Very late to the party:
Bloodrager at 1st level you get improved unarmed strike along with Nagas bloodline which provides 1d8 bite attack (medium).
Might dip with two levels for Combat Style Student (bonus style feat).
Rage and Bloodrage dont stack so you double up:
Rage: 4 + con mod/day (+2 every level), +4 str and con, +2 will, -2 ac, free action
Bloodrage: 4 + con mod/day (+2 every level), +4 str and con, +2 will, -2 ac, free action
Hunter (Feral Hunter) would work well with this build; 1 level dip plus Planar Focus feat at 5th level.
So level six:
Hunter (feral) 1 / Barb (Feral Gnasher) 3 / Bloodrager (Bloody-knuckled Rowdy) 2
Oversized goblin
Roll with it
Extra rage (animal fury)
Planar focus