
Slaadmaster's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I'd be prepared to help with a user-created AP...

I was just wondering, in the Demonskar Legacy there is a sidebar hinting at Nabthatoron's (the glabrezu)home somewhere in the depths of the Demonskar. I wonder if anyone expanded on that as knowing my party (a vengeful lot) they will try to track down the Demon when they get the chance if he escapes. Did anyone expand upon it or have their party interested in it?

How do a minotaur and a dwarf...
Sounds good.

Just wondering, In the Peristaltic tube the rakshasa and the fire giant (in The Test of the Smoking Eye adventure) own a Lantern of Guidance. Where would they have got that from and seen as though the bebilith is dead what would they have had to do to get it?