
Skinnytwig's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts (9 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

Let me try a build:
20 pb- Str 18, dex 10, con 14, int 10, wis 10, cha 14
Bloodrager 1 (arcane bloodline) fey foundling, power attack
Bloodrager 2
Bloodrager 3 furious focus
Bloodrager 4
Bloodrager 5 weapon focus or toughness
Bloodrager 6 improved initiative
Bloodrager 7 vital strike
Bloodrager 8
Paladin 1 (sacred servant) furious focus
Paladin 2
Paladin 3 improved vital strike or greater mercy

Always wanted to be a barbarian and paladin (since maenad is not an available race) and use furious focus. Bloodrager gets enlarge person for the extra damage for vital strike and you can rage cycle using fatigue mercy. I like fey foundling as the more hp (and less AC) you have the more healing drain to the cleric you are. Feats are up to your own liking, but I like the idea of furious focus rage cycling with the added healing.

Level 20 would be bloodrager +3, paladin +5, maybe oracle 1 for lame curse to be immune to fatigue and use greater mercy to better effect. At bloodrager 11 you get the upgraded rage and paladin 8 gets 4d6+8 lay on hands. Additional feats would be raging vitality and maybe more of the vital strike feats.

Scarab Sages

Abraham spalding wrote:

Because I edited before:

Here is the full extent of what I would like to see.

2~3 more spell slots per level maximum. No more spell levels -- this guy isn't generally sophisticated, but he does have a good reserve.

A means of increasing spell damage and DC of offensive magic, particularly when raging. Look people have already agreed that uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge and DR aren't the right path for this guy so replace those with the rampaging spell option I offered earlier. Even if they go charisma lite self buffer a few more points of the occasional magic missile or scorching ray won't hurt.

Perhaps a better return to the original bloodlines. But hey with those other two I can give this one up.

Heard one guy mention using rage rounds to effect spell casting, so maybe that could be your catalyst for higher DC's or damage thresholds.

Scarab Sages

Vandraven wrote:
Adjule wrote:

The bloodrager's magic is murder. Yes. The bloodrager can cast spells. He can cast the deadly lightning bolt if he wants (I think that's on the magus list). But his magic is better utilized in buffing himself up to murder things with his giant greatsword/greataxe/other big 2-hander.

I really, really think saying "The bloodrager uses the first four levels of the magus spell list" was a VERY bad choice. Maybe then, people wouldn't be comparing the bloodrager to the magus. If you want mechanics like the magus, just play a magus.

The Bloodrager get's the magus spell list because it's easier then writing a new list out. The class is made to be the same as a Ranger or Paladin. The Ranger and the Paladin don’t use the Druid or Cleric spell list. They both have their own spells.

I think the Magus Spell list is fine. What I would like to see is the ability to cast a spell as part of a charge action. Maybe have to make a concentration check or lose the spell. Least then you could use the Magus’s more offensive spells without being a copy of the Magus.


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks a spell cast as part of a charge action was a great idea.

Scarab Sages

ciretose wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

PS:I am not saying your point is not valid. The slayer is more likely to do consistently do more damage.

And this is my point, and so far I'm pleased it doesn't overshadow as I feared.

At 10th level you have a +3 to 3 enemies as a swift action, which is actually better than fighter weapon training against those targets. And on top of that you get 3d6 if flanking for an average of +3 to hit and +13.5 to damage, before adding strength, weapon enhancements etc...

That isn't anything to sneeze at, and the talents are more or less a wash with fighter bonus feats.

This is why the skills are fine for me. This is playing with the Fighter and the Barbarian, not with the ranger.

It is less armored than the fighter, but has more skills.
It has less hit points than the barbarian, but has more utility type abilities and isn't dependent on a resource that can run out.

I think it on par for damage with both of them.

Of all the classes, this to me seems the one closest to the mark out of the gate. I wouldn't add much nor do I feel the need to take to much away as the builds I'm seeing aren't overwhelming me so far.

I would enjoy playing this class.

I believe 3 targets would take 2 move actions for 2 targets then a swift action for the 3rd.

Scarab Sages

ArmouredMonk13 wrote:
Skinnytwig wrote:
Rynjin reposted the line in the bloodrage description like 3 posts up.
I know that they qualify for extra rage, but extra rage gives more rounds of rage, not bloodrage. The difference is bloodrage is an SU ability with a different name and a few other changes due to bloodline. It wouldn't give extra rounds of bloodrage RACW(rules as currently written).

If it doesn't work then the there is no point for that line in the first place. You qualify for all rage feats but if you get those feats they won't work at all?

Scarab Sages

ArmouredMonk13 wrote:
I didn't see this get asked (I very well may have missed it in the last 7 pages), but if a Bloodrager took Extra Rage, would he get more rounds of Bloodrage? Should he?

Rynjin reposted the line in the bloodrage description like 3 posts up.

Scarab Sages

I would love to see 3.5 arcane strike as an ability... but I'm OP like that

Scarab Sages

As a Bloodrager I'd rather spend a round of rage killing stuff with my weapon, not casting a spell. It's very much in need of a spell combat lite ability. Maybe as part of going into rage they can cast a personal range spell. Or to avoid rage cycling free spells (at much later levels) make it part of a charge action. Since barbarians want to charge into combat anyways it takes care of that pesky first round "buff and move action" phase. It takes care of a "dead round" where you're not killing things. Plus a Bloodrager doing charge and getting enlarged, or mirror imaged, is pretty intimidating. Just my 2 cents.