Denizen of Leng

Sixteenbiticon's page

Organized Play Member. 364 posts (1,690 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 31 aliases.

I have had to withdraw my character from an on-going campaign and have requested that the GM remove my character to clean up my campaign page. After searching the internet, neither my old GM or myself can find out how to do this.

Can anyone explain this to me so that I may forward it along to him?

Thank you!

From what I've read it seems to be right up my alley, and while I do realize the player's guide or first book haven't shipped yet, I'm somewhat surprised that I haven't seen any interest check threads yet.


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I know this is rumored to be in the works (or a future project that has yet to be started) and wanted to see what the community would like to see in the game. Would you buy it and at what price point? Should it be kickstarted? Turn-based or RTwP? Where on Golarion would you like it to take place? Etc, etc. There are hundreds of discussion points so I won't list them all.

I know it'll most likely be RTwP, but I would slightly prefer turn-based. I hope the art direction is as close to Pillars of Eternity as possible as I absolutely loved the art direction in that game. To keep it from being too generic, I'd like the game to take place in Nex/Geb/Alkenstar.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and lets get the discussion going.

Sorry for the cheesy tag line, but I felt it was quite fitting. The purpose of this thread is to see if there is anyone out there interested in playing/running the Reign of Winter adventure path. The reasons are twofold:

1. After doing a quick search of the recruitment forum, there hasn't been a (non-mythic) RoW open recruitment in almost a year.

2. According to this thread there are quite a few others who also would love to play Reign of Winter.

So, please feel free to reply and make your voices heard and hopefully together we can get one of the fine GMs on this forum to answer our heartfelt plea.

It doesn't have to be today, or even this week. But hopefully we'll get something going for the betterment of all. Thanks for your time.


Let me preface this by saying that I lack the free time to GM, but I would love to play in a game like this (especially since it starts at 8th level and I've been looking for a game that starts in the mid-level range).

Here is the link in question but I will also post the details below with some slight modifications:

Players wake up with no memory of their personal lives, each wielding a notably powerful item.... The GM creates the general backstory of each player (basing it on their chosen class/race, chosen feats, desired playstyle, and alignment) and withholds said personal backstory from them throughout the campaign. Though, of course, they'll be able to determine some things themselves via their own investigations.

The general idea is that they were a group of seasoned adventurers (they'll be starting at level 8, but obviously this can be modified) who, after a long and arduous journey, made it to their destination. Their prize? A powerful item for each of them. A magic mirror at the heart of their destination dispenses them at the cost of one's "self" (aka, their backstory). They wouldn't have known the cost, of course, until it was too late... And then, poof! The campaign begins. They'll know their name, the world information, and will retain their skills/feats; but they'll have no idea what they were like in the past or what they did or who they knew.

Does this tickle any potential GM's interest?

Our party was originally six members, but just before our game began (Jade Regent) three members had to drop the week we started. The remaining players are:

Human winter witch
Human mindchemist alchemist
Human flying blade swashbuckler

We went ahead with three and the first session was kinda rough with no real melee character. Which character would you suggest switching out and what would you suggest switching them to? Right now we have knowledges and spells covered with the alchemist and witch, and face and damage covered with the swashbuckler... Maybe we'll be alright?

Any and all suggestions welcome!

I want to preface this by saying that we have a very lenient GM who has encouraged us to try to be as powerful as possible because he is running us through a Pathfinderized version of Savage Tide and pulling no punches. Also, I apologize for the psychobabble you're about to read.

Originally, I was going to make an archer using the gestalt class combo of ranger/inquisitor. But the more I think about it, the more I want to try to get a TWF build to work. Here are a few key points:

  • 25 point-buy and stats are capped at 20 after racial.
  • Unlike most APs, Savage Tide goes all the way to level 20.
  • We are using these feat tax house rules which means I don't need to take power attack/piranha strike(GM addition), weapon finesse, or improved two weapon fighting.
  • I really like the thought behind this build and would like to expand upon it.
  • With this class combo I get d10 HPs as well as good in all three saves. That is a synergy I would prefer to keep intact if possible.
  • A keystone teamwork feat I would like to build off of is blades above and below from inner sea races paired with my large animal companion. It is for this reason that I would love to work sneak attacks into my build.
  • For alternate build ideas, I'd really like to stay away from barbarian or monk since they don't fit the flavor of my character (and flavor has to count for something, right?).
  • The rest of the party is an aasimar oradin, a human swash/sorc, and a dwarven musket master/inquisitor.

