
Sherrinford Hope's page

33 posts. Organized Play character for Stemboy.

Sovereign Court

I'm GMing a home campaign setting in PF, porting in locations to add to it and using old and new modules and adventures alongside some homebrew stuff. Recently a curveball hit my game when the party ignored a ritual that resulted in about 12,000 people in a city getting transformed into wights (I was running a modified version of The Champion's Games from the Age of Worms). So, I now have 12,000 undead wight in the middle of the 'Free City', which has a remaining populace of 56,000. The party have fled the city post haste, so it's largely up to me how things play out in the city.

I have some ideas, but I wondered if anyone has had anything similar happen before and how they likely see this playing out. In my head, while the city defense will likely rouse several troops who can deal with wights, they won't be able to control the sheer volume running rampant, and your standard city folk and watchmen ain't gonna be able to handle a wight, so they will be fighting a losing battle. This is only gonna only be made worse in that the wights will turn any they kill into wight spawn.


I'm currently running a campaign thats got the party heavily invested in the protection of Absalom and using the city as a base of operation for adventures around the city and surrounding area. As the campaign goes on they've come into contact with more and more Chelish operatives in the city that is eventually going to explode into a diplomatic incident and provoke Cheliax into direct conflict with Absalom.

I've no delusions here, Absalom is pretty much untakable, but I imagine that given the right reason and provacation, the Cheliax are one of the few country that could have a good go at it. They literally have the armies of Hell at their back!

I'm looking to use the Ultimate Campaign mass combat rules in the final stages for having the Chelish attempt a siege of Absalom, but I imagine they would also ply some questionable tactics within the city limits too.

I'm looking for advice on how you guys think both sides would act in open conflict between them, what tactics or interesting events would the party have to contend with and what impact do you think such an event could have on Absalom, Cheliax and the Inner Sea overall?

Sovereign Court 4/5

Can you start in a different age category for PFS? Such as starting with an old human? Do you get the appropriate bonuses/penalties to your stats for doing so?

Sovereign Court 4/5

I'm relatively new to PFS and I'm getting involved in it alongside a couple of friends of mine (and hoping to build a local community.) I've read through the guide (several times) and the FAQ, and I'm just wanting to clarify my understanding on playing through and running Scenarios and gaining credit for it.

-You can only ever play a Scenario once per player (not character) and gain credit for it?
-You can only GM a Scenario once and gain credit for it?
-You cannot play a Scenario you have GM'ed?

This is my understanding of how this works, the question marks are to check my understanding is right since I'm going to be teaching/explaining this to other people.

So, if I'm right with the above, does that mean you can play a scenario and gain credit for it, then GM that scenario and gain credit for it? But, you can't GM a scenario and gain credit for it, then play that same scenario and gain credit for it? Logically that makes sense in my head.

Also, if you play a scenario and apply that Chronicle to the character that played it, when you then GM that scenario can you apply that Chronicle to a character that already has that Chronicle?

Finally, doesn't using this system mean that if you played and GMed enough scenarios, you'd run out of adventures to gain credit from? (This is just a theoretic query.)

Hope I've made my question clear enough there.

Sovereign Court 4/5

I live in Glasgow in Scotland, UK and I've noticed an absence of any sort of noticable PFS presence in the country. I've pretty well known to the local roleplaying community and I'm hoping that off the back of that I can build up a PFS community as I love Pathfinder and have recently developed an interest in PFS.

I was wondering if there are any official promotional posters or support for the PFS that I can get for my local stores/gaming clubs to advertise PFS and help towards building a community?

Sovereign Court

I'm currently running a game set in Absalom, and two of the party are arcane casters studying at the Arcanamirium (between adventures.) It's been a running gag for a few sessions now that exam season is coming up, so to play on that I've decided to have the exams actually happen.

I'm essentially looking for ideas of how you think this sort of thing would go down in game, and how you'd track it?

Obviously there are going to be the theory tests, which are easily tracked by Knowledge checks, but whats a good DC? The party are approx level 4 by this point, so I don't want to make them too hard, but I want the threat of failure to be there.

The other idea I've had is practical exams, but I'm unsure how to work this both mechanically and narratively. A wizards duel is an obvious choice, but I'm not sure if that's appropriate for the Arcanamirium.


Sovereign Court

I'm currently running my campaign across Absalom and the Isle of Kortos, but I'm quite interested in having the party venture into the Darklands at some point. While it certainly wouldn't be hard to relocate them into the Darklands anywhere in Golarion, I was just wondering if there's been any information made available about if there is a Darklands presence beneath Absalom/Isle of Kortos? I checked the Campaign Guide and the Guide to Absalom and nothing jumped out. Anyone any recommended reads or advice on they they would or have dealt with this?

Sovereign Court

I'm just about to start running my first non-scripted Pathfinder campaign using the official setting. Since my party were interested in urban adventures I thought Absolom would be a great place to set the campaign. I put the location to the party and offered them a wealth of group suggestions (including members of the theives guild, Pathfinders etc.) I'm pleasantly surprised that they've decided on being agents of the Varlokkur and acting as a sort of CSI Absolom, looking into magic related crimes.

This is all pretty great and I'm pretty psyched about where the game is going to lead. My question is regarding the Varlokkur themselves. So far the only information I've found about them is in the Guide To Absolom and it's a great start. In all honesty I'm happy to make up whatever extra I need, but I was wondering if there's any more official information about these magic police or if anyone else has looked into/used them? Pretty much any feedback/advice would be welcome.

Sovereign Court

For years my group and I have always played that when you cast spells like Raise Dead or True Resurrection the Divine Focus, usually a diamond of some kind, is destroyed in the process. But I've been reading over the spells recently and I'm struggling actually finding that in the rules. Is the Divine Focus destroyed in these instance or have we been doing it wrong all this time?