Painter Worshipper of Shelyn

Shuni Barsdal's page

4 posts. Alias of ellequoi.

Dumara, once the Jewel of the North, now a colony shunned, home and prison both to some of the sorriest indentured servants this side of the Straits…

A gnome and a dwarf had walked - or been dragged - into a jail as free women. A great deal of paperwork later, then delousing and an abrupt ousting in the middle of the night, and Tabynth Tadlall and Ethra Lumen left in shackles.

Tabynth caught sight of a tattoo of Lau Han characters, still red and raised against the back of Ethra’s neck (alongside what might have been… mold?).

Guard Afonso, who led them, whistled a Divusian hymn as he ambled through the night market. Chattel aside, he was on a mission to snap up the hawkers’ last food for the day.

“Most such servants, they are not quite so capable-looking,” he said in a Lusitano accent, dipping his layered flatbread into a curry. He manoeuvred spiced lamb skewers into his captives’ shackled hands. “Much gold changed hands for you, I say. How did such adventurers end up here?”

This is your chance to introduce yourself however you choose. You may talk/ask questions, roll knowledge or perception checks (just specify what on specifically), eat, or whatever other action you can think of that makes sense. If you think your action is likely to require a check, please include a roll; if it requires a different check, I will just swap the bonus out and clarify after so that we keep things moving.

Here is our our-of-character campaign discussion board for players. Spectators and learners from our group are also welcome to comment here.

I've noticed a lot of DMs on PBP have separate aliases to use in their campaigns. I've just been using my main account, but is it better not to? I can see how it would allow for more separation, if someone is active on other parts of the forum (which I'm not).

Just curious and wondering if there are good reasons I should give myself a DM alias.

It's been an uneasy week within the walls of Cairdus, almost as if it has been sacked - doors closed, shops closed, bodies in the streets. Those going out have a furtive look on their faces, as if they'll be next.

Cairdus is usually a city of possibilities; all roads lead to Cairdus, they say. With the constant influx of fresh blood and without the strict caste system of some places, thanks to the worship of the goddess Nelleska the Liberator, nobles brush elbows with peasants at the most popular hangouts.

It's one more reason to fight for this city when the need arises - and it often has, lately. The silent shopfronts are irresistible to looters, and the empty alleyways are breeding grounds for mischief. Even city guard has quieted its watch as of late. Fortunately, there are others who step up.

Gaius Trevalyan - Vox and trusty bow Iolaire to some - has had no respite since the whispers arose of a strong plague in the city. Criminals are just as chatty than socialites, conveniently, and there are a few rumours coming in from either side that could mean something.

The outlook is bleak thus far; local wizards and clerics have proven unsuccessful in finding a cure. The only thing that seems to help are blessings from the powerful Baron Velstaf, though not without the tidy sum of 4,000 gold for his troubles.

Roll Diplomacy to gather more information.

Velstaf. The Trevalyans and Velstafs run in similar circles, though the Velstafs gained money and status during the war as weapon and armor suppliers. Society gossip has hinted that he sabotaged the peace efforts in order to maintain his profits. The parties he throws at his estate on the edge of town are lavish, and he is known to be a friendly host... at least, until anyone crosses him. His presence in the city is a blemish, to be sure, but it will take further investigation to know anything more about him.

Roll Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Knowledge (nobility) to gather more information.

It's been a quiet week... too quiet. It's almost as if Cairdus has been sacked, shop doors closed and bodies in the streets. Those going out have a furtive look on their faces, as if they'll be next.

The whispers rise in the marketplace. "Plague... strong... I don't know if..."

Cairdus is usually a city of possibilities; all roads lead to Cairdus, they say. With the constant influx of fresh blood and without the strict caste system of some places, thanks to the worship of the goddess Nelleska the Liberator, nobles brush elbows with peasants at the most popular hangouts.

One such place happens to be Laëlynn's tavern, the Dancing Bugbear. Even with attendance dwindling to a record low of just her and Tilted Kirk today, rumours have filtered in from patrons about the unusual plague sweeping the city. The outlook is bleak thus far, with local wizards and clerics yet failing to find a cure.

