Skweedul Ratbreff's page

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I'm in a game where all the characters are level 4. We got our classes at random and I got a druid. I was thinking of going Wild Shape, but then it occurred to me I didn't know how my damage would work, as we'll mostly be fighting werewolves. Is there some way low level wild shape druids can work around that DR10/silver? So far, all I could think of is shelling out 36k gold I won't have for many levels for an Amulet of Mighty Fists, or waiting til level 8 and getting Eldritch Claws, or waiting until level 12 when my spell Greater Magic Fang would be able to give me the +3 necessary to overcome the DR.

Is there some other solution I've missed? As it stands with these limitations I'm wondering if I'm stuck going as a druid caster instead.