Augmented Gearsman

Silicon Archer's page

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I have pieced together a head canon for Eox that has them attacking Damiar and Iovo using a weapon that harnessed the minor god zyphus. That's why it destroyed both worlds, wrecked Eox, and left so much wild magic. Zyphus is the God of accidental death but he doesn't show up in the starfinder pantheon. It doesn't give me any clues about Golarion tho.

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I have a running customer war going on between two businesses at Absalom station 'Quantum life' runs a resurrection center across from 'REcycle' the Eoxian body center. Currently the Eoxian undead chorus is picketing outside singing 'All we are saying is give Death a chance'

Knight_Druid wrote:

I'm curious to here from the community how they are using Starfinder for their campaign? Are you going straight from the book and using the Pact Worlds, creating a homebrew setting, or perhaps using your favorite movie/book/video game as inspiration.

I'm just now putting the pieces together to run a Starfinder campaign. There's plenty of movies that I adore and would like to pull ideas from, namely: Alien/Aliens, Blade Runner, Dune, and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

What's your campaign like?

I created a campaign in which they started off on Castrovel the morning after a retired starfinder just vanished. At characters start one is the son of that hero, another is a bounty hunter. A third is a female lashunta who is basically Han Solo. They meet a Gladiator who was basically Mike Tyson as a wrestler/solarian. So far the Gladiator has ticked off a VERY long lived vampire casino owner,Created his own revanent, angered a dragon and been branded a terrorist during Absolom stations Olympic style games! Every time they push away from the normal I buckle up and roll with it. Having a blast!