
Snorey's page

30 posts. Alias of Tim Bürgers.

Hey there,

we begin the hell`s vengeance adventure path soon.

Which evil-only character options (feats, spells, class Features...) do you suggest? They should obviously be reasonably useful.

I usually like to play very versatile, generalist-characters like wizards, alchemists and investigators. I don`t like melee much and want to shine in the less violent situations.

Thanks for suggestions.

Hey there,

we begin the hell`s vengeance adventure path soon.

Which evil-only character options (feats, spells, class Features...) do you suggest? They should obviously be reasonably useful.

I usually like to play very versatile, generalist-characters like wizards, alchemists and investigators. I don`t like melee much and want to shine in the less violent situations.

Thanks for suggestions.

Hey there -

I have a question concerning

Touch of the Moon:

Touch of the Moon (Su): The exact effects of this revelation depend on whether you cast inflict or cure spells. If you cast inflict spells, these spells carry with them the taint of madness. Subjects who take damage from your inflict spells are also subject to confusion, as the spell, except the duration of this effect is a number of rounds equal to the level of the inflict spell. The save DC against this effect is 10 + 1/2 your oracle level + your Charisma modifier. Alternatively, if you cast cure spells, these spells are potentially more effective but entirely in the target’s mind. Whenever you cast a cure spell, you can cast it as though it were enhanced with the Empower Spell metamagic feat by expending two spell slots, except these hit points are temporary. This does not increase the level of the spell. Hit points healed this way expire after a number of minutes equal to half your oracle level. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

What, if you take both cure and inflict spells? It doesn't read like it depended on your first Level choice of free cure or inflict spells...

Can you use both effects?


Hey there -

just wanted to make sure if you guys come to the same conclusion as I did:

Draconic Bloodline Arcana gives a spell with a certain descriptor an untyped +1 Bonus on damage per die.

I assume that this increases the damage of all four elements of an Elemental Assessor spell? That's RAW at least... wouldn't break game balance either, because Elemental Assessor is not that good for a level 6 spell...


Hey everybody -

currently, me and my group are running Rise of the Runelords.

I'm quite frustrated with it, because my PCs kill nearly every BBEG in about two rounds, although they are underequipped.

So I'm looking for the most challenging AP.

Which APs are the most difficult in your experience?


Hey there,
I play a lv 10 Psychic in our Jade Regent group. Now another player enters an oracle. I suggested to coordinate the spell selection a bit, because both of us have few spells known so some things are sufficient when only one of us can cast them.

- Which spells do you think are worth taking only once, which twice?
- Are there any useful combinations between the two classes' spell lists?
- other aspects to consider?


Hey there -

in a Psychic Asylum you have 15 minutes of purely mental time. Since psychic magic is a purely mental Action - can you cast spells in your Psychic Asylum?

At least Things that only affect your own mind like Heroism or Heightened Awareness?


Hey there -

is there a list of useful feats for animal companions that can only be taken with INT 3? (example big cat)

I had a look at the list of the ones you can take with INT 2


Acrobatic, Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (light, medium, and heavy), Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Overrun, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Skill Focus, Spring Attack, Stealthy, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, and Weapon Focus

and it seemed already pretty good to me, so that I'm tempted to just put the ability points into the (odd numbered) physical abilities.

Thx all :-)

Hello there,

I play a chaotic neutral Oracle with an animal companion. Because I am going to take Animate Dead I wanted to ask if there are any downsides on using the animal an some Skeletons together.

Animal panics because of unnatural creatures around? Is there a Thing as an "get along with undead"-trick?

THX all

Hello there -

I play an arcanist (School savant) in our current homebrew campaign.

What do you guys think are the best Divination-spells at each Level? Because the Divination-School powers are so good, I want to try to make the best out of divinations mediocre spells.

