Captain Castothrane

Skullkrak's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.


The adventure link on the Adventure Card Guild page ( ) fails and redirects you to the paizo home page ( ).

The Adventure Card Guild Store page. Season 5 is missing an image.
( )

The Season 5 page adventure page ( ) has the names for the RPG adventure and says it's not available until 2019 even though the product was available at the beginning of the month of August.


Anyone know when Season 5: Season of Tapestry’s Tides will be available? I saw a forum post where someone had the adventure already but the page seems to have information copied from the Society page and it says it'll be available in 2019? Any clarification or direct links would be helfpful thanks!


Keith Richmond wrote:

I wrote to a certain specification (110 minutes for this, 110 that, 40 this, 40 that kinda thing) and if that's _mostly_ true, just probably not usually at Gen Con, I can maybe just add some guidance in the future for how to handle shortening things that still lets people see the scenarios more fully, while keeping it intact for other conventions.

I am pretty passionate about improving this experience for everyone (as a player _and_ as a designer), so it's great to know this stuff.

In general the Friday night special almost never starts on time and it usually begins with announcements of some kind prior to the event starting. After the ENine awards, the action is paused again for those announcements.

Really, what I wanted to note is that the ACG and RPG don't run at the same pace. Especially since we have to construct and deconstruct decks. At one point after we had transitioned scenarios and rebuilt for the next we only had one round before we were tearing it down and rebuilding again.

It was mentioned earlier in the thread about having the locations for all the scenarios already built and I cannot agree with this more. Ideally, we would have two boxes at each table. One where all the locations have been built from and one for handling game interactions; as I believe having numerous locations already built would tap the resources of a single box.

I was surprised by the photocopies used for the Skulls & Shackles cards and disappointed in their quality.

The "high" tier of the Special was 5. This allowed for characters to be tier 4 or 6. The repercussion of this is that you could not complete any season of the ACG Society and then bring that character to the special. At no point was this information given out prior to being sat at a table.

On the same vein, tables were limited to four players which was also not known prior to the start of the event; this also applies to the Open Tournament. In comparison to the Tournament I would classify the above as inconveniences to how the problems the Open had.

My recommendation here is simply having this information passed along when you sign up for the event. Gen Con sends an email along with each event you sign up for that has the following: "The event organizer wanted to send you the following message." Then including the information (max tier 6, max players 4) in some fashion.

As many others, none of my group was able to get into any Starfinder events for the con. The Starfinder Society: Quest Pack #1:Into the Unknown says in the description that "**Guarenteed seating and an opportunity to complete all quests on the day we launch Starfinder! 1st level characters provided.**"

I assume that means that you can go with generics? Otherwise it seems redundant since having a ticket means a a guaranteed seat. Can anyone clarify that?


Thanks for the replies! The trivia question/password game really surprised me. I thought of one more question.

Can you play in multiple qualifiers?


I'd like to play in the ACG tournament qualifier this year. I was wondering if anyone knew, or could point me to, how points are gained?

Two, how many players do they set at a table? If your below that number are you just assigned to a group that needs teammates?



1. If I want to start with a character, let's say a rogue, I can then use any rogue, but only make my starting deck out of cards from the Character Add-On Deck "Rogue" with the Basic-trait and the "number" B?

Yes, you can use any Rogue you own. From page 8 of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Guide "you can substitute any character card of the same class (along with a matching role and token card) from a base set or Character Add-On Deck"

The second statement is mostly true but you use the following guidelines from the same page as above:
1. Use cards that have the set indicator B and the Basic trait.
2. Use cards that have the set indicator B without the Basic trait.
3. Use cards that have the set indicator 1 and the Basic trait.
4. Use cards that have the set indicator 1 without the Basic trait.
5. Use cards that have the set indicator 2 and the Basic trait.
6. Use cards that have the set indicator 2 without the Basic trait.
…and so on, up to the adventure deck number equal to your current tier.

2. When building locations, you use cards from the Box associated with the Season, but not the cards from the Character Add-On deck?


3. You don't keep Boons you find during a scenario, you get to pick one type of acquired[/b] boon and then draw a card [i]of your choice with the same type from the corresponding Class Deck which?


4. Do I really have to register myself to the Guild website and keep track of everything that happens with an Chronicle Sheet?

No one can force you to report the games you play but without tracking they won't be legal if you ever say take them to a convention for example.

5. There is no one near us who plays PACG, just my girl and I, can't we just 'host' our own events with the two of us at home? I assume yes, but this is more or less the same as question 4.
(It seems so obvious to just download the Seasons and go play..)

Yes you can host your own games at home. "Private Home" is an option as a location when you create the event. Also but creating the event there is the option to make it public so the potential exists to find players that way.

6. I have not downloaded any of the Seasons yet, since they cost a dollar or 4, but I assume the rewards explain for themself? Like; "Deck Upgrade" and "Skill Feat"?

Each scenario has a listed reward. Additional explanations and reward structures are given in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Guide (a free download)