Skrit's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hi everyone,

The Fey Kickstarter just went live! Hope to have your support by backing it and sharing it with your friends! :)

Hi all,

Just a little under three days left (68 hours to be precise!) and I am really grateful for the support I've been getting from you all! I hope that in the remaining we can end as high as posible!

This brings me to a point that had been raised on several occassions and a valid one at that! I have made the mistake to go with 'Flexible Funding' and it seems this has hurt the campaign somewhat. At the time I didn't think much of it to be honest. I thought we would reach the goal so didn't think of the concequences of the possibilty if we didn't reach it! I understand why people might be hesitant to back because they might think when the goal isn't reached they somehow won't get what they paid for!

I can tell you this won't be the case!!! I have found someone really generous who will loan me the difference so I will be able to deliver no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was always the case but at first it might have been the case that it would take just a little longer. The caster has given me a great forecast too so I expect I can deliver very soon after the campaign has ended!

Painted perks! Prices lowered!

I've lowered the prices on the painted perks. I hope this will make them more attractive for people who've been thinking about buying them but couldn't afford them or thought the prices were too high.

Paul Sanderson really is a great painter and a very good man! I cannot thank him enough for being such a great help and friend!!!

Update 5! The arrival of the Hogman!!!

A lot of people have asked me if I can include the Hogman into this campaign and while this was not originally intended (or calculated for that matter!), I have decided to do so! 'Cause quite honestly, we are not going that fast! So I hope this new add-on will gain us more backers and we will still be able to reach our goal. And hopefully a bit more...?!


[img] 86_1714347479_n.jpg[/img]

There's also a double pack at € 23,- and a painted Hogman at € 37,- which is limited to 10!

The Hogman you see above is painted by Paul Sanderson and if you would like to own a Hogman painted by him then you can do so by pledging for one. Remember there are only 10 of these available so if you want one you better be fast before they are gone!

Please help me and share the news but more importantly back! ;)


Tim / Oddity

Hi all,

Not an update per se but I could really use more backers!!! If we go up a bit the following days I might include the Hogman as an add on! ;)

Views here; 758349014&type=3


Update 4! New perks, painted miniatures!!!

I’ve got some pretty exiting news to share with you and that is you can now get the Orc miniatures painted by Paul Sanderson, a very talented and really great painter. He has joined forces with me and agreed to do the painting side of things. This means you now have the chance to have some really good paintjobs to add to your collection!

Paul will work with you to establish your preferred colourscheme and wishes so let’s say if you simply don’t have the time to paint, or are just maybe not that good at it and would like to own some quality artworks then here is your chance!!!

Hi all,

I've had some feedback that people are a bit worried that when they get the Orc Horde perk that they will get the same Orc warriors/poses. I can tell you that you don't have to worry as the arms are interchangeable!!! This means you can get quite some variety and your Horde will look unique and not to mention quite impressive! ;)

Go to Indiegog and search for ORCS! to see the picture! :)

@danielc: Kickstarter wasn't available to me since I am from the Netherlands! :)

Kieviel: sorry to hear but understandable! If you want to help please share to anyone you know that might like them!

More detailed pics on the campaign page btw!



Hello all!

My name is Tim and I am the owner of Oddity Miniatures. My range is still in its start up phase and is still some time away from seeing regular releases. Recently though, I got into contact with Ryan, the owner of Fictive Miniatures. We have reached an agreement that I will be buying the rights to his out of production Orcs!

One problem is that all of my funds are currently tied up in various commissions I have going on with several sculptors. To solve this I am running an Indiegogo campaign in order to fund this project and Ryan has been so kind as to allow me to do so!

With your help I hope to make this campaign a great success!!!
Please visit the link below to check out the campaign!

The demon of gluttony is a depraved entity who takes the body of a deceased human as a host and stills his unsatiable hunger on its hapless victims. His body is unnaturally swollen and ridden with open sores and pestilent wounds while his limbs twist in a way not humanly possible...

This is our second sculpt made by Paul Muller, the Demon of Gluttony. Standing at 25mm to its eyes, based on a 30/32mm armature. If all goes well I hope to start releasing within two months time!

Unfortunatly I cannot post the pics directly here so you'll have to click the link below! ;) 758349014&type=1

Also very usable as a fat zombie!

Thanks for that! I wondered what went wrong! :)

Hi all,

A while back I commissioned my first sculpt from the talented Paul Muller. It's a bad ass Hogman and I thought I'd share! :)

[img] _244484274_n.jpg[/img]

[img] 24_1777898907_n.jpg[/img]

[img] 64_1453210516_n.jpg[/img]

The full album:

[url] 758349014&type=3[/url]

