
Sic Jester's page

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This last weekend my group pretty much cleaned house in the Shrine of Kyuss. It was funny when the Paladin got stunned by the strong evil of the Ulgurstasta when they first walked in. Suddenly they were scared of what might be in there. So after cleaning up the Spawns of Kyuss they moved on to Bozal Zahol. However he heard the battle and was able to get up all of his buffs and a few summoned creatures. The anti-life shell didn't help much when the Cleric cast dispell magic and rolled a damn 20. He was pretty much dead when that took place. The party is just to damn strong in melee. One Paladin 8th level, One Fighter 8th level with a Glaive and a Cleric 8th level with the spell Searing Light cast into his mace of spell storing. They can to a serious amount of damage in a short time.

However, the Alkilith Demon gave them some trouble as it drained the Paladin to 2nd level before it was finally killed. Wall of Ice comes in handy when you want to take on one foe at a time. All that is left is that pesky trapped chest (which they dared the Mystic Thurge to touch and he made his save on the money with a total of 20), and some strange worm creature in a sphere of force that keeps stunning the Paladin.

Now they say they're going to try and win the games before comming back down here to figure out the chest and worm. Too bad for them, the Ulgurstasta is ready to be released. Should be fun.

However, now I'm thinking the Frogehemoth might kill a few PC's if their buff spells ware off. Happy Hunting.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
Lord Flamewalker wrote:
uncle has said on his own message boards that it is pronounced "MOW" (to rhyme with now) "er" (as in the typical 'agent' ending like teacher or lawyer).

Mower Castle? I don't know - that does not strike the appropriate level of fear and terror in my opinion.

I've been pronouncing it Mar ... as in "her face was marred by the hideous scar".

That is exactly how I've been pronouncing it from the beginning. "Mow" (rhiming with "Cow") with "er" at the end. I think you're believing it's pronounced "Mower" (as in, cutting your lawn) which is why it's not to frightening. Maure Castle, it's such a fun place to enjoy a weekend.

Well I checked out the SRD like you said, but I don't see anything on a Death Domain. However, I'll take your word for it. However, something else is comming up.

My players are about to climb into the Hidden Shrine of Kyuss and encounter the Spawns of Kyuss and inevitably Bozal Zahol. I can already see where this encounter is going with my particular group. My question is, has anybody had to deal with Bozal releasing the Ulgurstasta early? Judging by the stregnth of Bozal, the PC's are going to be worn out after all of the summoned monsters, spawns and Bozal. I think if the Ulgurstasta is released it will become to overwhealming for them. Anybody run into this problem and have suggestions around it before I run it this Sunday?

Thanks in Advance.

I have vague recollections of asking James Jacobs about this in an earlier thread. The stat block was redone, IIRC, after the text was written, and they missed the discrepancy in editing. You might want to pull up the original thread to get James Jacobs' original intent here.

What's "IIRC"?

The group I D.M. for came up with the "Sodiers of Heironeous."

Seeing as how they're led by a Cleric and Paladin of Heironeous, it's a fitting name.

Andy Oehler wrote:

Check out the Death Domain... from the SRD:

Granted Power: You may use a death touch once per day. Your death touch is a supernatural ability that produces a death effect. You must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living creature (using the rules for touch spells). When you touch, roll 1d6 per cleric level you possess. If the total at least equals the creature’s current hit points, it dies (no save).

Umm...SRD? It stands for what now?

Hastur, I like your idea with giving half because it does make it very simple. However I think what I'm going to do is give experience to those that were taken out of the games by the PC's hands specifically. Chances are, it's going to come out the same as half anyways. I guess it depends if you want to be abstract about it, or specific. Really, it all depends on how you've been running the game so far.