I apologize for not being as organized as most posters, as I feel like I'm struggling to grasp all of the potential options here. Here are a few points I am undecided on.

  • I can supplement the attack penalty from power attack/piranha strike with favored enemy, bane, and teamwork feats. So... Strength or dex? I feel like I should go strength, simply because I can't get dex to damage with twfing, and I can ignore dex requirements due to combat style feats.
  • Kukri? Shortsword? Something else?
  • If I get animal companion through inquisitor's animal domain, that could free me up to go inquisitor/slayer or inquisitor/rogue. I can also potentially get combat style feats through slayer.
  • Along that same line of thought, is it worth giving up some judgments for studied target/SA in sanctified slayer? If I get SA progression that way, I would stay ranger. Or possibly fighter? Something else?
  • Is this build looking too situational? Blades above and below, bane, favored enemy, sneak attacks... Should I be going for a more consistent approach?

I'm probably forgetting one or fifty things, but I appreciate any help you can give. I understand there are a lot of variables here. Help me make sense of them before I drown in character options.

Our group was, until very recently, gearing up to play the Paizo published adventure path Second Darkness when the GM pulled out in the week prior to our very first session due to family matters. So now, as you may expect, we are scrambling to find a dependable GM to join us on our trek into the Darklands. I want to emphasize dependability, as we are a very consistent and dedicated group of real life and online friends and ideally would like to find a GM who is dedicated as we are. We were planning on playing every Sunday from 8-12PM EST. We may be flexible on this, but we would need to discuss it.

We have characters built and ready to go, and while we all really had our hearts set on playing Second Darkness, we would be willing to try some of the other APs if need be. We will be livestreaming it on twitch, unless you would rather not, and are expecting to get a pretty good following. We would like to set up an interview with you to see if we gel together. As stated, we use Roll20 as well as google hangouts.

I've had this build in my back pocket for a while now (originally located here) and finally have a chance to possibly play it. I'm curious as to how the unchained rogue would alter the build. Let me post the concept and then I will get into the details:

Slayer 12/Rogue (Thug) 5

(1)S1: Weapon Focus (Kukri), Dazzling Display

(2)S2: Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat Style Talent)

(3)R1: Intimidating Prowess

(4)S3: Fearsome Finish (Combat Trick talent)

(5)S4: Killing Flourish


(7)S6. Imp TWF (Combat Style Talent), Violent Display

(8)R2: Disheartening Display (Combat Trick Talent)

(9)R3: Improved Critical (Kukri)

(10)R4: Bleeding Attack Talent

(11)R5: Dastardly Finish


(13)S8: Powerful Sneak Talent, Merciless Butchery


(15)S10: Critical Focus, Assassinate Talent


(17)S12: Gruesome Slaughter, Deadly Sneak Talent

Obviously, the first concern would be the rogue talents as some of them aren't available with unchained so some modifications will need to be made there. I wasn't particularly keen on taking powerful/deadly sneak anyway, so those will certainly need to be replaced. Secondly, the issue of dex to damage. At first I figured I would just ignore it, since this build is primarily based on strength and buffing my intimidate using intimidating prowess. Also, with this planned level progression it wouldn't come into play until level 9. Thirdly, is the consideration of the intimidate skill unlock from rogue (which, again, with this level progression wouldn't come into play until character level 11). I'd probably just ignore it as well, since my feat progression combined with thug basically enables me to do the same thing.

Lastly, in order to save myself some feats (since I am planning on using this build as a non-human) I figured I would take a page out of STR_Ranger's TWF Ranger concept and go with scimitar/kukri using his glove of storing and 2H power attacking with the scimitar for AoOs, charges, etc. My only concern there is I won't have the planned weapon focus from this build and, on the flip side, I won't have the FE bonuses from Ranger, so my to-hit might suffer.

