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I made a few additionals maps and remakes :
Velashu uplands (this is the worse map of the serie, but I do not know how to make it look better...)
hunters in the forest
Entrance To Cryingleaf
PC's place at CryinLeaf
The Elf army moves to Celwynvian
Elf army encampement
Shadow Of Celwynvian - arrival
Shadow Of Celwynvian - Librairy
Shadow Of Celwynvian - Vertihes' park
Shadow Of Celwynvian - Reason's pavillon
Shadow Of Celwynvian - Academy of arts
Academy of arts
All the maps + bonuses here
Here are some maps to complete the ones of the adventure : West beacon Port East beacon Cliff side path Just to share...
Here is a map fo the escape of Depora.
WIP close to final if not final
Just to share and have comments to improve/adjust the map!
Here are the maps done in photoshop with 75pixels grid size to use in MapTool or any virtual table top :
Level 1 without grid Level 1 with grid
Level 2 without grid Level 2 with grid
Level -1 without grid Level -1 with grid
Level -2 without grid Level -2 with grid