Shredderslash's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

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There are some ways that it's beneficial but for me the big problem is that it feels less like you have extra arms and more like you can just swap extra items that you preprepared, not to mention how little sense it makes for a species that has multiple arms naturally from birth to only be able to use two at time, that would make sense for someone who had extra arms grafted onto them but not someone who was born with them as a natural trait of their species.

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With how a number of their abilities scale based on their proficiency with their connection skill it seems odd that they don't automatically scale that skill.

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This really doesn't seem like the right direction for crossbows, they should be getting stronger not weaker. Even with crossbow ace as it is crossbows deal less damage per turn than bows while also having fewer free actions due to needing to reload. Adding reload feats helps but even with them crossbow wielders have far fewer options on what they can do each turn.