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Shodkavots's page

13 posts. Alias of Rolukk Earbiter.


Puck Nimblefingers, Halfling Bard

Afflicted at a young age by the wanderlust that oft strikes his people, Puck spent several years meandering the kingdoms in the company of a gnomish traveling Tinker by the name of Bimblethorpe. So as not to be a drain on the tinker's resources, Puck made a modest living performing comedy and telling stories on street corners and in small inns. Puck also made a point of watching the tinker at his work, hoping to pick up some of the trade secrets.
Shortly after entering the kingdom of Varisia the tinker's small wagon was attacked by a band of goblins. The goblins showed no mercy to old Bimblethorpe, and the wagon was ransacked for everything of value. Puck narrowly escaped with his life and a small sack of random odds and ends from the wagon.
Puck has since made his way to Sandpoint, where he arrives hungry and penniless but for the sack on his back. He immediately inquires after local inns and is pointed toward the Hagfish tavern (or another inn, if one of the other PC's is already there for plot purposes), where he hopes he can secure a room and food by way of his wit and quick tongue.

Dotted for interest. Concept to come.

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I think I'll give the Character Folio by Darktheatre a chance when it comes out, which should be soon. Of course it will start off only for the Ipad, but I foresee other platforms being supported in the future.

I've been looking for a late night VoIP game for a while now and would love to get involved. Wednesdays are good, but I'm not available until 11 or 12 CST. So if thats too late I understand. But if that will work, let me know and I'll shoot you an email about character stuff.

Unless they've got Hide in Plain Sight and its dim lighting, of course.

Expressing interest. Character concept/sheet to come soon.

outlandos wrote:

New player here looking for a weekly Pathfinder group that will play online with Maptools, d20pro, or something of that nature. Would like to play through any of the adventure paths or even just random adventures around Golarion. I am Skype and Vent-capable as well.

As far as scheduling, Sun or Mon would be best (anytime), Tue-Wed late nights maybe, Thur-Sat earlier daytimes perhaps. PST time zone here.

Anyone else out there in the same boat?

I'm also looking for a Tues-Wed late night game, since I work nights and those are my nights off. Darn work schedule is getting in the way of my gaming!

This looks like it will be worth the wait. About time someone did more than a pdf reader or a dice roller imo.

I will have one up sometime tonight as well.

Count me in if this is going to get off the ground. Would like to play a caster, most likely some kind of sorcerer.

What I have so far. I still need to fix the skills block and enter them, as well as make a place for CMB/CMD.


Male LG Elf Ranger/Paladin, Level 1/5, Init +5, HP 48/48, Speed 20
AC 20, Touch 13, Flat-footed 17, Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +8, Base Attack Bonus 6
+1 Shock Composite Longbow (Arrow) +13/+8 (Rapid Shot 11/11/6) (1d8+4 +1d6, x3)
Greatsword +8/+3 (2d6+3, 19-20x2)
Brace Spear +8/+3 (1d8+3, x3)
+1 Breastplate (+7 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Condition None

Got Erevin worked out on paper. Do you prefer us to use the built-in character sheet thing, or can we use the one on that can be linked to here?