Please, if you have any ideas on how to make this feasible, chime in. Obviously, I've put some thought into this, but I still feel like I have a lot of kinks to iron out in order to make this thing work. Thank you!

I know there was a spike of interest for this AP back when the first two books were released, and now some players are questioning if books 3 and beyond will ever be released, but I am confident that since they delivered on all seven books of WotW, they will come through on ToN.

That being said, I would be very much interested in playing a drow ToN game, since I grew up reading the Drizzt books, but have never had the chance to play in a dark elf-themed tabletop game. Surely I am not the only one interested in this, so voice your thoughts if you're interested as a potential player or GM and hopefully we can get this ball rolling.

Thank you.

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I am in my very early stages of prepping to run this AP and was wondering if any GMs out there have created a reference list for their prep work.

I'm not being lazy as I am more than willing to do the work myself, I was just looking for a base to work from if one is available. If not, no worries, I've already begun working on my own.


Hey folks,

I've been looking into building an Android Slayer and figured I would make him dex-based due to the Android racial modifiers. I've done my searching and have found most dex builds going the TWFing route go sword and board, but I had a more traditional dual wield concept in mind for this particular character.

I am not ruling out S&S, so if you want to sell me on why I should pursue that angle, please go right ahead. But ultimately I would love to see takes on how to make a dex TWF Slayer work from a mechanical standpoint.

Standard 20 PB, two traits (three with a drawback, one campaign trait required). I believe we will ultimately end up with a party of six. As of right now there is also an Elven Fighter and a Ratfolk Alchemist.

Also, is it worth it to pursue Slashing Grace? I know there was a ton of controversy with how this feat was designed, but getting dex to damage seems like a no-brainer for a build like this.

Whilst applying for a pbp campaign, one of the other applicants posted a link to a page with an extensive list of custom archetypes. It was here that I stumbled upon the Silent Hunter and after obtaining GM approval, I am now trying to craft a character using this custom archetype.

The game is RotRL Anniversary addition. Other relevant chargen guidelines are:

-Any race/class/prestige class

-Max HP per HD

-3PP and 3.X material can be used, subject to GM approval.

-Max starting GP.

-25 point buy

-2 Traits

-PCs may take a Drawback to gain an extra Trait.

-Each PC gains a free Story Feat from Ultimate Campaign.

My initial idea was to go DW style and have a background tied in with Shalelu, as either an informant or understudy of some sort. I was considering going dual wakizashis for flavor, but that isn't set in stone either.

There are two main things I am struggling with, the first of which is which race to choose. I would prefer either elf or half-elf for fluff reasons, although I might be convinced to go human if the build really shines. Or possibly halfling? I am leaning full elf at the moment mostly due to the ability bonuses and the Silent Hunter racial variant.

Secondly is should I try to achieve a balance between Str and Dex or go fully into one or the other? I am worried about my viability at 1st level if I go fully into one or the other since if I go Str, I only get light armor and if I go dex, my to hit might suffer since I do not get my first combat style feat until 2.

As of now I am looking at an elf wearing studded leather and wielding two wakizashis with a stat array of 14, 18, 14, 11, 13, 8 planning to add a point to Wis for my spells and ki points at 4th level. Weapon finesse chosen as my 1st level feat. The ninja skills I chose to add were disable device, acrobatics, and escape artist.

Ultimately, I am looking for a cohesive build, not necessarily a min/maxed one. Although power will probably come in handy, as I know how much of a meat grinder RotRL can be, hah.

Thanks for any help you can provide as I think this concept really has legs, and this recruitment is looking pretty competitive.

**I apologize in advance as I hate to spam the recruitment boards with a post like this, but I feel like I need to take action if I want to have a chance at playing this interesting AP.**

I've been scanning the recruitment boards for the last few months looking for a Second Darkness game, but have been unsuccessful in finding one.  I understand that this AP isn't the most popular on these boards due to the wonky pacing, but I grew up reading the Drizzt books and, unfortunately, have never had the chance to partake in a dark elf/drow focused tabletop game.  So, I was wondering if there are any GMs lurking out there who might be interested in running this AP if this post garners enough interest.  I know I can't be the only lurker seeking an SD game.

