit the Samurai with Charm Person and succeeded. I even allowed a second save because he's a Ronin and was told to make sure the bard died, saying his faction and society was more important than the life of a traitor. fail.
Now that two of the PC's are out of the fight, it's real easy. I'm able to charm the cleric as well. Now it's just me and the 2nd level wizard. He gets up on the stage and attempts to kill me, with 1hp of damage. I'm not worried.
In the end, the wizard has run to the doors but is blinded from the glitterdust and the rest of the group are my friends.
I tell the PC's that the Bard will now leave to join the Shadow Lodge in another town - that they had better be prepared for the worst.
So the Andoran's failed their mission to kill Pratt, but what about the end mission for the Society? They picked up the papers and such.
I've never had the big bad evil guy win in the end.
Pratt just walked out and 4 hours later, the PC's were...
for me, theres nothing like a good recuring villan. It certainly only beefs up the power of the shadow lodge and builds the anticipation of their eventuall downfall at Gencon if Absolom is successfull in their fight.
Cpt_kirstov wrote: Maze wrote: I am looking for a list of all of the venture captains referenced
in all of the Pathfinder Society adventures, to help out players.
Does such a list exist? If so, where? Maybe on some wiki site?
This isn't a complete list, and doesn't only include PFS scenarios, but This is the wiki category on Venture captains But who is Declan Dreng? I thought it was Drandle Dreng....
Deanoth wrote: I usually give an hour to late people, so the typical start time is 1pm. It also gives a little time in case something comes up too. This is the reason for the 6 hour slot. cool, i know the doors open at 12 and sometimes its hard to start right away.
Deanoth wrote: Do not forget that there is now weekly tables at "the Source" as well. So between Ryan and I... we got PFS going fairly well. The Source is on every Sunday, Noon to 6pm. (Except for Sunday, May 8th... that week there is a Magic Tourney going on). If you are interested... please let Ryan or I know which one or both if you like on what you would like to attend. Or as some mentioned here... there is more stores that can have offerings too :)
Do the games run 6 hours per mod? or do you expect to start late?