Lanathar wrote:
Now since one of the main complaints is attitudes towards minorities at the very senior level then surely trying to drive a company - that despite all of this still caters to these voices - out of business doesn't really help?
Because there is a fine line between "sending a message" through not buying things and putting someone out of business. And is that what people really want? No more Paizo because of bad management and some ignorant comments from one of the most senior people.
I think you're seriously overestimating the purchasing power of people posting on these message boards.
But let's say you are correct. Let's say the company treats its employees badly and customers boycott it because of it. And let's say the company's response to this isn't to improve its relations with the employees but to instead cuts down their salaries, treats them worse and/or fires them.
Heck man!
In that case, *maybe* the company in question *does* deserve to go down.