I feel that I must also stress that I am interested in serious GMs only as I've had very bad luck with GMs unexpectedly disappearing on these boards, and I would really like to play in a game that lasts longer than the first encounter.

In terms of character, I am interested in trying out a ranger, rogue, fighter, or possibly bard.  Initially, I wanted to play an urban ranger, but I'm not quite sure how that would play after the adventure turns from Riddleport into the Darklands.

Interested parties, please respond, and I thank you for your time.

We just found some new gaming buddies from the Gamer Connection boards here and after meeting with them yesterday we decided on playing through Kingmaker. So I have decided to (once again) turn to the lovely people on the Advice forums for recommendations on exactly which character to build, and tips on how to build him.

First off the character creation guidelines:

20 point buy
Core races only (exceptions require extreme justification)
All Paizo and 3PP with GM approval
Two traits, one of which must be a Kingmaker campaign trait
Any alignment except CE
Roll starting wealth, Max HP at 1st

We have five players in total. One guy wants to play your standard tank/meat shield and isn’t much on RP. Another always perfers arcane and will probably a sorcerer of some kind. Our third player has played a variety of classes in our past campaigns (rogue, summoner, druid) but is usually partial to rogues. And finally one of our new players has stated that he is interested in playing a cleric, although of the damaging inflict line, instead of the healing curative line.

And then there’s me. I generally prefer to play face characters that can fill multiple roles and adapt to different situations. I tend to stay away from straight casters, but love both melee and ranged damage dealers. I tend to come up with the character concept first and then try to build it to mechanically match the image that I have in my head.

The first thing that caught my eye was the Aldori Swordlord, but after reading a bunch of threads on how to build them correctly, my head started to hurt. It seems like a very, very awesome concept, but mechanically they appear to be a nightmare. You have the fighter archetype, the PrC, Dex or Str, multiclass with monk, or straight fighter, etc., etc. Ow, my brain. If I could find a mechanically feasible swordlord build that could also act as the face of the party my problem would be solved. Does this exist?

Another idea I had was an archer with a flying mount (an attempt to recreate the 3.5 Skylord PrC). This was also met with huge variety of build options that had my head spinning. Ranger, Cavalier, fighter, druid. Leadership, animal companion, mount. The idea of becoming the leader of an elite task force of our nations military, leading a group of archers mounted on griffons or giant eagles or something really had me excited. But I have no idea which build would make the most sense mechanically, and, again, I would prefer some face skills. This build seems to be extremely feat-intensive as well.

Finally, I was interested in getting a crack at playing a Dawnflower Dervish bard. I saw many builds added in sound striker, but, unfortnunately they also used aasimar for most. Instead of running through the specifics here, I think a character that could dual wield and put out decent damage while buffing, supporting, facing, would be really really great, but seems hard to pull off. Maybe a ranger would be better here? Or even a straight up fighter?

I’ve also condered a few other things briefly: bomber alchemist, summoner, and some of the oracle mysteries seem very intriguing. Bottom line, I am completely open to your suggestions, but above all, my favorite builds make sense both mechanically and conceptually, and that is usually where I run into the most trouble. Which of these characters, or roles, would you suggest and how would you go about building them?

I've been wanting to play a Dwarf Ranger switch-hitter for a while now, I've just been looking for the right pbp campaign to come along.

I found one that takes place in an urban setting, so I figured this would be a great opportunity to try it out using the urban ranger archetype.

Starting at level 2, 20 point-buy, core books, APG, ARG, UM, UC, and even the playtest classes are avialable.

17 Str
14 Dex
14 Con
12 Int
10 Wis
8 Cha

Traits: Armor Expert, Adopted (Half-elf) Elven Reflexes (maybe some suggestions to replace Adopted?)

Feats: Power Attack, Rapid Shot(b)
Favored Enemy (Human)

Basically the loose concept is he's a "fixer" who works for whichever noble house pays him the most. I was interested in taking the stealthy edge with him, but I'm not so sure that meshes well with the dwarf, or the switch-hitter for that matter.

