
Soleil'Tawaa's page

No posts. Organized Play character for genesisknight.

Dark Archive

I have 3 questions about item mastery feats:
1. It should be assumed but lets spell it out now... Can you use magic ammo to produce effects?
2. What if you multiclass? Does your base fort save from all classes get used? Thats pretty exploitable...
3. What about temporary magic items? For example can i use occultist legacy weapon ability to produce a suitable item on demand?

Id like answers from officials if i can get em... Please dont debate rules here... Give your opinion and perhaps a rules quote to back it up.

Feel free to nail that faq button!

Dark Archive

If 2 classes grant the same class feature and say their levels stack, what happens when the class feature is gained at a higher level?
For example: aldori swordlord fighter archetype gets defensive parry at 3. Every 4 levels after 3rd it gets +1. aldori swordlord PrC also gets defensive flurry at 3rd and also gets +1 per 4 levels after 3rd.
Do you count the "after 3rd" twice? Does the class feature advance at all until you have it with both classes? Do you just add levels together and then add +1 per 4 after 3rd?
In this case would a 6th level fighter/1 swordlord get +1 at 3rd and 7th?
What happens when the classes give the same feature at different rates? For example one class gives +1 per 4 levels and one gives +1 per 5 levels but the levels stack?
This is for society play so "as your gm calls it" is not a valid answer.
Thanks for any help.

Dark Archive

Firsr things first: is it possible to have specialty armors in barding form? Like celestial armor?
The important part of the subject: can I wear magic armor for my normal druid form and when wildshaped put barding on? Since the armor stops giving AC bonus and melds into the form. Can I wear magic barding or is this a magic item slot conflict? Can I wear nonmagic barding? Does effects like fire resist on the melded armor keep working wild shaped? Would armoring bracers work with magic armor on but melded into my form?
I cant afford the wild shape armor effect to keep armor in other forms, and in the middle of combat sometimes I have to change to cast or use an item. Its a pain having AC 11 in those times...

Dark Archive

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I cant believe I have to ask this... Can somebody quote me a rule defining energy damage? Im simply trying to use my sorcerer elemental bloodline arcana on magic missile and my DM says it only applies to fire cold elec sonic and acid damage.

Dark Archive

Can a monk use a shield cloak and still flurry? What about use 2handed weapons? It doesnt seem like it but that move action is only needed once like readying a shield right?

What kinds of items or feats can amplify my touch attack damage? Not counting metamagics.

Can one use a metamagic rod or other free meta ability on a scroll?

Ring of spell knowledge: does the ring need to consume the written source/be hit by the spell witnessed/have the spell cast into it? Or is it kinda a recorder/roadmap? What kind of action is it to have the ring learn a spell?

Dark Archive

im just wanting to know if the cloak of the manta ray gets the stated numbers of the spell for beast shape 2 and if the natural armor bonus stacks/overrides those of beast shape?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

ok so I was in an encounter with a fairly wide open room and a flying invisible guy. I cast command and used "down". why did my spell not work? he was within range and spoke the language I was using for sure. Im told any spell I attempt to cast on a target I cant see fails. My whole party and some gaming bystanders agreed. Is this right? and if so WHY!?
I want clear definition on what needs line of effect and what needs line of sight.

Grand Lodge

Is it legal to make a potion of flame blade?
What are some other awkward spells that can be potions?
Most damage spells dont need to be named.

Grand Lodge

All these threads on adding spells from another spell list made me wonder...
What would happen if a Savant or Samsaran or even a command word item were to have a troublesome spell like say... Summon Eidolon? For a character that does not otherwise have one? I am sure there are many examples of similar cases where a spell depends on a class feature.
would it not work? would it let you make your own eidolon for a short time? would it summon the creators eidolon? would your GM just look at you quietly and then stab you? maybe and maybe not XD but it will happen sooner or later so I might as well take the heat for it.

Grand Lodge

I am working on an animal shaman and ive asked several people these and no one has an answer.

1: for example a lion shaman gets beast shape III at level 6 when turning into feline creatures. Does this apply to change into magical beasts that are feline? Like sphinx and griffons and manticores and chimerae?

2: taking #1 a bit further, could one change into an elemental lion and get your +2 wild shape levels? I understand one wouldnt get the stat bonuses for both beast shape and elemental body, just elemental body. But which elemental body spell would you use? what level could you start using it?
I think using plant shape like this is a bit too far. Although... are there any plant creatures that could be considered feline?

3: what makes a creature qualify as feline? or ursine? or simian? or canine? There is no type or subtype for these things.

4: what do we base natural attack damage upon? is it as the creature in the bestiary? or is it according to the table for natural attacks by type and size? do we get a modified crit range/damage from a creatures feats or SQs and whatnot?

5: do we get racial skill modifiers and feats of the form? possibly racial traits of humanoids with 1000 faces?

6: If a druid happened to get barding for their wild shape form would it blend into their normal form upon changing back? (the reverse of normal polymorph/equipment rule) Can a druid wild shaped even wear barding? I would assume nothing metal but otherwise do they have proficiency and such?

7: when wild shaping into a tiny or smaller critter, does one effectively get weapon finesse during that form?

Dark Archive

Benefit: Once per round while using Crane Style, when you have at least one hand free and are either fighting defensively or using the total defense action, you can deflect one melee weapon attack that would normally hit you. You expend no action to deflect the attack, but you must be aware of it and not flat-footed. An attack so deflected deals no damage to you.

I had been thinking this allows you to negate 1 melee attack of any kind but a friend pointed out to me that it uses the word "weapon" but it is unclear... does this affect only weapon attacks? Does improved unarmed count as a weapon? What about natural weapons?