Aredil Sultur

Sigvald Derleth Waite's page

142 posts. Alias of Tharasiph.

Sovereign Court

Character not being attached to game he has posted in.

An Alias Gird medvyed is unable to rejoin an king maker game after the game shutdown.

He has since rejoined and I posted in the gameplay tab but he has not been able to re-join in the game.

Sovereign Court

GM Waterhammer's Kingmaker recruitment thread has just ended, and there are many players with completed characters who would still want to play. Seeing as Kingmaker is among the most popular APs, would anyone step up to the challenge of GMing a game?

Including this Alias

Previous thread =6#255

Silver Crusade

Similar to the worldwound how do you think an invasion of an evil nation would go i.e. Geb or Cheliax.

For an AP the party could be fighting to achieve strategic objectives and then solving problems within the invasion force and stopping enemy adventurers.

Silver Crusade

I've been very interested in playing the Kingmaker AP for a while and if there is anyone who is running it and needs another player or is thinking of running it. Please give me a yell.