Obiviously I would take the archery combat style (based on Treantmonk's guide, but would some of the other specs from the APG work better?) and maybe one of the dwarven weapons (longaxe, longhammer, urgosh) or possibly just greataxe. Would a reach weapon be good for this build?

That's all I have at the moment. The more I think about it, the more I think the dwarf aspect is just bringing this build to it's knees. Prove me wrong?

I am currently making a character for Shattered Star and I'm having a bit of trouble making sense of the premise.

In this game we are expected to be brand new Pathfinders and locals, at least having a reason for being in Magnimar. But the way the AP is written, we're not to have met Sheila yet. So how are we supposed to be PFS members in Varisia without having met the head of the only Pathfinder Lodge in the region? I guess one explanation would be that my character travelled to Absalom to become a Pathfinder, but that kinda throws a wrench in my backstory a bit.

Did anyone come up with a more creative way around this perplexing story hook?

I am currently gming a good friend of mine through a solo rogue campaign and am planning on offering him an NPC to aid him in his trials in the next session. I've done some searching and have had some ideas, but none have truly stuck with me. A reach cleric, battle oracle, and melee arcane duelist have all been considerations.

The character idea should not just work mechanically, but huge bonus points for an interesting character concept that I can really work with. We plan on taking this campaign into the higher levels.

A little information on the specifics of the game:

He is playing a human dual dagger knife master/scout. I've already run him through most of Gambler's Quest from Expeditious Retreat (which I relocated to take place in Turtleback Ferry in Varisia). Following the conclusion of that I have plans to take him through Master of the Fallen Fortress (where the staff from Gambler's Quest is located) and Murder's Mark (his character is born and raised in Ilsurian). After the conclusion of Murder's Mark I was planning on taking him through the Olindor trilogy by Expeditious Retreat, but after browsing through them, I'm not too keen on them. So I'm thinking I might run some custom urban content for him in either Kaer Maga or Korvosa (likely borrowing from Curse of the Crimson Throne).

So those are my plans for the semi-near future. As I said, I want this NPC to not only work well with the rogue in battle, but to develop an interesting bond with the character as well. I look forward to any suggestions you may provide. Thanks for taking the time to read over my plea.


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I was just wondering if any GMs have fleshed out Geb, more specifically Axan Wood and Mechitar. I am running my party through You Only Die Twice and due to an unforunate party death, the party must now travel to Mechitar (through the wood, presumably) to meet up with a ship from the Society with some aid.

I've looked in the campaign setting and aside from some undead trees in the wood and black pyramids in Mechitar, I'm scrambling for some ideas to get the ball rolling on how to flesh out this unexpected detour.

Thanks for any ideas.


I have emailed customer service about my issue twice and haven't received a response. This is in regards to Paizo Order # 2799800. I purchased XRP6001E 1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest (OGL) PDF to run for a friend of mine. A few hours after making the purchase and downloading the file, I noticed that IMPXRP6200 One on One Adventures Compendium (PFRPG) existed. I was planning on running at least four of these adventures for the PFRPG, so not only would the Adventures Compendium save me money (4 x $6.00 being more than the Compendium price of $18.00), it would also save me the hassle of converting it from OGL to PFRPG.

If you refund my $6.00 for Gambler's Quest, I will gladly purchase the Adventure's Compendium. I assure you I am not trying to pull any sort of scam and have already deleted the PDF from my computer. Please help me and honor this simple request.

Thank you!

I am joining an evil campaign that is currently level 8, but has full intentions of going all the way to level 20. It's 25 point buy with full use of any and all pathfinder books, and 3rd party material pending GM approval. The current party consists of:

Half-orc Barbarian
Tiefling Magus
Half-Drow Urban Ranger
Tiefling Wizard (Conjurer)

The party definitely needs a face and could definitely use some healing, but have assured me that it isn't a necessity. Given these circumstances, what build would you want to use?

The reason I ask is that I've been having a tough time deciding on what to play. I was set on Antipaladin, but after our first session the character just didn't pan out the way I wanted it to. I've considered an inquisitor, a dragon disciple, and an evil bard of some kind, but haven't found something that really appeals to me. I've also looked into awesome concepts like the assassin, ninja, and spellslinger, but all of which seem a bit under-powered for this farily optimized group.