We use everything from paizo, but no third party content.
Here is my current list of favorites:

1: Heightened Awareness
2: Locate Object (Tactical Acumen from Lv 10 up)
3: Harrowing (still unsure on this one)
4: Arcane Eye
5: Prying Eyes (again, unsure...)
6: True Seeing
7: Greater Scrying, Greater Insect Spies?
8: Moment of Prescience
9: Foresight

Thanks for your opinions!

Hello there,

is the following possible?

Wizard awakes downtime-morning. Wizard prepares fabricate. Goes to the market, buys a ton of alchemy supplies. Casts Fabricate and crafts 10 cubic-feet per Level. (which is a lot of... say... Antitoxin...)

...or is it still limited by the craft-check like when you craft items the normal way? (Check result x DC silver pieces)


Hello everybody,

although it seems quite unlikely, we are looking for players for our newly founded Pathfinder-Group in Frankfurt.

We play in German language and meet about twice per month.

Hey there,

From what I understand, WotR is considered to easy from book 4 on by most people here.

I really like mythic and dm it nevertheless. What could be a quick and viable solution to make WotR an adequate challenge?

What do you think of this approach?

I'd just double each mythic foe's hp and it can spend 1 MP to use Arcane Surge (with its SLAs also) or to make an additional attack like the champions feature (don't know the right now).

A charge over difficult terrain isn't possible.

What if someone charges and an enemy creates difficult terrain right in his path?

Would that...

a) ...make the charger lose his full-round action?
b) ...force the charger to take another action with his full round unspent although he already moved a few feet?
c) ...take away a move action and force the charger to pick a standard action?


An Outer Rifts-Oracle uses "Unearthly Terrain" to interrupt a charging Orc Warrior. The Orc has to stop right in front of the now difficult terrain and what then?

Thank you all.

Hey everybody,

I need a high level witch spell storage.

One of my players plays a witch and quests for a high-level mentor to learn spells from.

I intend the spell-storage to go up to level nine, but it shouldn`t be all encompassing, because I want the player to "trade" spells with the going-to-be npc-witch.

One fun method for getting such a list would be a real witch one of you plays. Just post your spells here.

Thanks a lot.


we want to start a new Eberron Campaign, using DnD 4.

If you are interested, please create a character using the following guidelines:

* Standard point buy (22 points, one ability starts at 8, others at 10)
* you may choose a background and a theme
* choose dragonmarks only, if you are of the apropriate race (mark of healing only for halflings, mark of warding only for dwarves and so on)
* try to create a character, that fills in a role the party needs (esp. leaders and defenders)
* 100 gold pieces starting wealth
* please try to find a good middleground between optimization and roleplaying - killing the boss monsters in a single round is all nice and good, but it tends to scare DMs off... :-)
* recruitment is open until all five places are occupied, but at least for the next seven days from now on.

We have five places in the party, two of which are already occupied.

Group so far:

Controller: Human Druid (Primal Guardian)
Striker: Human Rogue (Brutal Scoundrel)

I will be your DM for the first small adventure that starts in the city of Sharn. After that, sunshadow will take over.

Hello everybody,

I'd like to play some DnD 4 online. I would be willing to DM as well, but at the moment I'm the DM in two online- and various table-games, which already cover a big part of my time.

I tried to get connected on the Wizards-site, too, but there seems to be by far less PBPing than here.

So: Who is generally interested in a DnD 4 game?

Who might be willing to DM?

Here is the Discussion-Thread.

Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to rely on itself to solve its problems. Meanwhile, the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common folk for every last copper, deaf to their pleas. Now the hacking coughs of the sick are heard throughout town. The plague has come to Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders can’t be bothered to stop it.

Here is our gameplay-thread. Let´s assume, that each one of you has a relative or friend in Falcon´s Hollow, that suffers from blacksour, a disease that appeared recently. You traveled there to find a cure for your friend/relative and right now visit a herbalist-store named "Roots and Remedies". Just create your own hook to get things going...

Creeping ivy and full window boxes cover the façade of the rugged-looking, two-story shop bearing the faded sign “Roots and Remedies.” A line of twenty-some somber townsfolk—some with pale, wheezing children, others seeming to be precipitously near tears—stretches from the open door.

