Shredderslash's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


WatersLethe wrote:
Shredderslash wrote:
There are some ways that it's beneficial but for me the big problem is that it feels less like you have extra arms and more like you can just swap extra items that you preprepared, not to mention how little sense it makes for a species that has multiple arms naturally from birth to only be able to use two at time, that would make sense for someone who had extra arms grafted onto them but not someone who was born with them as a natural trait of their species.

I have no issue with a multi-armed species that has one torso and one head only being able to bring to bear two arms at once in any given instant, switching between them as necessary. Bodily mechanics, vision, and cognition are limiting how well multiple limbs can be utilized.

By the way, do we think grabbing someone, then switching hands to another set to make strikes would end a grab? I would hazard no.

As I said that would make sense for a creature that doesn't naturally have extra arms to deal with but a creature that long ago evolved to have extra arms would have those three things you mentioned adapted to be able to use all of their limbs at once. Creatures with multiple legs don't have to concentrate on which legs they're using neither should creatures with multiple arms. If there are balance concerns with stuff like shields being used alongside two-handed weapons or something they should be addressed in a way that doesn't make PC's feel like they don't belong in their own body.

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There are some ways that it's beneficial but for me the big problem is that it feels less like you have extra arms and more like you can just swap extra items that you preprepared, not to mention how little sense it makes for a species that has multiple arms naturally from birth to only be able to use two at time, that would make sense for someone who had extra arms grafted onto them but not someone who was born with them as a natural trait of their species.

While it's nice that fly speeds will be available to flying ancestries earlier I really hope that there will be ways to increase it beyond 25 like you could before.

Wzrd wrote:

I was thinking that since Starfinder 2E is compatible with Pathfinder 2E, then bringing in a gun from PF2E Guns and Gears should be viable. I would expect the guns in Starfinder to be at least as good if not better.

There are also monsters that won't have modern armor. A modern gun should feel deadly against them. Especially more so then a long bow with it's deadly d10 trait.

Didn't stormtroopers have fatal guns. When they could shoot straight, anything they hit went down. Same with Hans with his blaster, one hit is all it would take.

In my home campaign I do plan to mix Pathfinder and Starfinder together, so I was really hoping that given someone armed with a longbow and someone with a blaster rifle versus an unarmored warg, the blaster rifle comes way out in front with damage potential.

Not really, at least not from a realism perspective. The reason why guns are better than bows in real life isn't because they are more lethal but because they are far easier to train people to use and they can get through armour better, against unarmored targets they aren't too far apart in their ability to kill. An arrow through the heart or head will kill just as much as a bullet or laser will.

ShadowFighter88 wrote:
These art designs are awesome, but any chance of higher resolution versions? I can only read the design notes by leaning right forward and squinting.

Seconding this.

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With how a number of their abilities scale based on their proficiency with their connection skill it seems odd that they don't automatically scale that skill.

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This really doesn't seem like the right direction for crossbows, they should be getting stronger not weaker. Even with crossbow ace as it is crossbows deal less damage per turn than bows while also having fewer free actions due to needing to reload. Adding reload feats helps but even with them crossbow wielders have far fewer options on what they can do each turn.

Full Name

Ghost Silentstrider




Mooncursed Barbarian












Common, Hallit

Strength 18
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 10
Charisma 7