
Shub-Niggurath's cousin Al's page

136 posts (705 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 21 aliases.

Post whatever here!

It has been 8 days since the disappearance of Splitscale, the head sorcerer of the Drake Fang tribe of forest kobolds. At first, no one was worried, as the green-and-black kobold was prone to bouts of wanderlust. But, as the days went on with no signs of him and the goblins of the hated Facemuncher tribe growing even more savage in their suicidal raids, the chief and his circle of advisers grew more and more worried. What had become of Splitscale? What had happened to provoke the goblins? How long would it be until the goblins broke through the wall of traps surrounding the tree-village?


You are allr standing outside of Chief Drakemaw's opulent hut, having received scolls marking you as the new champions of the tribe. The sounds of heated debate ring out from the hut. The doorguard looks at you with thinly veiled exasperation. Sorry. Chief Drakemaw wishes to see you, but you need to wait until after the meeting. Shouldn't be long." With that, he pulls out a flint and starts filing his claws.

State what your character looks like, and what they are doing. Feel free to roleplay a bit.

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You are kobolds of the Drake Fang tribe, a tribe located in the center of the Grinning Forest. Under the leadership of Chief Drakemaw, your tribe has flourished for decades in the unforgiving wood. However, not all is well. The tribe's former sorcerer, Splitscale, has gone missing, and the hated goblins of the Facemuncher tribe have been getting more daring in their raids. One day, Drakemaw summons you, some of the more powerful kobolds in the tribe, to his throne room. The tribe is in need of champions, and you have been selected to kill goblins and find Splitscale! The tribe needs you!

A fairly quick little adventure I came up with to kill time. Character creation rules are as follows:

-20 point buy
-Kobolds only
--As the Drake Fangs have lived on the surface for generations, they lose their Light Sensitivity.
-Level 2
--1000 starting gold
--Max HP for first Hit Die, half +1 for second
-Any Paizo material, assuming you can link me to it
--Occult Adventures playtest is acceptable
-The Drake Fangs are generally less paranoid and hateful than most kobolds. Any alignment except CE is acceptable.
-Any deities are alowed, plus the following homebrew gods:

LN kobold godess of protection, motherhood, and the tribe
Domains: Community, Law, Luck, Protection, Scaleykind

LN kobold god of mining, metalworks, and warfare
Domains: Artifice, Darkness, Earth, Law, War

NE kobold god of magic, cunning, and revenge
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery

Please post once per day, at least. Recruiting ends next Friday. Thank you for your time.

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Report in, and discuss whatever. :)

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You are goblins of the Licktoad tribe, who live deep in Brinestump
Marsh, south of the hated man-town called Sandpoint. Once,
other goblins tried to burn Sandpoint down, and they would
have been legends if they had succeeded. But they didn’t bring
enough fire, and got themselves killed as a result.
Yesterday, your tribe discovered that one of your own had
been using forbidden arts and was engaged in one of the
greatest of taboos—writing things down. In fact, rumor holds
that what he was writing was a history of your tribe! There’s no
swifter way to bring about bad luck than stealing words out of
your mind by writing them down, and so your tribe had no
choice. You branded the goblin’s face with letters to punish
him, which is why everyone calls him Scribbleface now, and
then you ran him out of town, took all of his stuff, and burned down his hut.

That’s where things got interesting, because before you all
burned down his hut, Chief Gutwad found a weird box within
the building. Inside was a map and a lot of fireworks—fireworks
that immediately came to use in burning the hut down. Then,
this morning, Gutwad announced that tonight there would
be a feast in order to drive out any lingering bad luck from
Scribbleface’s poor decisions. But perhaps even more exciting,
all of you have been secretly invited to meet at Chief Gutwad’s
Moot House. Why would the chief want to speak to you? It can only mean that he’s got an important mission for you all...
one that the other goblins of the tribe couldn’t pull off. This could be your chance to go down in Licktoad history!

You all wait outside the Moot House, a grand (for a goblin hut) home made of mud and straw. Feel free to roleplay, as you won't be invited in for a few minutes.

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Assuming it gets off the ground, this is where the players of We Be Psychic Goblins will report their findings and general attitudes towards the classes. I may add some footnotes about the session as it goes on.

The thread is here

The Licktoad Tribe needs you! After finding a huge cache of fireworks, the brave Chief Gutwad discovers that more wait in an old ship on the coast. This is where you come in, having been specially selected for this task thanks to your weird mindy-powers. Are you a bad enough dude to bring back the fireworks?

Character Creation Guidlines:
-Only Occult Adventures playtest classes (Link)
-15 point buy
-Alignment within 1 step of NE
-250 starting gold
-One trait
-Backstory needed, nothing grand. You're a goblin, after all.
-Post at least once per day, preferably more.
-Gobbos only!

Thank you for you time. Recruitment ends November 3rd.

Feedback thread is here

Here's the setup: a Dragon Disciple is harassing a small town. He was hired to do this by two brothers in another city-state trying to set off an international conflict. To make sure the DD does his job, the brothers sent one of their minions to advise and spy on him.

The minion in question is an intelligent Clockwork Servant with 4-6 class levels. That much I've figured out. What I'm a bit stumped on is what those levels should be. I'm thinking either a spellcasting class or a skill class, possibly some kind of multiclass. What do you think? The resulting Servant should be able to hold his own against a Sorcerer 3/Antipaladin 2/DD 2. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm currently in the planning stages of a campaign, and I need a bit of advice. The BBEG (a bard lich) has will have two fairly high-level lackeys, a pair of brothers. One will specialize in creating the various undead for the unliving army, while the other will specialize in making constructs to bolster the army and guard important locations.

That's about as far as I've gotten. I'm thinking of making the necro an Undead Lord cleric, and the other a wizard/Mage of the Third Eye, but I don't actually know if that's optimal. Are there any ways I could do this idea better? They would be around 15th level, if that helps.

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I've been brainstorming for ideas for my campaign's BBEG for a while now, and I've decided to go the standard lich route. I don't really feel like going the way of the wizard, sorcerer, or arcanist. How would a lich bard work out? Or a summoner, or witch? What mythic tiers could he have, if any? I'm going for the "let the minions deal with it" kind of villain, that can nevertheless put up a good fight in the final battle. If it helps, he'd be in the CR 20-22 range.

Thank you for your time.

Hello. I'm brainstorming for my first campaign, and I could use a little help. The gist of it is that the world is being torn apart by the cults of two competing evil entities: a minor god of undead, aberrations, and the sea vs. a demon prince of jesters, wrath, and madness. It is up to the players to either ally with one of the cults to take out the other, or go the hard route and try to destroy both.

Iv'e got most of the death god's cultists and minions worked out, but I'm drawing blanks on the clown demon. I have an Aranea IT knockoff and the high priest finished, but I need more encounter ideas. What monsters would be affiliated with the cult, and what would the cultists themselves be capable of? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.