Race |
| SP 0/9 HP 9/11 | RP 5/5 | EAC 14 KAC 16 | F +4 R +1 W +1 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3, SM: -1, Darkvision, Scent |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed 25 ft | Resist Sonic 5 | Active conditions: -- |
Gender |
Female LN formian deathtouched soldier (star knight) 1 |
About Solenopsi
SFS Number 230524-708
Experience 0
Slotted Faction
Wealth 1358 Credits
Reputation 0 Fame, 0 Global Reputation
Reputation with Acquisitives:
Reputation with Dataphiles:
Reputation with Exoguardians:
Reputation with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo):
Reputation with Wayfinders:
Deathtouched Soldier (Star Knight) 1
LN Medium monstrous humanoid (formian)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Blindsense (scent) 30 ft, Perc +3, SM -1
EAC 14, KAC16
SP 7 HP 11 RP 5
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1
Resistance Sonic 5
Speed 25 ft. (30 ft. base)
hammerfist +5 (1d4+6, B, analog)
or . . . unarmed attack +5 (1d3+4, P, analog)
pulsecaster rifle +2 (1d6, E, 50 ft, 20/20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 10
Acrobatics +5’
Athletics +8’
Charisma +0
Constitution +2
Dexterity +1
Intelligence +0
Perception +3’
Profession (soldier) +4’
Strength +4
Wisdom -1
@ ACP = -2
Starship-Combat Version of Skills
Pilot +1
Gunner +2
Science Officer +0
Opening Volley
Languages Common, Castrovelian
Other Abilities
Fighting Style (armor storm)
Limited Telepathy: Communicate telepathically with any creature within 30 ft with whom she shares a language.
Natural Weapons: She is always considered armed. She can deal 1d3 lethal piercing damage with unarmed strikes, and those attacks don’t count as archaic. She gains a unique weapon specialization with her natural weapons at 3rd level, allowing her to add 1-1/2 × her character level to her damage rolls for her natural weapons (instead of just adding her character level).
Theme Knowledge (deathtouched): May use Perception to recall knowledge about undead and negative energy effects. Perception in class. +1 Constitution at character creation.
Combat Gear
Other Gear
Bulk 3.1 / 10 Maximum Bulk Industrial Backpack
Special Abilities
Hammer Fist (Ex): Any unarmed attacks she makes while wearing heavy or power armor are treated as being made with a battleglove with an item level equal or lower than her soldier level, and she calculates damage for these attacks as if she had the melee striker gear boost.
Boons Slotted this Adventure
Faction: Acquisitive Champion
Personal: Formian Heritage
Promotional: Shirt Re-Roll