
Sigrun Jagrsdottir's page

1,541 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).


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Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

I'm sorry for the part my own absence has played in this. Had a lot going on in real life 98actually filed for bankruptcy this morning) and haven't been as communicative as I should have. When it was good, it was very good and I think we can all take a valuable learning experience from this.

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Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Updating your stat bar would help with that.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Yay +2 to attack

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

I'm good with that too. I think part of the fatigue comes from the sort of foreign openness of the current setting.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Having returned to her normal size, Sigrun looks up ast the jackal headed creature attacks, her body shrugging off the hunger effects as she rushes forward to meet the creature head on

Fort: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28

+2 Adamantine Warhammer/ Charge: 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 20 + 2 = 26
1d8 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

AC down to 22 for this round

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Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18


Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

If he was flying....probably dead on impact.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"Hobbes, do you think you can tag the fleeing one?" Sigrun asks quickly, looking toward the window.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Quickly turning to strike at the fleeing dragon's back, before focusing on the ghost, using the additional reach to strike.

AOo vs Fleeing Dragon
Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (10) + 21 = 31
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 5) + 12 = 21

Normal attacks vs ghost
Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (5) + 21 = 26
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 3) + 12 = 19

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (1, 5) + 12 = 18

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 4) + 12 = 20

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

sorry schedule flipped around for a couple weeks, training for work. Back to my normal schedule next week.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18
Lyosha Neverhome wrote:
I also completely missed that Percy cast Blessing of Fervor, so that’s 3 attack’s ive missed out on -_-

I missed that too, would have had a fewmore as well

I've also been ignoring the flanking with Hila

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Crap! how did you end up that injured?

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

As her tremendously resilient body shrugs off the majority of the damage the dragon tries to deliver, Sigrun is distracted by the sight of Percy collapsing as she returns it's attacks.

23 Lethal Damage taken this round
0 non lethal damage taken (DR 14/- NONLETHAL)
AC:25 Fort: +17
Raging current hp:173/202
Rage rounds remaining 27/32 (1 regained from last round of attacks0

Flesh wound Fort save: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31
crit only dies half damage and remaining damage is non lethal (NEGATED BY DR)

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 21 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 21 - 4 = 27
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 1) + 12 = 17

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 16 - 4 ⇒ (7) + 16 - 4 = 19
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (6, 1) + 12 = 19

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 11 - 4 = 8
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (3, 5) + 12 = 20

Is he getting hit with the squeezing penalties as well?

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Dragon Alexei's taunting comment elicits laughter from Sigrun as the dragon's claws barely manage to score her almost glacier-like skin. "I'm about to get even meaner little one." she says, launcing another series of attacks.

6 pts damage taken
AC:25 Fort: +17
Raging current hp:196/202
Rage rounds remaining 27/32

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 21 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 21 - 4 = 25
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 1) + 12 = 17

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 16 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 16 - 4 = 24
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 4) + 12 = 18

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 11 - 4 = 12
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 1) + 12 = 17

Fueled by Vengeance: If any attack hits, regain one round of Rage.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sigrun unleashes her rage, bringing her hammer to bear against the dragon, with devastating force.

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 21 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 21 - 4 = 30
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (1, 5) + 12 = 18

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 16 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 16 - 4 = 14
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 3) + 12 = 17

Rage +2 Adamantine Warhammer: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 11 - 4 = 25
2d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 1) + 12 = 15

Edit: Crap! forgot squeezing penalty :(

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Grasping the ornate drinking horn on her belt, Sigrun brings it to her lips and begins to drink, her body thrumming with power as she begins to grow.

Drinking Horn of Bottomless Valor: 2 charges: The drinker gains 1d8+5 temporary hit points and is enlarged, as the spell enlarge person, for 5 minutes. To use 2 charges, the drinker must spend a full round drinking from the horn, which always provokes an attack of opportunity.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18


Sigrun lets out a startled cry as the boy explodes into a massive dragon, her hand already tightly grasping her weapon.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sigrun simply quietly observes the man, waiting for any sign of danger.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"Your mother interesting woman." the redhead replies with a chuckle of her own.

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Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sigrun remains silent, observing the discussions with creatures of spectacular power. Though she does not understand the words, she can feel Lyosha's reaction to whatever it is the serpent tells him. With a nod she accepts the offer, whatever his fate was, she shared it. She would stand beside him, to witness his dominion over the power inside him that he secretly feared.