Hey there everybody,

I wonder if there are enough fellow-gamers out there to start an episodic pbp-campaign with Pathfinder-Modules.

Because DMs are a rare resource, I suggest taking turns at DMing. Everyone who wants to play has to DM one Pathfinder Module. This way, everyone can play and everyone provides something to play for the others.

The DM´s character can just run along with the other characters during "his" Module.

The thing I most like at this idea is the fact, that nobody needs to be "selected". We would just divide all interested players even on as many parties as necessary.

I would DM the first adventure for "my group" myself.

What do you think?

Toilday, 13th of Abadius, 4711 AR

For a short precious moment, the handful of awakening figures didn´t realize, just how bad their hangover really was. Then, the headache made its way through the drowsiness. And with it came its good friends vertigo and nausea.

No game effect, just flavor.

The slight rocking motion of the dirty wooden floor beneath them didn´t make it any better, of course.

Just the moment after some of those pitiable creatures sat up, the light of a lantern speared their eyes painfully. A loud cry hit their heads like a wave crashes on the shore:

“Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!”

In the light of a lantern, a gaunt and sneering man appeared. His heavy coat and boots fail to give him the looks of strength or bulk. The black, braided beard around his mouth emphasizes the blinking, golden teeth in his mouth. He is accompanied by six able-bodied brutes wielding saps.

Welcome to Skulls and Shackles! Feel free to use this thread to discuss everything about the game that is not in-character.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hello there -

half-orcs get +1/2 point of damage on fire spells as their favored class bonus. With spells like fireball this works pretty simple: Each target taktes the bonus damage.

But what about scorching ray? What about snapdragon fireworks? What about wall of fire?

...and what about that Elemental Spell (Fire)-modified Ball Lightning? ...Acid Arrow?

Does the bonus apply only once? Otherwise, half-orcs could be the new DPR-champion out there...

Thanks for your help!

Hey there,

can I activate the weapon master power from the war domain while I´m in a barbarian rage?

Thanx for help!

Hello everybody,

is the lv 1 domain power of the madness domain mind-affecting?

On the one hand I guess it should be. On the other hand are there a lot of stories, adventures etc. with mad creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects. For example the stereotypical mad lich.

Maybe it just works on creatures with an intelligence score, so zombies would be immune and vampires not.

Thanks for your advice!

Hey there,

I´m new at PCGen. I just tried to recreate my existing character with it.

How can I apply enhancement-boni to weapons and armor?

Thank you.

Hey there,

does anybody know (and please tell me ^^) when Ultimate Combat is added to the Reference Document?

It would be great because copy and paste from the PDF is not quite user-friendly.


Hey there,

I can´t decide which bonus feats I want to take for my destined-sorcerer.

I don´t want to take leadership, because running a second "character" seems annoying.

What about maximize spell? Is there any possibility to make good use of this feat? I nearly always prefer just a spell of a higher level to maximized variables of a spell three levels lower.

Currently I would go for weapon focus (ray) at level 7, lightning reflexes at level 13 and endurance at level 19. But I am not quite happy with that.


Hey there,

can I clone my familiar? And if yes, will that save a witch´s stored spells?

I would say yes, because the soul is transfered and it is called a "replacement" in the spell description.

Thank you.

Hey there,

everyone knows them, not everybody loves them: Systems to distribute XP for good or bad roleplaying.

What approaches do you use?

- No XP rewards for good roleplaying because everyone at the table should be mature enough to roleplay just for the sake of roleplay?

- Reward good players, penalize bad players? How much? How do your players react?

- Reward only good players - bad players get only XP for encounters?

- Give other rewards for good roleplaying?

Let me know!

Thank you!

Hey there,

recently, my character died and I decided to try something new. My DM let me built a new character. I really love the witch class and tried making an urban "voodoo"-priest. He gets his powers from the destructice aspect of Gozreh (Elements-Patron).