I like the idea of playing a face so I'd be interested in seeing a charisma based build, or a skill monkey of some kind. It looks like melee damage and arcane spellcasting are already covered, so something that deviates/complements that would be a huge plus.

Any and all assistance would be great and much appreciated!

I'm rolling a character for an evil campaign I'm about to join and while researching potential concepts, I stumbled across Bodhi's guide to the antipaladin. I read his Dread Lord role and was really taken with the idea of playing an evil knight hellbent on raising his very own kingdom of undead to rule.

Over the last few days I've been assembling the character and so far I've got a human black-blooded oracle of nature 1/antipaladin (Lord of Darkness 3rd party variant) 7 and it's looking pretty good. I recently realized, however, that I don't get the ability to cast 3rd level spells, specifically Animate Dead which is the keystone ability of the build, until 10th level. I was wondering if anyone could recommend any tactics I could implement to start obtaining my army of undead to begin realizing my concept, until I can get to 10th level and Animate Dead.

I'll be honest, I've been a bit demoralized on the idea if I have to wait two more levels before I can start acting on my ambitions. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

I am a fairly new GM and (mostly due to time constraints) I mostly run premade material with the occasional homebrew stuff thrown in. I'm not really sure of how to word this question so I'll just come right out and say it:

When you're given a skill check for an area or situation in a module, do you (I'm talking to GMs here) ask your players to make that roll, or let them come up with the check themselves? If they fail to come up with it themselves is it ignored and the cost/reward of said check simply doesn't occur?

I ask this because I've been noticing lately that my players (most of whom are novices) just wait for me to tell them what to do. At best, they have been asking me if they can do something, and I want them to feel empowered and to tell me what they're doing, instead of asking. I don't want them to feel railroaded and am trying to instill a more open-ended feeling to the game.

Maybe it's because they're mostly new and they don't have a good grasp on their options as PCs.

Also, as an aside, when your player makes a perception check, do you ask him to specify exactly what he/she is looking for, or just let it lie as a general check and reveal whatever the roll might grant him/her?

Thanks for any help. And any tips on how to make the game feel less linear, would be great. Maybe some suggestions on how to work some custom non-linearity into my game? Right now they're working for my version of the Twilight Talons based out of an underground labyrinth completing missions which are basically appropriate modules/scenarios with some tweaking.

I GM a local group in the Bel Air area and we are looking for one more player for our weekly group. We just did a reboot so now is the time to get in on the action. The party is currently level 4 and I am running Fangwood Keep with a bit of homebrew stuff thrown in.

We are a wacky group that doesn't let the rules bog down the fun. I have searched high and wide for another player and have come up short every time. I actually had no idea this subforum existed until I saw it linked in a completely unrelated thread. If you or anyone you know might be interested, let me know!



I'm a relatively new GM, so I may be doing my math wrong or misreading the rules, but doesn't a Troll Fighter 3 seem like a pretty tough encounter for this lvl 4 module?

I'm seeing his stats as 25, 18, 25, 8, 9, 4 and he's attacking at a +14 (+7 Str, +7 BAB)? That sounds pretty brutal. I'm considering running him as just a straight Troll.

Is my math wrong or is this guy purposefully this hard? Right now he looks on par with the BBEG and he's probably the first encounter my party will face.


We're rebooting to start a new campaign (Jade Regent) and my GM told us to roll up lvl 3 characters, and we could use anything and everything from the books, so I decided to finally try my hand at playing a Drow. I came up with a Dual Cursed (Lame and Haunted) Dark Tapestry Oracle. The other members of the party are an Ifrit Fire Elemental Blooded Sorcerer and a Human Monk.

My idea for this character is to be a controller, while levitating (spell granted at 5 from Haunted curse) and eventually flying (via Wings of Darkness) while also being able to wade into melee when needed (using the Str buff from Many Forms). While in the air, I will be using my hand crossbow to fire Drow poison at caster types (taking ranks in craft (alchemy)).

