Not quite as good as Wights:
While vampires are more iconic, the need to keep track of blood, which is either going to require some awkward feeding arrangements or doing not-so-nice-stuff, plus my feeling that some of the family curses aren't as bad compared to others, knock this down a star for me.
To explain:
Vampires have to deal 2 Con damage per 8 hours they're active. You can't overfeed unless you have a feat; you can store blood in containers, but not forever. The paragon class requires reasonably-common blood feedings because pretty much all of its features require spending blood-derived points.
There are several different "families" of vampires, each of which has one part of the full bestiary's or myth's aversions or weaknesses: can't enter a place that has some thing they don't like, need to rest on a bit of home soil, seem "off" or "creepy", have some kind of aversion to light or daytime, can't stand mirrors, and have a weakness to wooden-stke-like weapons. The need for dirt to sleep on seems very awkward for an adventurer, whereas aversion to mirrors doesn't seem too bad.
The book does recommend that at least low-level vampires should stay in a city, and provides a way to abstract hunting humans, but compared to how the Wight race only had to do that if they went a little nuts it feels restrictive for my tastes.