Now, I always tried to make compromises between flavor and usefulness and I like to plan ahead. This is the point were I stand at the moment:

- Human Fighter (Shield, Scimitar, Tank-Type)
- Tiefling Wizard/Rogue (going for Two-Weapon-Fighting and Arcane Trickster)
- Life-Oracle (the total healing-madness)


1 - Spell Focus (Necromancy) - obvious reasons
1 - Greater Spell Focus
3 - Improved Familiar (Resolute Raven, makes it a bit hardier, because I like him to deliver touch spells and scout ahead of the party)
5 - Craft Wand (not quite sure about this, seems a pretty good choice because it compensates for the witch´s relatively small number of spells per day)
7 - Quick Draw (for metamagic rods, so I can cackle, cast and pick the rod I want to use)
9 - Craft Rod
11 - Split Hex (this is a nearly must-have, isn´t it?)
13 - Accursed Hex (because I like to use Misfortune very often)
15 - Ability Focus (Misfortune)
17 - Heighten Spell (Blindness and Bestow Curse can be great spells, even on Level 17)
19 - Split Major Hex


1 - Misfortune
2 - Fortune
4 - Cackle
6 - Prehensile Hair (I have Str 6 and need it to compensate this: touch spells, lifting objects, breaking doors...)
8 - Ward ( to make my familiar even hardier)
10 - Ice Tomb (it fits the Gozreh-theme)
12 - Waxen Image (not really THAT good, but perfect for the voodoo-theme)
14 - Hag´s Eye (I´m also not sure about this)
16 - Summon Spirit (to my mind also not the best grand hex one can have, but perfect for the voodoo-theme)
18 - Dire Prophecy (not sure)

I took none of the Healing-Hexes, because I serve the "destructive" Side of Gozreh and the Oracle heals more than enough for our party.

Ability-Scores (middle-aged): Str 6, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 24 (with item), Wis 15, Cha 8

Thank you for your highly appreciated advice!

Hello there,

since the release of the Corerulebook, item creation costs only 50% of the market price and no xp.

Suppose the fighter "orders" a magic item and the wizard creates it (successfully). How do you split the "generated" financial advantage?

In our current group we have two points of view:

The player who nearly always plays warriors states, that he wants the items for 50%, because item creation is not meant to be a "money-generating-machine" for spellcasters. Also, he says, that his fighter doesn´t take money, when he uses his abilities to defend the spellcaster.

The guy who always plays spellcasters wants 75% of market price. He says that he effectively "looses" a feat when he takes an item creation feat. He could use this extra feat for things like Dodge or Toughness, which would improve his chance of survival in combat. So he wants to use the profit to invest in better magic equipment to compensate for the "lost" feat.

Which one is "right"? What methods do you use to split the item creation-profits?

Thank you for posting your most appreciated opinions! :-)

Hello everybody,

does "Quick Draw" work for rods?

For convenience, here is the actual rules-text concerning Quick Draw:

Quick Draw (Combat)
You can draw weapons faster than most.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action.

A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow).

Alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this feat.

Normal: Without this feat, you may draw a weapon as a move action, or (if your base attack bonus is +1 or higher) as a free action as part of movement. Without this feat, you can draw a hidden weapon as a standard action.

The entry mentions, that Quick Draw doesn´t work with wands. But Rods are sometimes weapons, too (like the Rod of the Python).

I play a witch and I want to take Quick Draw, so I could do the following:

- take a "quiver" full of metamagic rods
- cast unseen servant
- draw a metamagic rod in combat using Quick Draw
- cast a spell, cackle to prolong hexes
- if I already hold a rod and need a different one, I would drop the first one as a free action
- unseen servant tidies up and puts all dropped rods back in the quiver

What do you think? Would that work?

Thanx everybody!

Hello everyone,

for the Kingmaker-AP I plan to play an elf transmuter.

I have a few questions concerning the change shape school power:

(1): What kind of action is it to use change shape? Because it is a SLA, I guess it is a standard action. But the duration is only rounds per day. Because this is quite short, it would make more sense to me if it would be a swift action.