I plan on taking Misfortune at 1st, and Many Forms at 3rd. I love the non-combat flavor that Many Forms adds (sneaking into places, hiding my Drow identity for a short period of time).

One thing I'm confused about is why are there so many armor buff revelations when we're proficient with medium armor? Two avenues of thought I had were either wearing light armor and taking a feat for an extra revelation and taking Cloak of Darkness and wearing a shield, or wearing a breastplate and dealing with 15 ft. movement until I can levitate/fly.

Should I worry about what melee weapon I use? I was considering rapier or heavy mace since they both fit my background and allow me to use a shield, but should I go for something with more punch like a greatsword or scythe? Waste of a feat? Improved Initiative instead?

I've got an amazing story hook that ties into the Monk's background, so I really like the idea of playing a Drow Oracle, I guess I just still need a little help ironing out the finer details of my character and trying to get a grasp on exactly what role I will fill in combat.

Thanks for your help! In case you were wondering, I did read all of the relevant Oracle threads on here before posting. I got some great info and ideas.

Well hello there,

I currently GM a group of 3 players and we are looking for one more to round out our group as a player or (hopefully) GM. You see, I am expecting my first child in November and am expecting a significant decrease in the amount of spare time I have do all of the necessary preparations to GM. While it's not a guarantee that I will need to step down as GM, I actually quite enjoy it, it might be good for my sanity.

We meet in the Bel Air area every Friday and usually play from 6-11pm. We are a light-hearted group who like to have a beer or two while we play and order from Jimmy John's more often than not. We don't let rules get in the way of the fun and we try not to let them interrupt the flow of the game, but we don't necessarily wing it either.

I am currently running the RotRL AP with some Second Darkness added in as well. The current party consists of a cleric of Gozreh, an arcane trickster, and a half-orc fighter. We also have a ranger and witch NPC.

If you or someone you know may be interested in testing the waters, please respond to this thread, send me a PM, or email me at purpledrag0n at hotmail dot com. If you like to play PF in a relaxed and usually quite silly environment, then you'll probably have a blast with us.



P.S. Yes, this is not an online campaign, but Paizo doesn't have any recruitment boards for in-person games, which is unfortunate.

I searched the forums since I figured this would've been covered in the GM clarification thread, but I was unable to find an answer.

In the description of the BP awards for the random encounters it says "1 battle point for encounters of CR 8 or lower, and 2 battle points for encounters of CR 8 or higher."

So, what should I reward my players with for a CR 8 encounter: 1 BP or 2?

My party just lost one of their members and suffered a pretty horrible defeat at the hands of Xanesha. The current lineup is:

A half-elf arcane trickster
A human cleric of Gozreh
A half-orc fighter (weapon master)
Shalelu as a fighter/ranger NPC

I also ran a human mad dog barbarian NPC with a raptor pet, but once he was charmed by Xanesha and murdered the only remaining original party member (an elf beast master who re-rolled fighter), he was pretty much kicked out of the party.

Due to the backstory of Shalelu and the beast master both being from Crying Leaf I had always planned to rope in some of the Second Darkness AP content and figured this was the perfect time to do it. So I’m having the party leave Magnimar and head North to Crying Leaf to run Armageddon Echo. I still feel like they might be a tad underpowered, so I was looking for suggestions for another NPC to join up along the way.

No rangers or barbs because we just had a stint with those classes. And no paladins because they would just be a pain to RP with this group. Also no pet classes.

I was thinking possibly a bard or dragon disciple/sorc type. Or a monk, but I’m not too familiar with the class. Maybe a druid? I’ve always wanted to play a ninja as well. Maybe a drow ninja? Hahaha.

Suggestions welcome and appreciated.

I've decided to run a Mad Dog Barb NPC to help my struggling party get through Rise of the Runelords and am seeking advice on which weapon to give him.

He's level 5 with 20 Str, 16 Dex, Power Attack, and Combat Reflexes. I really want this guy to be a melee powerhouse up in the front lines trying to flank with his war beast since that is the area the party has been struggling with the most. The weapons I was considering were falchion for the high crit range, bardiche for the reach, or greatsword for the high damage.

