SillyOldeBear's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


The trigger for the Shield Block reaction specifies physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, slashing), but the effect text does not explicitly do so.

One interpretation of the effect text could assume that the damage being discussed is restricted to the triggering damage, in terms of how much damage can be blocked and how much unblocked damage the shield would take. The RAW interpretation assumes the shield could block and take any kind of damage as long as some of it was physical.

The RAW interpretation leads to some odd possibilities. If there is an attack that does 1 piercing damage and 19 spirit damage, the shield block would block 10 of the damage and would take 10 unblocked damage, even though the spirit damage by itself could not be blocked at all.

If we use the non-RAW interpretation, the shield could only block the 1 point of piercing damage and would not be damaged at all. This seems to make more sense to me, but is not explicitly stated in the rules.

I'd like to hear other opinions on this issue.

I agree with diceton, above. I purchased this to use as additional digital art within Fantasy Grounds (I have already purchased the adventure path modules) and the resolution is so low as to be unusable except as tokens (and fairly fuzzy even then). I would like to be able to show the players the full-size images. It would be great if you could release the images as a ZIP file with all the JPGs like you do for some Flip-Mat collections for people who have purchased the PDF.

On Level 9, the Random Encounters (The Cavern Vast) indicate that the creatures come from specific areas. If the PCs encounter a set of creatures in a random encounter, does that reduce or eliminate those creatures from the area they are from? Conversely, if they encounter the creatures in their home area and eliminate them, does the random encounter entry now count as no encounter?