
Skank Crunchpot's page

8 posts. Alias of caster4life.


Skank eyes the really big greatswords uncertainly and shakes his head "No use. Can barely lift. Sell good."

Remind me how many +1 vicious greatswords you guys are selling? I'm sure the party recorded it somewhere, right?

Yes as a reminder, if you look in campaign info, you do get 2 background skill ranks with every CR. Does anybody have knowledge geograpy? XD

Skank nods nervously to Sendi when she explains to him what needs to happen.


Skank nods nervously to Tina when she explains to him what needs to happen.

Ok it sounds like you are agreed that the goblins should get to do a little banditry.

Skank eyes Goldslip and cocks his head and states "Oh, um, No. No needles murd."

DC 14 Sense motive:

It looks like Skank isn't entirely sure what "needless murder" means as this is a kind of strange concept to him. But he certainly doesn't want any of the boss monsters to get upset wth him.

Does anyone have K geo to see how well you know the region and can advise the goblins on where to go?

Skank brings a well-expired bird's egg, some raw root vegetables, a live centipede, and a lizard that has been dead at least a week to the library as snacks. There he listens gravely to everything Tina has to say, nodding obediently, occasionally vigorously as well. When she mentions tenfold revenge, he has to take his shoes off for a brief period of mental calculations.

Yes there is a larger town on the regional map and a sizable city. There are also several villages of size similar to Trogsdale not listed on the regional map but I can add them. Little Winging and Eagletown will be added to the map when I get to it but now they're canonical.

With Sendi:

The former king of the goblins, Skank, explains their skepticism to Sendi. "Can't tell if not shiny in there if I don't pull it out and see!" The other goblins nod emphatically, agreeing with this precise logic.

It'll take some kind of social check to keep them from messing with your trap... Also, great trap idea. Where in the dungeon do you want it?

With Tina:

Skank and the goblins start dancing at the talk of rewards "Shinies! Shinies! Shinies!" Then Tina gives them weapons and they cock their heads then lift them and shout "Pokies to get shinies! Pokies to get shinies!" Skank nods happily and turns to Tina. "We take pokies, go get shinies from longshanks."

EVERYONE: The goblins are proposing they go do some banditry in the surrounding area. This will make them happy and they could be persuaded to pay you a cut of the tribute. It will also influence your relationship with intelligent creatures in the surrounding area and could result in angry beings knocking on your door. So everyone should decide together how to respond to that. Maybe Tina calls a meeting? I'd love to see that.

Loving this roleplay with Bob and Tina's secret meat deals. 150 xp.

The goblin leader frowns at the idea of giving the villagers meat instead of stabbing and stealing but he seems willing to comply... for now...

The intimidating Gorthug walks up behind Tina, reinforcing her words. "Ok ok we work for bones people! Nice good wonderful bones people!" The goblin leader cowers before Gorthug, practically kneeling his legs are bent so low. The other goblins nod and bow, slowly backing up.

150 xp for subjugating the goblins.

Well actually, Sevren is just possessed, not dead. XD

Several goblins stand around while the one with the biggest knife, apparently the leader, steps forward. "Cinder dead too now? Good!" The goblins cheer happily. "Good good! Now we in charge of Last Hill! Why you?" The goblins certainly don't seem to recognize Tina's authority.

It'll take something to change their minds.