Snow Leopard

Siberian Husky's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


My Vesk Soldier will refer to all Shirren sexes as simply Shirren. He will have no clue how to tell each of them apart and he will have no desire to learn.

I have only thought about it a little. But for my first Vesk character would hold no true animosity towards the Pact Worlds. He would give them some respect for there actions against the Swarm but also secretly want another war with the Pact. Just to see who is the top dog in there section of the galaxy.

The Shadowdancer is my favorite prestige class. I haven't had a chance to play it. But the idea of being able to jump around and be one of the sneakiest sneaks appeals to me.

Also with the release of the Blood of Shadows book it got some nice new options.

Well, this has been probably said before but I would like to see more of a focus on ranged combat in Starfinder.

It has always bothered me some what when a science fiction game that is set thousands of years into the future and the best strategy for the game is to run up and hit the enemy with a sword.

And not some kind of lightsabre type sword but an old fashioned steel blade.

Don't get me wrong. I don't mind if it is in the game. A knife fight or hand to hand combat or even a duel using blades is easy to work in.

But if you are fighting a ship to ship battle the strategy shouldn't be to ram the enemy ship and fight the crew with axes and swords.

Sounds like your player is just min-maxing there character. It can be done with just about any character and has been around since there very beginning of Pathfinder.

So to your question, "Is Pathfinder becoming unbalanced?" the answer is no but yes. It has always been this way. Granted to get to what your player is doing it does take some time and effort.

Now some others have already stated that which creatures you through at them or how the battle field is set up can change a encounter to a major degree. From your description it sounds like this character is taking care of the enemies before the other players have a chance to do anything, correct me if I am wrong. You could write up an encounter where the enemies are something that Mr. McBeatstick has trouble with that others can deal with easier.

Also I just re-read what you posted and realized that your main point was about the CR system and if it is unbalanced and needs to be reworked. I would have to say yes and no. Yes, because with everything that has come out and that it has been eight years since the system had been implemented it does need some tweaking. But I also say no because it was also, in my mind, a guide line to help with the building encounters and to help new DMs learn to create there own encounters.

I would like to recommend Spit Venom. Probably not as good as some of the others like stinking cloud or lightning bolt but it could be a quick spell to give you and your allies an early advantage. Diplomacy breaks down? Spit venom and run.

Matthew Downie wrote:
How does a wraith commit suicide?

Make a bath full of Cure potions, then take a swim in it would be my suggestion. Costly, but it should work.

Also, like several others have suggested, I would sit down and talk with the GM to see why he wont let you start a new character. If he doesn't give you a good enough reason you could always "accidentally" drop your character sheet into a paper shredder. If there's no character sheet there's no character.

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From your description I am getting a Arthurian Legend feel. Definitely an interesting concept.

You should be able to make unarmed strikes as a giant leech and such. Unarmed strike is a strike that doesn't use a weapon like a sword for example.

You still have a body that you could throw at your opponent in some form or other.

The other part I have no clue about. I haven't read up on constructs.