As the serpent begins to vanish, she looks down at the serpentine tattoo that begins to appear on her outer thigh. Walking over to Lyosha, she slips her arms around him. "You okay love?"

Sigrun will also accept the second offer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18


Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sigrun feels the pull of the Rusalka's call, her feet beginning to move forward before she realizes her actions.

Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sigrun listens to the exchange, keeping her thoughts to herself. Irrisen was also founded on ideas of some people being better than others and fit to rule those they considered less.....they'd personally killed quite a few who thought so recently as a matter of fact.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"Don't worry, we won't let anyone hurt you." Sigrun adds softly.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"We will help you, take you somewhere safe." Sigrun says with a smile.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sigrun pits away her weapon.turning to face the children.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

As the creature tears into her lover, Sigrun slips into an icy rage, her hammer falling repeatedly in assault of the bizarre creature.

Rage: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (20) + 24 = 44
Adamantine: 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

Rage: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20
Adamantine: 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

Rage: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
Adamantine: 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Rage(Haste): 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39
Adamantine: 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

Rage(Confirm 1st attack): 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39
Adamantine: 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

It moved back, cast a spell, stepped forward AND made a full attack in one round??? WOW

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

As SIgrun charges forward, she finds herself daunted by the creature's alien appearance, her swing going wide.

Adamantine warhammer, charge: 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 20 + 2 = 23

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"So, anything noteworthy?" Sigrun asks with a chuckle at the antics.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

A little confused. Where are the rest of us right now?

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Nope, apparently both are adept at revealing invisibility

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"That could work, any ideas for a distraction that won't get you killed while we sneak in?" Sugrun asks.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"There's probably a reason for that." Sigrun mutters, "But it sounds like our best option."

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"Might be the best option. Hobbes, do you think you can get in a nd take a look around without being noticed, so we know what we're walking into?" Sigrun asks as she looks at the deadly encampment.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

I can't help thinking of the Wonder Woman, No Man's Land crossing.

Out of Character, the whole gaseous form thing was good once and cool in an emergency. Using it multiple times kinda feels cheap. It's like a cheat code for invulnerability that eliminates the fun of the challenge. We're level 13 it isn't supposed to be a cakewalk.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"Yeah, to the hells with this thing." Sigun agrees, turning to chase after the hut.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Heal or buff if you have a potion or something

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"That should hold it for a bit, and the cold should hurt it while we prepare for it!" Sigrun says, approaching the frozen monstrosity.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Her icy rage insulating her against the crippling terror, Sigrun acts, drawing the massive frost giant hammer strapped across her back and bringing it slamming down in a powerful overhead swing, punctuated by a roar of aggression as it smashes into the ground to release a crackling bolt of ice that shoots across the ground toward the burning corpse pile.

Frost-thunder hammer Ranged Touch (into melee): 1d20 + 18 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 18 - 4 = 25

On a successful hit, ice immediately freezes around the target, trapping it within a 9in-thick solid block of pale blue ice. The ice blocks line of effect to the entrapped victim, who is helpless (but can still breathe) and takes 9pt cold damage per round until freed. The ice has hardness 0 and 27hp. A creature can break the ice as a full-round action with a DC 24 Strength check.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Free action to Rage, which changes will save bonus = new save

Feeling the terror sink in and lock her muscles, Sigrun channels the fear into that which she understands far better.....Rage.

Raging Will: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Let me know if that allows me to move this round or just act without moving.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

The twisted mass of burning charnel freezes her in place with it's utter wrongness.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"We will find her. Even if we must go through your armies and their bizarre weapons to do so." Sigrun adds.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"I'm sure she would disagree." Sigrun says calmly.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

"Alright." Sigrun says readying for the odd sensation for the change again.

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sigrun continues to fire the strange weapon.

1d20 + 16 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 16 - 4 = 17
2d8 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9

1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 11 - 4 = 9
2d8 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 6 - 4 = 12
2d8 ⇒ (7, 2) = 9

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sigrun once again fires the bizarre projectile ate the enemy soldiers, hoping to put them all down before the wagon-thing they were in was blown apart.

1d20 + 16 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 16 - 4 = 30
2d8 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (9) + 11 - 4 = 16
2d8 ⇒ (5, 8) = 13

1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 6 - 4 = 5
2d8 ⇒ (6, 7) = 13

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Roomful of rocking chairs