Most of the gem tables only have a craft DC next to the title but the Greater precious stones has (5,000 gp; craft DC 25). What does the 5,000 gp mean? The information about gems is on page 388 of Ultimate Equipment.
A corrupt king the PCs fought in one of my campaigns didn't have a high enough damage bonus to defeat a summoned bat swarm. The king was a higher CR than the APL because it was supposed to be a boss fight.
The CR for NPCs needs to change. A CR 8 aristocrat is weaker than a CR 4 NPC. Also, the NPC classes are unbalanced. Does anyone know how to find a correct CR for NPCs with NPC classes?
I want more native outsiders, because I like my players to be able to spend gp, which they can't do in other planes, but I like using outsiders. There shouldn't be any more demons or devils because there are so many of them already and they're getting boring.
How about a water dragon. I have never, ever encountered one personally. Wouldn't it be fun to be in an underwater encounter fighting a water dragon? I have never, ever encountered a water dragon in an adventure personally.
Oni and rakshasas should be more common then demons and devils because they're on golarian more and that means they're easier to use in adventures. Bestiary 5 should have a lot of them.
Kaipo Kiaaina has not participated in any online campaigns.