Jemet Winderbole

Snickersnack's page

Organized Play Member. 117 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

So I'm going to persuade my friends to join me in this legen- wait for it-dary adventure. I need some help figuring out some characters though. I've already got a few figured out:

Barney Stinson (can also be played as a female named Sue Top) - rogue
Ted Mosby - bard
Marshall Eriksen - paladin/druid (make an alignment exception)

The two I need help with:
Robin Scherbatsky - barbarian, monk, something else?
Lilly Eriksen - cleric? I have no idea

I love playing rogues and I'm going to have so much fun playing the deceitful, master of disguise, slight-of-hand expert, web-spinner, Barney Stinson. His high charisma is going to be great with all of his innuendos, jokes, and catch phrases. Please, I just need help with Lilly and Robin. I don't want to get them wrong.

I am planning on making the character mostly monk while only dipping in to inquisitor to a max of 8 levels. Relying completely on dexterity, wisdom, and constitution, my stats would be as follows (at level 1):

Str 8 -2 6
Dex 16 +2 18
Con 10 0 10
Int 12 0 12
Wis 16 +2 18
Cha 10 0 10

I'd pick teamwork feats that are applicable to dealing damage or using the stealth of an ally. The role of the character would be a grappler and melee damage of sorts with decent bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate.

No armor is worn thanks to sensei monk. No str is needed for attack rolls thanks to sensei monk. Would be looking forward to things like "Enlarge Person" and "Crown of Swords" ( n-of-swords)

Any suggestions on further advancing the character's versatility and lethality?

I am thinking about making a halfling rogue (love them) but changing how I play him this time. I'm not thinking about playing some trapfinding maxdex master of subterfuge, but rather a little more on the spy/assassin side without taking the assassin class (since you have to be evil).

General idea for stats at 1st lvl:
Intel ~18
Cha ~16
Dex ~14

As I level him up I'd be putting extra points into Dex and leave the other two as is. Would also favor Wis before Con, Con before Str. Would look into getting items to add to those stats but wouldn't be my main goal.

The idea behind this rogue, as a knifemaster, is that as a small, charasmatic, childlike character I would be dealing d8 for my sneak damage, which truly is sneaky. Not only that, concealing daggers gives you a +2 to your Sleight of Hand check. Being small already gives you a +2 to sneak, but I might not be doing that as much as using disguise when playing.

Halfling Racial Traits to exchange:
Drop "Halfling Luck" and get "Adaptable Luck"
Drop "Sure-Footed" and get "Shiftless"

Rogue Talents:
Deft Palm
Fast Getaway
Offensive Defense
Stealth Stunt
Fast Stealth

Advanced Talents:
Honest Lies
Hidden Flight
Combat Escapist

Feats to take:
Quick Draw
Pass for Human
Weapon Finesse
Skill Focus (Bluff, Disguise, Diplomacy)

The idea behind the character is to go totally unnoticed as an enemy during roleplaying encounters, and if combat is going to be necessary, you get to hit first with MAX SNEAK DAMAGE using d8s instead of d6s. Involving your entire party in the fight and keeping a fight from breaking out before you charm your opponents is not even hard if you use your imagination. Disguise yourself as a human child, run up to your target crying and screaming with your party waiting to approach. Quickly start bluffing your victim that there are bad men after you and they're going to beat you. You've just won over your victim, and then the rest of your party shows up, apparently to hurt you. Your victim stands between you and your party. He'd never know he was being trapped all along.

This could even be done in town, if done correctly. When the guards show up simply alter the story that your party was the rescuers and they ran to you and saved you from the dead bad guy. There truly are endless possibilities for this character in a stronger RP game than a straight-forward combat campaign.

Now, the question I have is this:
You use diplomacy at the beginning of the round to make someone friendly towards you, you automatically get to draw your hidden dagger and deal a sneak attack (at max dmg thanks to Underhanded) as an immediate action. So far you've used 1 Standard Action and 1 Immediate Action; only a Move Action remains. If you have used Deft Palm any round before, is your dagger still considered concealed after the attack? If not, is there something that can reduce making a Sleight of Hand check to conceal something to a Move Action?

Can they be done all at the same time? Stealth is usually part of a move action, except in the case of sniping, but supernatural abilities (generally) take up a standard action (unless otherwise specified in the ability) and Shot on the Run is a full-round action. I'd like to think it can be done, or should be able to be done, but I'm unsure and would like some guidance.

My DM seems to think that Darkvision negates the ability for a Shadowdancer to use Hide in Plain Sight because in stealth you are required to either have cover or concealment. He is consistent on the fact that one or the other are required to use stealth unless SPECIFICALLY stated otherwise, in which case it doesn't for shadowdancers. It instead says you do not need cover, can hide while being observed, yet he still insists I need concealment from darkvision.

My DM is incredibly thick. I have used quotes and the like straight form the book yet this is what I still get back from him:

"Hide in Plain Sight (Su): A shadowdancer can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, a shadowdancer can hide herself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. She cannot, however, hide in her own shadow.

Here is what you are talking about. Note that it still says even while being observed….as long as you are within 10 feet area of dim light (ie shadows, darkness, CONCEALMENT). The next part is very important. There is a subtle distinction that you are missing. “Hide behind” means to use cover to hide. It says right in the Stealth skill that you can use cover or concealment. This is just saying that the Shadowdancer needs only a bit of shadow to CONCEAL themselves.

Copied and pasted from Pathfinder Core Rulebook Stealth skill:

If people are observing you using any of their senses (but typically sight), you can’t use Stealth. Against most creatures, finding cover or concealment allows you to use Stealth. If your observers are momentarily distracted (such as by a Bluff check), you can attempt to use Stealth. While the others turn their attention from you, you can attempt a Stealth check if you can get to an unobserved place of some kind. This check, however, is made at a –10 penalty because you have to move fast.

Above is the reference to concealment and the Stealth skill.

Copied and pasted from Pathfinder Core Rulebook page 197

Concealment and Stealth Checks: You can use concealment to make a Stealth check. Without concealment, you usually need cover to make a Stealth check.

Ignoring Concealment: Concealment isn’t always effective. An area of dim lighting or darkness doesn’t provide any concealment against an opponent with darkvision.

This means that you must always have either concealment or cover to use Stealth. If you are using shadows and/or darkness as concealment then it is not effective against opponents with Darkvision.

If you don’t use either of these then it’s not stealth, it’s invisibility."

Now, are there any suggestions as to what I can do in order to get this guy to come back to reality? I'd really like to not have to leave my group because of him and this ordeal.