Harrowed Summoning

Shigeru Kotabe's page

85 posts. Organized Play character for Greyswindle.


A few months back I found a web diagram/bubble plot/flow chart that showed what scenarios were connected by key story points or NPCs. Unfortunately, I didn't bother to save it and have since been unable to find it. Does anyone know what I'm referring to/have something similar that they could share?
Many of my friends say they don't like the idea of PFS because they can't follow the meta-story very well. I'd like to use such a diagram to quickly reference what scenarios to run for them that will give a more cohesive feeling to the world.

An interesting situation came up recently. I run an summoner with an eidolon that is designed to look like a chain-chomp. As such, it does not have any limb evolutions. While I was aware that they could not wield weapons without said evolution, according to the GM my eidolon also would not be able to use the disable device skill, or at least wouldn't be able to use the tools and would take a penalty. I couldn't really find any information one way or another in searching the forum/prd, so what do you all think? What actions are hampered by a lack of the limb (arms) evolution?