Also I think it's rather clear Colette has made up their mind about the Solarian and seemingly only cares about how fast/hard you can kill an enemy, and if they are seriously going to say someone's character build is bad because it doesn't hold up to their arbitrary ideals of a 'good' character, then there's not much point in trying to argue with them.
Played a Solarian tonight in our first session, along with a Soldier, Mechanic, and Mystic. I was the best combatant and was the most useful with skills. I found Black Hole and Supernova extremely useful and the class was very fun to play. So, I think it's a perfectly fine class, and mileage will vary depending on things that you cannot adequately predict simply by math.
Colette Brunel wrote:
And that is acceptable for some.
It may have said Solarian in the class section of the character sheet, but they said it themselves - "My character was thus nothing more than a classless character with a +1 bonus to damage rolls and a measly 1 Resolve Point." Like others have said, it's mostly just a melee soldier-type character built on the chassis of the Solarian.
Redelia wrote: To be blunt, the OP tells us nothing about the Solarian. She didn't play one, she played a soldier built on the Solarian chassis. She had already decided most of a solarians features were useless, so didn't build in a way that used any of them. This is a case of believing something so strongly that the poster made it true. They even say it in their post. "Effectively a classless character". Anything can be terrible if you believe it enough/go out of your way to make it that way to support an argument. I also just have a hard time with people saying a class sucks because they don't steamroll combats, when RPGs are more than just combat, and especially if you're ignoring class features and trying to make a lite version of another class.
What was the RP like? Did you have any interesting story developments with another character asking where your powers come from or how you view the Cycle? Or if you ever adhere to it? Or is the primary concern for combat and not the loads of interesting story and RP that can come from playing a Solarian? |