Keeping in mind that I will be trying to flank opponents at every opportunity and have a decent amount of AoOs, which weapon would you recommend and why?


I’m currently reading through Foxglove Manor and have come to Iesha’s Prison. It says that after she recovers she shrieks about Aldern and then moves to seek him out. How did you handle this?

If I tell everyone to roll initiatives after her shriek they will automatically assume it’s time to do battle. If I don’t, then it’s pretty much guaranteed that they will realize something is up and delay their actions to see what happens.

I really want to portray that sense of uncertainty and see how they react, but I’m struggling with an adequate way to present the situation.

Any advice would be much, much appreciated.

I'm just starting to delve into The Skinsaw Murders and as I am reading I realized that the PC Aldern is obsessed with died during the party's first encounter with Ripnugget.

My only workaround for this is to play off that Aldern was actually obsessed with someone else and their memories are just fuzzy. Does anyone have something more plausible than that?

I didn't get too much sleep last night and my brain isn't running at 100% right now, hah.


The title says it all. I have a lot of downtime at work and use it to prep material for my campaigns. I was all set on using for an online campaign I want to run for a friend, until I realized I need to be online in order to prep.

So does anyone use or know of a good VTT that will suit my needs? Thanks!

Hey all,

I plan on running a friend through this on Sunday and was wondering if his 2nd level rogue(sniper) with a wand of cure light wounds and an NPC orc barbarian will be enough to make it through the module? Or should I roll another NPC to accompany them?


As I stated on another thread I’m a brand new DM running a party of 3 (summoner, gunslinger, ranger) plus Shalelu as an NPC through Burnt Offerings. This past week was the assault on Thistletop. Before our session began I warned them that their party makeup might make this part of the adventure quite difficult, but they decided to press on as is. They managed to cross the rope bridge without incident and defeat the mounted goblin guards outside of the complex, but it was all downhill after that.

Since Gogmurt managed to get his animal messenger off, and eventually escape through the briarbush, the complex was on high alert. The front door being barred, the party chose to climb up the eastern guard tower. From there they chose the just happened to chose the hallway north which lead straight into Ripnugget’s throne room. I RPed out the encounter where Ripnugget called the summoner up to his throne and then after a bit of banter sprung his trap.

The summoner was quickly knocked unconscious and the party made the hard decision of regrouping in the ground floor of the tower. A commando and the goblins posted in the trophy hall pursued, but the majority of the force remained in the throne room. The two remaining PCs and Shalelu managed to defeat the first wave, but when the gunslinger peeked back into the throne room he saw that the summoner had been impaled on the spiked column and was subsequently demoralized. At this point they successfully did a full retreat back to Sandpoint.

At this point I feel like I need to run something for them to build a level or two. They’re very close to 4th level and the summoner is re-rolling a rogue. I have two ideas: One is run a little part of Shadow In the Sky for them since two of their back stories have ties to Riddleport and Mierani Forest (although it might get confusing because the defense of Crying Leaf has already occurred and failed and Razorhorn is still running free).

My other idea is to run them through a one-and-done module. I was considering Masks of the Living God since it’s relatively close and the appropriate level. I figured I would take them down to Magnimar and take a ship down to Korvosa and then do a little river rafting out to Tamran.

What would you recommend? I don’t have the knowledge of the rules or, frankly, the time to whip a custom adventure up to fit my needs to I need to have a base adventure that I can modify to fit our situation.


I'm currently running my PCs through Burnt Offerings and wanted to start working some of their backstories into it. Since I haven't read through the entire adventure path I wanted to run one by you guys to see if it makes sense. This is an elf ranger:

Savrez was born in the town of Crying Leaf in the Mierani Forest. When he was young he went on his first hunt with is family. While hunting they were ambushed by the Drow. Savrez escaped and hid in a hollowed out tree. Savrez was found by a pack of bears and he was raised as one of them. At the age of 80, Savrez grew tired of the life in the forest and set out to explore the world and find out what happened to the elves of Crying Leaf and the rest of his family. Crying leaf was abandoned when he finally returned.

I think he may be confusing Crying Leaf and Celwynvian. What do you guys think? Is there a Drow presence in RotRL that I can tie this into?
