About Sledge PottersonSledge Potterson N Hexcrafter Puppetmaster
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Murder Table:
(Training weapon enchantment of combat stamina) Backstory:
What moment makes a man? Sledge never quite got along properly with the other children. It wasn't that he was rude, or looked funny, or even said the wrong things. It was just something about him that was truely... off. All little kids want to be the king in Kings and Vassals, but most recognize unconciously that in order for them to have a turn being king, they must be vassals when it is other children's turn. Not so Sledge. He was either a king, or he wouldn't play. The look in his eyes as he lorded over the other children was slightlly offputting as well. His enjoyment of the game came not from the make-beleive, but the power over others. Needless to say, most people didn't want Sledge playing with their[/b] children, thank you very much. For his part, Sledge was fine with that. It gave him more time to create his artworks. Always interested in the work of his father, the local potter, from an early age he would create sculptures from clay, twigs, stones, anything he could get his hands on. And so the years went by. It wasn't that Sledge was evil, or even bad per-se. He was just selfish. It wasn't that he didn't love other people, he just had difficulty respecting them. Often he was sent to Captain Winslow, with an intent by his parents to beat some sense into their child. He didn't hold it against them, he understood why they did it. Somehow, he managed to snag himself an apprenticeship with Holgast, the mage. Perhaps it was his bookish nature, a way to entertain himself, without peers. The other apprentices noticed, with some alarm, that the only schools of magic Sledge seemed to be particularly interested in were illusion, and enchantment. One day, while twirling a hammer about that he was using to make a sculpture, he tried casting an enchantment absentmindedly. This multitasking proved too much for him, and he hit himself in the head with the hammer, causing his vision to blur, and for him to lose focus on his spell. It came to him in that instant then; the way to power up his magic. Hit them in the head, and it's harder to concentrate on not being enchanted. That discovery was what lead him to return to Winslow, and ask for combat training on his own terms. It seems here that Sledge was destined for an unwholsome fate. An enchanter with little to no regard for other people's autonomy? Who knows what might have happened had Grimscar not been harassing Asina at the tavern. A feeling rushed through Sledge. It was a feeling he wasn't accustomed to experiancing; a feeling that he needed to do something. This was not normal for him, but he found himself standing in front of the half orc, telling him firmly to stop. What surprised him even more was that the blow didn't knock him unconcious. What moment makes a man? That was a few years ago, but Sledge still thinks of that moment every night. He had resigned himself to the fact that he was somewhat cowardly, prone to overthinking, and dangerously ambivilent to other people. What then, caused him to stand up for Asina? Which was the real him? In the years that followed that event, Sledge has tried to find that feeling again. He's opened up more, and started working with townfolk. He's helped his father take care of his infant brother, who killed their mother in childbirth, as well as creating miniatures to sell to help make ends meet. He's even taken up painting, something that was suggested to him by a young lady that caught his fancy, as a way to express himself better. But still, that feeling has never quite come back. Perhaps danger will awaken that feeling in him once again. Perhaps going to the crypt, to retreive the everflame will light more than just the town, but also Sledge's heart. Or perhaps he will be unable to once again rise to that moment of heroisim. He wants so badly to be the sort of man his father, the town, could respect, but his lust for control still gnaws away at him... What moment makes a man? Training Vignette:
"Sledge! What are you doing?" Gretchen hissed. Sledge for his part, didn't turn around, instead slowly closing the door to the cupboard that he had been easing open. Moving away from the old, robed man sleeping by the fire, Sledge beckoned Gretchen to follow him. When they were a good distance away, he replied. "If the old man won't teach me anything, I'll teach it to myself from his notes. We all do it, even you Gretchen." Gretchen flushed slightly with embaressment and anger. "We teach ourselves cantrips Sledge. We practise presti. Maybe if we're feeling particularly adventurous we'll cast an evocation like acid splash. You were going for one of Master Holgast's books of advanced magic!" "Yes." Sledge admitted. It was pointless to lie. "I knew it! What were you looking at this time? Collete says that she saw you looking at dominate person last week!" Sledge was silent, there was nothing really to say. "You're sick, do you know that? The rest of the apprentices want to learn magic so we can help people, help this town! We're going to save people, not... not... turn them into mindslaves!" "Why don't you tell me how you really feel Gretchen?" Sledge's voice was almost monotone, but there was a slightly sarcastic undercurrent to it. Gretchen might have been an insufferable teachers pet, but her words still stung him. Why had he been looking at those spells? They were far beyond him. "Don't you start with me Sledge Potterson!" Gretchen's voice had reached a note that had caused the old man in the chair by the fire to stir in his sleep. This would not do. He put a finger up to his lips. "I will not be quiet! Master Holgast deserves to know what you've been up to, what spells you've been looking at-" Gretchen finally noticed the book that was under Sledge's arm. It had his name on it. It was new, and rather unassuming, but it contained secrets. "What spells were you looking at? What did you steal from Master's spellbooks?" Gretchen had lost all sense of composure at this point. Sledge looked behind him at his mentor, stirring in his sleep, down at the book, that was under his arm, back at Gretchen, and sighed internally. He had hoped it wouldn't come to this. "Color Spray." he said. He lept forward then, to catch Gretchen as she slumped. Master Holgast had said it was important to avoid letting people's heads smash into the ground. "And Memory Lapse." he added. She wouldn't remember exactly what happend right before she fell unconcious anymore. She would still remmeber the arguement, but that couldn't be helped. Now, what to do wth her? The easiest option would have been to drag her to a study room, and leave her in a chair. Then try and create an alabi for what he was doing at the time. But Sledge found that slightly too... distasteful for him. Besides, it was his first time casting that spell on a person, and he wanted to make sure that she would be ok when she woke up. He'd have to stay with her, and then face her wrath when she woke up. What had started as a routine theft of the old man's spells had quickly spiraled out of control. What made it far worse was that he was almost 100% sure that he had made the worst possible choices. |