(2): Do I have to dismiss it as a standard action, if I don´t want to spend all my rounds per day at once?

(3): When exactly does a duration of one round end? At the end of my next turn, like in fourth edition?

Thank you for helping. :-)

Hello everybody,

I created a construct-themed bloodline. Maybe you have some advice for me to improve it. At the moment, it is not play-tested.

Construct Bloodline

One of your ancestors dabbled in construct-magic and infused your body with its essence. Or maybe you were captured by some insane mage who made you into the creature you are today.

Class Skill: Knowledge (engineering)

Bonus Spells: mage armor (3rd), make whole (5th), slow (7th), stoneskin (9th), major creation (11th), wall of iron (13th), statue (15th), iron body (17th), crushing hand (19th)

Bonus Feats: Light Armor Proficiency, Endurance, Improved Unarmed Strike, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Toughness, Craft Construct, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge engineering)

Bloodline Arcana: You can use daze monster, hold monster, charm monster and dominate monster on constructs as if they were not immune to mind-affecting spells and effects.

Bloodline Powers: Fists of Steel (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you can transform your fists into stone or iron as a free action. Your fists are then treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two slam attacks using your full base attack bonus. Each of these attacks deals 1d4 points of damage plus your Strength modifier (1d3 if you are Small).
At 5th level, your transformed fists are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 7th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if you are Small).
At 11th level, the damage increases by another step to 1d8 points of damage (1d6 if you are Small). Your transformed fists are considered magic and adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
You can transform your fists for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Skin of the Iron Golem (Ex): At 3rd level you gain fire resistance 10. At 9th level, every time this fire resistance absorbs damage, you heal 1/2 the number of hit points absorbed (maximum 5 hit points healed). This works only for your fire resistance from Skin of the Iron Golem. Fire resistance from different sources works normally.
Poisonous Breath (Su): At 9th level, you gain a breath weapon. This breath weapon poisons each target in a 30-foot cone (1d3 Con damage; 6 rounds; cure 1 save; DC 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier). At 12th level, the Con damage increases to 1d4. At 15th level, the target needs 2 sucessful saves to cure the affliction. At 9th level, you can use your breath weapon once per day. At 17th level, you can use this ability twice per day. At 20th level, you can use this ability three times per day.
Immunity to Magic (Su): At 15th level, you gain spell resistance equal to 10 + your sorcerer level.
Unstoppable (Su): At 20th level, your body finally leaves his weaknesses behind. You gain a +6 inherent bonus to Strength and immunity to all critical hits and precision-based damage.

I´ve made a template to change any humanoid or monstrous humanoid into a chosen of Ghlaunder. It leans on the vampire-template, because in my campaign, Ghlaunder created these wretches from vampires. I´d like to know if you like it.
I used spoiler buttons, because its quite long.


