Samara No'lien wrote:
Madame Solstdat sniffs and wipes her face before picking up the gold coins Mai threw at her, then looks at Samara pleadingly. "So, you people didn't mean to scare me half to death and nearly burn down my shop? What happens to people who you actually are attacking?" She stands up, looking around at the group. "Listen, I didn't tell you this, okay? Nia told me she'd kill me if I said anything, and even though she was always nice to me before, I believed her,because she always seemed kind of… weird, disturbing. I don't know what she wanted with you folks, honest!" She eyes the back door, sidling away from it as she speaks. "She's a sorceress, and she's always dressed in the finest dresses. Blonde, very pretty. Also, she's got six fingers on each hand, so she's not hard to miss if you run into her again." She then wrings her hands, looking suddenly panicked. "Oh no! Do you think she'll come back? Ohhhh! What should I do now?"
Jace Mercier wrote: "Did an acquaintance of mine come in here? Just before us?" "Why, no, m'lord, no-one has graced me for hours until your company arrived," Madame Solstdat says as she follows Jace and Mai back into the shop. "Good! Now that we are out of that filthy alley, let me show you some of the finest . . ." Corbyn Osric wrote:
The shopkeeper squeals and falls to her knees when she spies the looming half-orc. "No, m'lords, m'ladies, please! She TOLD me she'd kill me if I said anything! Please! It's not my fault! I didn't do anything!" she blubbers, obviously terrified.
The agitated woman follows Mai out into the alley, still trying to herd her back into the store. "Oh no, miss, you're going to ruin your fine robe being out here in this filthy alley! Please, don't you speak Common? Come on back in; I shall make some tea for you and your friends while you look at my cloth!" However, there isn't anything out of the ordinary in this alley. Mai: Sense Motive DC10:
The woman is quite obviously more concerned about getting you out of the alley and back into the store than anything else. Mai: Sense Motive DC15:
She is acting as if under some sort of strange influence. Jace Mercier wrote: Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 Spoiler:
Other than not being very well kept, there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary in this store.
Corbyn Osric wrote: Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 Spoiler:
As your fellow Pathfinders move into the store in the company of the shopkeeper, you see a figure with a disturbing air about it emerge quickly from the end of the alley, looking behind itself, before disappearing rapidly down another side street, merging with the crowd of shoppers.
Treppa wrote:
I just noticed that and was going for the edit button when you called me on it, Speedy!
taig wrote: You should post in here more often. :D Only when horrible disasters happen. Give me... five minutes. Treppa wrote: Ohnoes! Happy Recovery? So far, everyone I've showed the hard drive to has just burst into laughter, so I'm assuming not so much. :D Freehold DM wrote: Smashtag, I'm sorry you had a horrible day, but that was one of the funniest stories I've read in some time. Welcome, chummer. Thanks! It was just too amusing to sit on and not share! (Also, horrible week, seeing as I'm still at the store handwriting everything!)
I don't post in FAWTL, but if I did, it would look something like this: [flashback]Two years ago: Smashtag's company: "Hey Smashtag, you're an awesome employee. We want you to go run our satellite store in a different city." Smashtag: "Super cool! I'ma make it shine! One concern though. The store operations server is in a closet. Literally, a closet." Company: "Don't worry about it." [/flashback] Fast forward to last Wednesday: Smashtag: "Doo-dee-doo, going to work, openin' mah store, gonna sell some stuff and make lots o money! Oh hey, 'database connection lost'. Well, lemme go reboot the server!" Server: "BBBBLLLLEEEEAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH HHHHOOOOOTTTT!!!!" *poops its bed and dies* Smashtag: "Oh crap! Well, good thing we were backing up all the data to this OTHER hard drive!" OTHER Hard Drive: "Tee-hee! I'm blank!" Smashtag: "Oh crap! Well, good thing we can re-mount the platters and hopefully recover my database from them!" Ruined Hard Drive: "I'm more warped than Paizo's customer service department!" Seriously, this thing overheated so bad that the entire case had about a 5-degree angle. Smashtag: *mikedrop, peaceout*
Cornielius wrote:
Hey, I don't even post in FAWTL and I still read the whole thread. Man up!
.enabler_ is actually pretty powerful because it makes Sura/Meowselsworth (worst worst case) or Gigus/Rashida (best worst case) impossible. Your specials automatically have a network started that they can trust. Also, the scanners don't have to hit the special itself; they can hit the scanner OR the enabler. This is all balanced by the viruses being able to disable the special by hitting either it or the enabler. So yeah, I totally dig enabler and think it's not powerless at all. Plus, RP! Whoo!
So, assuming you decided to go with all special roles and that we have 16 players again, what would the breakdown look like? 3 debuggers, networked
vs 2 proxies
That is a LOT of networking for the good guys right off the bat. I'd almost say have the bad guys networked from the beginning too, especially since that makes vote records even more of a diagnostic tool, thus putting the in-thread voting in the primary position you want it in.
You know, with all the roles you're envisioning, this could easily end up being a game with no 'vanilla' programs, which 1. could be super awesome for the players because everyone's got something neat to do and 2. take care of Treppa's concern that the vanillapps would be left with no source of info. In that scenario, it would make sense for the enablers to be networked with the program they enable from the start, as they would be the closest thing to un-powered out there. Also, don't mind me. Today's super slow at work so I'm babbling.
Treppa wrote: If no roles are announced at death, how will non-investigative apps acquire any information at all? Decompiler would be key under this scenario. I Win button is getting it investigated and brought into the debugging network. To clarify, decompiler's going to have to publicly announce results for non-investigative apps to get much info, meaning it's going to have to have been proven reliable and protected.
I'm pretty much of the opinion that Lover and Head shouldn't be in the same game. Granted, it's up to chance for the Head to be a Lover, but as we've seen, it's game-breaking when it happens. Without the Head, I actually kind of like the Lover role, as it introduces a third faction and another layer of uncertainty to the game.
Will the enablers and their respective programs start the game knowing each others' identities and able to communicate privately? Also, will the forensics suite be able to determine specific questions (I.E. "did player so-and-so lie about being an enabler?" "Yes, so-and-so lied about being an enabler.")? Alsoalso, dot.
Reads like the debugger gets one scan which is voted on, meaning the virii have to kill multiple networked-from-the-beginning individuals to fully get rid of the scan. So, I'd say that balances out .obfuscated pretty well. Also, I suddenly really want to replay the .hack games. So, if I don't make it into the next game, y'all will know where I be. :)
I vote for retcon and Taraz' PM going in while we still have time to modify posts. :) I understand the point that votes should go in early, lesson learned, but at the same time we're all here to have fun and feeling like you have to camp your computer or die by time zone isn't fun. Besides, the game's pretty well wrapped anyway, so Taraz' death really doesn't do anything but provide some Break the Cutie drama. Edit: I like Cassie's idea below.
Rashida Massri wrote:
Yeah, last night was insane, since Von Zombi's posts take a bit to compose, especially the off the deep end ones. |