
Simiel's page

67 posts. Organized Play character for Ietsuna.

Full Name



| HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +4, SM: +4


| Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None


Male CN Elf Vigilante (Warlock) 2



About Simiel

PFS # 204997-19
Experience 4
Faction Dark Archive
Wealth 8.6 GP, -2 PP 0 Fame

Social ID:
Scholar 2
N Medium humanoid (Elf)

Vigilante ID:
Dexus Imperator
Vigilante (Warlock) 2
CN Medium humaniod (Elf)

Init +4; Senses Perc +4, SM +4,

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
HP 17
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +3

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Mystic Bolt +0 (1d6)
Melee Quarterstaff +0 (1d6-1)
Ranged Mystic Bolt +5 (1d6)
Ranged Light Crossbow +5 (1d8)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Mystic Bolt
Spell-Like Abilities

Str 9, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Point Blank Shot
Traits Pragmatic Activator, Student of Philosophy
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan, Celestial, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +4, Bluff +2, Climb -1, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +4, Fly +4, Heal +0, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (Arcane) +8, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (Local) +8, Perception +4, Ride +4, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +8, Survival +0, Swim -1, Use Magic Device +9
Combat Gear oil (1 pint flask) (2), sunrod, rations (trail/per day) (4), alchemist's fire (flask);
Other Gear masterwork studded leather, quarterstaff, dagger, alchemist's fire (flask), light crossbow, outfit (scholar's), backpack, common, bedroll, lantern (hooded), flint and steel, ink (1 oz. vial), inkpen, paper (sheet) (10), Spellbook (contains all 0-level spells plus the following 1st-level spells—Color Spray, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Hide Weapon, Mage Armor, Mudball, Secluded Grimoire, Shield, True Strike), waterskin, spell component pouch, crossbow bolts (10) (2), wand (infernal healing)

Special Abilities
Dual Identity (Ex): A vigilante hides his true identity, allowing him to move about social circles and nobility without carrying the stigma of his ruthless actions. In effect, the vigilante has two identities: one is a polite member of society while the other is a skilled and cunning warrior. To keep up this charade, the vigilante usually has two names: his true name, used in polite company, and his vigilante name, used to strike fear in the hearts of those who oppose him. Knowledge checks about one do not reveal information about the other, unless the vigilante’s true identity revealed to the world at large.

The vigilante can start each day in either of his identities, referred to simply as social or vigilante. Changing from one identity to another takes 1 minute and must be done out of sight from other creatures to preserve the vigilante’s secret. Changing identities is more than just changing outfits and clothing (although that is certainly a part of it); the process often also involves applying make-up, altering his hair, and adjusting other personal effects. Furthermore, the change is as much a state of mind as of body, so items such as a hat of disguise and similar spells and effects that change the user’s appearance do not reduce the time required to change identities. Most social talents require the vigilante to be in his social identity, but a vigilante who uses vigilante talents in his social identity risks exposing his secret.

Despite being a single person, a vigilante’s dual nature allows him to have two alignments, one for each of his identities. When in an identity, he is treated as having that identity’s alignment for all spells, magic items, and abilities that rely on alignment. For the purpose of meeting a qualification for a feat, class, or any ability, he is only eligible if both of his alignments meet the requirements. A vigilante’s two alignments cannot be more than one step from each other on a single alignment axis. For example, a vigilante with a lawful neutral social identity could have a vigilante identity that is lawful good, lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral, neutral good, or neutral evil. If a vigilante is the target of an effect that would change his alignment, it changes both of his alignments to the new alignment.

Any attempts to scry or otherwise locate the vigilante work only if the vigilante is currently in the identity the creature is attempting to locate (or if the creature knows that the two identities are the same individual). Otherwise, the spell or effect has no effect, revealing nothing but darkness, as if the target were invalid or did not exist.
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Mystic Bolts (SU): A warlock can sling projectiles of magical energy at will by shooting a bolt or touching her foe. A melee mystic bolt requires the target to be within reach, and a ranged mystic bolt is a ranged attack with a range of 30 feet. A mystic bolt deals 1d6 points of damage plus 1 for every 4 vigilante levels the warlock has. The warlock must choose one type of damage for her mystic bolt: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Attacking with a mystic bolt takes the place of one of the warlock’s normal attacks, and she can make a full attack using mystic bolts. The warlock vigilante attacks with mystic bolts as though they were light one-handed weapons, and the bolts can be used for two-weapon fighting (with each hand creating one mystic bolt) and feats and abilities that apply to weapon attacks (unless they’re excluded from that feat, such as with Power Attack). Weapon Focus (ray) doesn’t apply to mystic bolts, but a warlock can take Weapon Focus (mystic bolt) and apply it to both melee and ranged mystic bolts.