Roll Diplomacy on a gather information check.

Tilted Kirk (Kilted Turk, whenever he drinks enough) belches and angles his head to the side. "Jus' you n' me, lady... you n' me. Whatchoo heard about this plague so far?"

The discussion thread for the Artefacts of Olindor campaign run for Laëlynn.

What will your tavern be named? I think we will start there.

The discussion thread for the Artefacts of Olindor campaign run for Gaius/Vox. Let me know when you have an alias in place.

Do you think you might want multiple aliases, actually? Between Gaius, Vox, and the sword, you could get quite a stable of characters going :)

I've been running the loosely-connected rogue '[X] of Olindor' modules from the One on One Compendium for my husband, and now that we've talked through the bugs, I want to bring it to my favourite new playstyle, PBP.

This will be my first time DMing PMP, so we can take it through the first module and then decide if we'd like to continue. I'm not familiar with a lot of the extra books, so I'm afraid that I will have to be strict when it comes to sources. To make it easier on all of us, please do not ask to use things that are forbidden below. Solo campaigns tend to have mostly easy enemies as is, so power gaming will only hurt the experience, and this book was written before many of the current books and is not balanced against them.

I'm on the forums pretty regularly, so I'm hoping to post at least once a day. The beauty of a solo campaign is that we can rally back and forth as much as we want without having to wait for anyone else. I'll just take one person now, of course, but I might want to run it again later; should be easier by then.

About the Campaign

A plague has swept the city of Cairdus, and you've been caught up in the middle of it! Follow the right clues and intrigue & reward await. Your approach will be up to you, but a combination of sneaking, roleplaying, trapfinding, and attacking is likely to be needed. Necessary skills include stealth, diplomacy, disable device, and perception. Knowledge local/religion/history may also come up.

Character Requirements
- Core races, alternate racial traits allowed from ARG/APG, alternate favoured class bonuses allowed
- 20-point buy
- no evil alignments
- Level 7 for non-casters, Level 6 for casters
- max HP level 1 then average rounded up (5) for the other levels, wealth by level
- wealth by level
- 1 trait allowed. With the exception of the Mummy's Mask trapfinding trait (if needed), no campaign traits.
- pick feats, spells, and equipment from the Core Rulebook and APG (exception: class-specific feats, eg Extra Inspiration, from ACG allowed)

Allowed Classes (Paizo archetypes allowed):
- Rogue: Unchained would probably be best, but if you want an archetype (any Paizo book) of Core rogue, go ahead
- Bard: Archaeologist might be the most suited.
- Ranger: Urban Ranger might be the most suited; we can assume Cairdus, the city where it all goes down, is your favoured community. Otherwise, Urban/Underground terrain and human favoured enemy are recommended. Other options for favoured enemy include evil outsider (this module), but if thinking further in the campaign, you might want neutral outsider or elf instead; all three don't come up that much still.
- Investigator
- Slayer
- Ninja (no Vanishing Trick)

Please provide me with:
- background
- personality (what motivates your character? how do they react to moral dilemmas?)
- character sheet
- information about you - what's your playstyle? What is your experience, if any, with PBP? What's your schedule for posting?
- would you be interested in being contacted for this campaign a few months down the road if I want to try it again?
- sample roleplay, based on the below post


The Father before you seems in a hurry to get rid of you, but he hadn't said anything since he invited you in. He clears his throat as if to begin and keeps looking towards the door. Finally, he heaves a gusty sigh and leans forward.

"I called you here because, from what I've heard, I think you're the only one who can help this city. I wanted to hear from the source. Do you think that's true, and if so, why?"

He crosses his arms. Based on his description of you, you'd think he'd look more impressed.


Applications will be closed after Friday, May 20. I will pick soon after. Criteria (which I suppose will depend on interest) will include adherence to the rules laid out above, the responses, and the character's suitability and how interesting they are.