Simion's page

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Hey guys so after several campaigns and GM-ing I have finally decided to try and throw together my original Pathfinder character idea based off an SCA persona. Problem is I'm trying to figure what I should throw in for feats to achieve the character I want while still being a threat in combat and still valuable outside of. I'm going for a Roman centurion/Praetorian type and decided on the fighter/tactician arch. Starting 1st level.

So, Stats:
STR-15; DEX-17; CON-16; INT-16; WIS-13; CHA-17

Note:I know STR is low but character is starting 16 going through a "estimated" 14 year(game time) campaign and seemed more...real, I suppose.

Feats: TWF and Shaft and Shield(Cavilers Creed); Later: Point Blank, Far Shot, and Distance thrower (for spear and pilum) power attack, weapon focus(gladius) vital strike and Leadership were others in mind. Possibly coordinated shot/charge and outflank for the team works

Weapons:Plan on sticking with Gladius, spear, and pilum (maybe short bow) along with a heavy wooden shield.

I know with the feats for the spear thrower topped with the need for feats like shield focus, improved bash, and others to make twf effective with a shield I'm drawing him out pretty short. Just looking for what others might recommend or if this may have come up in another thread.