Creating a mystic bolt requires the hand to be free, but the bolt appears only briefly, so a warlock using mystic bolts has a free hand any time she isn’t attacking with a mystic bolt. The warlock threatens with a mystic bolt, but only if she has a hand free. Because mystic bolts are impermanent, a spell that targets a single weapon (like magic weapon) can’t affect it, nor can a mystic bolt be made with magic weapon special abilities. Abilities that affect all weapon attacks the warlock makes, such as the arcane striker warlock talent, function with mystic bolts.

At 7th level and every 6 vigilante levels thereafter, the warlock chooses another damage type from the list above. Each time she creates a mystic bolt, she can have it use any one of the damage types she has selected.
Point-Blank Shot
Seamless Guise (Ex): A vigilante knows how to behave in a way that appears perfectly proper and normal for his current identity. Should anyone suspect him of being anything other than what he appears to be while either in his social or vigilante identity, he can attempt a Disguise check with a +20 circumstance bonus to appear as his current identity, and not as his other identity.
Social Grace: The vigilante selects any one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill other than Perception or Use Magic Device. Whenever the vigilante is in his social identity, he receives a +4 circumstance bonus on checks with the selected skill. At 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, he can select another skill (with the same restrictions) to gain this bonus. (Spellcraft)
Social Talent: Starting at 1st level, and every 2 levels thereafter, a vigilante gains a social talent. Unless otherwise noted, a talent can be selected only once. Some talents require the vigilante to meet other prerequisites before they can be chosen, such as having another social talent or attaining a minimum vigilante level. Once a talent has been chosen, it cannot be changed.
Tattoo Chamber (Su): The cabalist can magically absorb items through a tattoo on his hand or wrist and easily retrieve them or activate their magical abilities without making them manifest. The items seemingly disappear into the tattoo, but actually enter an extradimensional space that the cabalist can access via the tattoo. Stowing an item in this way requires a full-round action, and the space can store one item plus one additional item per 3 vigilante levels he has. These items must be items the cabalist can hold in one hand. Retrieving a stowed item requires mentally activating the tattoo as a swift action. The item appears in the cabalist’s hand, so worn items must still be donned to gain their benefits. The cabalist can also activate any spell-trigger abilities of a stored item as though he were wielding the item, producing the magic effect from his tattoo rather than from the item. If the cabalist dies while items are within his tattoo chamber, those items fade into existence within 5 feet of the corpse.
Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word "elven" in its name as a martial weapon.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Vigilantes are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor and shields (except tower shields).


0 - Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Grasp, Light, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Spark

1 - Color Spray, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Mage Armor, Mudball, Shield, True Strike

Brief Bio:

Simiel spends his days working as a low level scribe for the Pathfinder Society faction known as the Dark Archive. At night though Dexus Imperator takes to the streets and puts into practice the spells that Simiel only reads about. Deep within the dark hood of Dexus glinting emerald green eyes peer out into the darkness. The orbs of power that he calls to his hands crackle with potency as he stalks the streets for his own, unfathomable reasons.

My Boons:


Bot Me!:

Simiel uses his skills when required (as long as it benefits him)

He uses Mystic Bolts to attack. From range is possible, from melee is he must.

[dice=Mystic Bolt, Point Blank] 1d20+4+1[/dice] [dice=Damage] 1d6+1 [/dice]


[dice=Mystic Bolt] 1d20-1[/dice] [dice=Damage] 1d6 [/dice]

PFS Career:

5-08 Confirmation - 2PP (Gm Credit, Yet To Be Applied)
Murder's Mark - 4PP