Spawn speak any languages they knew in life.
“Spawn of Ghlaunder” is an acquired template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A spawn of Ghlaunder uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead (augmented humanoid or monstrous humanoid). Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice to d12s.
Speed: Same as the base creature. Spawn of Ghlaunder gain a fly speed equal to their base land speed with good maneuverability. If the base creature has a swim speed, the spawn of Ghlaunder retains the ability to swim and is not vulnerable to immersion in running water (see below).
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +6.
Attack: A spawn of Ghlaunder retains all the attacks of the base creature and also gains a slam attack if it didn’t already have one. If the base creature can use weapons, the spawn of Ghlaunder retains this ability. A creature with natural weapons retains those natural weapons. A spawn of Ghlaunder fighting without weapons uses either its slam attack or its primary natural weapon (if it has any). A spawn of Ghlaunder armed with a weapon uses its slam or a weapon, as it desires.
Full Attack: A spawn of Ghlaunder fighting without weapons uses either its slam attack (see above) or its natural weapons (if it has any). If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack along with a slam or other natural weapon as a natural secondary attack.
Damage: Spawn of Ghlaunders have slam attacks. If the base creature does not have this attack form, use the appropriate damage value from the table below according to the spawn of Ghlaunder’s size. Creatures that have other kinds of natural weapons retain their old damage values or use the appropriate value from the table below, whichever is better.
Size Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive 1d2
Tiny 1d3
Small 1d4
Medium 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 2d6
Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6
Special Attacks: A spawn of Ghlaunder retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 spawn of Ghlaunder’s HD + spawn of Ghlaunder’s Cha modifier unless noted otherwise.
Blood Drain (Ex): A spawn of Ghlaunder can suck blood from a living victim with its stinger by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On each such successful attack, the spawn of Ghlaunder gains 5 temporary hit points.
Children of the Mosquito (Su): Spawns of Ghlaunder command the lesser vermin of the world and once per day can call forth 1d4+1 bat swarms or a swarm of 4d6 stirges as a standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the spawn of Ghlaunder for up to 1 hour.
Gaze of Malaria (Su): A spawn of Ghlaunder can insomniate a single chosen opponent just by making special sounds with his wings. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the spawn of Ghlaunder must use a standard action, and deaf creatures are not affected. Anyone the spawn of Ghlaunder targets must succeed on a Will save or fall asleep instantly as though by a sleep spell (caster level 12th), except there is no chance of awakening and the duration is unlimited. The ability has a range of 30 feet. A remove curse-, break enchantment- or heal-spell can awaken the target.
Lay Eggs (Su): When a spawn of Ghlaunder drinks 5 points worth of Constitution, it can spend them to produce a single egg within 1d4 days. Within another 1d4 days, 2d6 stirges emerge from the egg. A spawn of Ghlaunder can spend 10 points worth of Constitution to transform any humanoid or monstrous humanoid into a spawn of ghlaunder.
In either case, the new spawn of Ghlaunder or the stirges are under the command of the spawn of Ghlaunder that created it and remain enslaved until their master’s destruction. At any given time a spawn of Ghlaunder may have enslaved spawn or stirges totaling no more than twice its own Hit Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are created as free-willed spawn of Ghlaunders or stirges. A spawn of Ghlaunder that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn or stirges of its own, so a master spawn of Ghlaunder can control a number of lesser spawn of Ghlaunders or stirges in this fashion. A spawn of Ghlaunder may voluntarily free an enslaved spawn or stirge in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a spawn of Ghlaunder or spawn of Ghlaunder or stirge cannot be enslaved again.
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a spawn of Ghlaunder’s slam attack (or any other natural weapon the spawn of Ghlaunder might possess) gain one negative level. For each negative level bestowed, the spawn of Ghlaunder gains 5 temporary hit points. A spawn of Ghlaunder can use its energy drain ability once per round.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a spawn of Ghlaunder hits a creature with its slam attack, it can start a grapple as a free action. If it gets hold, it can try to drain blood the next round. A spawn of Ghlaunder gets a racial bonus of +2 on grapple-checks.
Special Qualities: A spawn of Ghlaunder retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below.
Alternate Form (Su): A spawn of Ghlaunder can assume the shape of a stirge as a standard action. This ability is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level character, except that the spawn of Ghlaunder does not regain hit points for changing form and must choose from among the forms mentioned here. While in its alternate form, the spawn of Ghlaunder loses its natural slam attack and gaze of malaria ability, but it gains the natural weapons and extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain in that form until it assumes another or until the next sunrise.
Damage Reduction (Su): A spawn of Ghlaunder has damage reduction 10/good or law. A spawn of Ghlaunder’s natural weapons are treated as chaotic, evil and magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Fast Healing (Ex): A spawn of Ghlaunder heals 5 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, it automatically assumes amorphous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its nest within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a spawn of Ghlaunder forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its nest, a spawn of Ghlaunder is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit points per round.
Amorphous Form (Su): As a standard action, a spawn of Ghlaunder can assume amorphous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can remain amorphous indefinitely and has a swim speed equal to its base land speed. A spawn of Ghlaunder in this form is immune to immersion in running water.
Resistances (Ex): A spawn of Ghlaunder has resistance to acid 10 and sonic 10.
Spider Climb (Ex): A spawn of Ghlaunder can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A spawn of Ghlaunder has +4 turn resistance.
Scent (Ex): A spawn of Ghlaunder gains the scent special quality. It can track by smell.
Contagion (Sp): A spawn of Ghlaunder can infect a creature with disease with a touch, just like the contagion-spell (caster level equals HD), except the save-DC is 10 + 1/2 spawn of Ghlaunder’s HD + spawn of Ghlaunder’s Cha modifier. It can use this ability three times per day.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +6, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4. As an undead creature, a spawn of Ghlaunder has no Constitution score.
Skills: Spawns of Ghlaunder have a +8 racial bonus on Jump, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Survival, and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the base creature.
Feats: Spawns of Ghlaunder gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Track and Lightning Reflexes, assuming the base creature meets the prerequisites and doesn’t already have these feats.
Environment: Any, usually same as base creature.
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3–5), or troupe (1–2 plus 5-30 stirges)
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.
Treasure: Double standard.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +8.

Spawn of Ghlaunder Weaknesses
For all their power, spawn of Ghlaunders have a number of weaknesses.
Repelling a Spawn of Ghlaunder: Spawn of Ghlaunders cannot tolerate a thick layer of mud on the skin and strong odors of several herbs and will not enter an area laced with it. Similarly, they recoil from a strongly presented holy symbol of Desna. These things don’t harm the spawn of Ghlaunder—they merely keep it at bay. A recoiling spawn of Ghlaunder must stay at least 5 feet away from a creature holding the holy symbol and cannot touch or make melee attacks against the creature holding the item for the rest of the encounter. Holding a spawn of Ghlaunder at bay takes a standard action.
Attracted by bright light: A spawn of Ghlaunder cannot willingly move away from a bright, artificial source of light, such as a daylight-spell.
Slaying a Spawn of Ghlaunder: Reducing a spawn of Ghlaunder’s hit points to 0 or lower incapacitates it but doesn’t always destroy it (see the note on fast healing). However, certain attacks can slay spawn of Ghlaunders. Immersing a spawn of Ghlaunder in running water robs it of one-third of its hit points each round until it is destroyed at the end of the third round of immersion. Another popular tactic is to cut off the creature’s head and fill its mouth with holy wafers (or their equivalent).

Spawn of Ghlaunder Characters
Spawn of Ghlaunders are always chaotic evil, which causes characters of certain classes to lose some class abilities. In addition, certain classes take additional penalties.
Clerics: Spawn of Ghlaunder clerics lose their ability to turn undead but gain the ability to rebuke undead. This ability does not affect the spawn of Ghlaunder’s controller or any other spawn of Ghlaunders that a master controls. A spawn of Ghlaunder cleric has access to two of the following domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Evil.
Sorcerers and Wizards: Spawn of Ghlaunder sorcerers and wizards retain their class abilities, but if a character has a familiar other than a rat or bat, the link between them is broken, and the familiar shuns its former companion. The character can summon another familiar, but it must be a stirge or bat.

Hey there helpful Pathfinder-Community,

one of my players plays a wizard and I want to let him find Mammy´s spellbook in "The Hook Mountain Massacre". I do not have much experience playing wizards so I would be very glad if somebody could design the spellbook for me and post it here. Maybe you could also use spells, which are not SRD but within books like "spell compendium" or "complete mage".


In many Pathfinder-Modules and Adventure Paths are references to the Tome of Horrors. Can I buy it anywhere as an e-book? I cannot find it at

Thank you for helping!

I will start running my group through "Hook Mountain Massacre" in a few days. Because there are no paper minis for the opponents in this adventure, I plan on using the artwork from the book as proxy.

Can I download the pictures from the adventure paths anywhere? I only own the printed issue (which I bought at a local store), therefore I cannot just copy and paste the pics from the pdf.
