Count Lucinean Galdana

Sheriff Baleson's page

71 posts. Alias of Seldlon the Swift.

You awaken. There is no sound. You open your eyes, All is darkness and cold stone. You have a vague recollection of going to sleep last night yet you awaken in a dark, stone box only a few inches larger than you in each direction. The cool scent of earth surrounds you. You can feel that you are wearing your typical clothing and can feel that your gear is with you.

Discussion is open.

Recruitment is now open for The Tyrant's Grasp. It will remain so until the current players select two of you. That may be very fast or may take some time.

We are at the end of book one and plan to finish the AP of six books.

Two encounters and then the boss remain in book one. The party will level up after the boss encounter.

One of our players has not posted in any campaign for a couple weeks. The other recently committed suicide by NPC.

The current players will decide who they want to join the party. Please keep all discussion here in recruitment until selected. Tally (a shaman) and Walhart (a slayer) are the current players.

As we are in an AP that claims to be horror/survival as a GM I will present the AP as written and only intervene if a ruling is necessary. It is you and the dice versus the AP as written. Death is always on the table and the authors have done a great job making it spooky.

Character creation is addressed in the first discussion post. You will be level 4 with the gear of a first level PC. There is some loot once you are in.

When I click on a private message I get the following error:

The requested URL was not found on this server, or you do not have permission to access this area.

Cleared cache and cookies for Paizo. Can access them with a tablet so it must be the browser? Was working fine a few days with no changes on my part. Then it started to happen periodically but continued attempts would eventually get through. No longer the case. Just that error every time. Suggestions?

You awaken. There is no sound. You open your eyes. All is darkness and cold stone. You have a vague recollection of going to sleep last night yet you awaken in a dark, stone box only a few inches larger than you in each direction. The cool scent of earth surrounds you. You can feel that you are wearing your typical clothing and can also feel that your gear is with you.


Etgar 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Donovan 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Niu 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Agnimitra 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Round 1 The Awakening
Current Effects - none
Agnimitra 13/13 Donovan 12/12 Etgar 9/9 Niu 7/7

You may take your turn when the check mark is on the line with your name.

Niu ✔

Pathfinder Adventure Path - The Dead Roads - Tyrant's Grasp

Theme: Survival Horror

The overall theme of Tyrant’s Grasp is survival horror. The player characters will often find themselves in desperate circumstances with limited resources, particularly during the first few adventures. Terrible tragedies are destined to occur as the events of Tyrant’s Grasp unfold; often, your objective isn’t to prevent these disasters, but to survive them and to display heroism and resourcefulness in their wake. Circumstances will compel the player characters to leave Roslar’s Coffer much sooner than you might expect, so characters prepared to travel across Lastwall and beyond are the best fit for this Adventure Path. This path is about survival and horror. This is about your abiity to survive the module as written. Your GM will do his best to present the horror when appropriate and will not pull any punches to ensure your survival.

Character creation:

The Players guide for Tyrant's Grasp is available in the store at no cost. Familiarize yourself with it and use it as your guide.
20 point buy system
beginning wealth by class
2 traits, 1 is campaign

Map of the region around Roslar's Coffer (Lastwall)

What now:
Let's build your PCs and the party here. When everyone is ready, we will move to Gameplay.
There is no rush at this time. Take your time and build the best party of characters that you can. Hopefully you will be playing them for quite some time.

Noon, Neth, Fireday. Two days after the New Moon
Sunrise: 6:32am, Moonrise: 9:26am, Sunset: 4:40pm, Moonset: 7:35pm
High 42, low 35. Partly Cloudy.

The oars bring the Jurin Kreed gracefully to a stop at the dock. Soon enough, she is tied off and you make your departure. You head to The Sitting Duck for lunch. Being a work day, even at lunch time, the tavern is sparsley populated.

Mary sets a menu on the table. "Anything from the bar?"


Filled Green Peppers
A platter of green peppers filled with a mixture of garlic and spices.
8 cp

Ham Soup
A thick soup with chunks of ham, dumplings, celery, and garlic.
7 cp

Lamb Chowder
A thick chowder with hearty chunks of lamb, assorted grains, and celery.
7 cp

Roasted Rabbit
Roasted rabbit and cranberries.
7 cp

Grilled Frog
Grilled cubes of frog in a thick gravy served over mashed potatoes with a serving of kale.
1 sp, 3 cp

Herb-crusted Pork
Herb-crusted chunks of pork in a thick gravy on a bed of quinoa and a helping of celery.
1 sp, 3 cp

Discussion is now open.

Went back for details on a prequel to our current campaign. An alias and all of his posts are missing. Is there a way to recover this?

The affected campaign is
The affected alias is Merlokrep

Thanks in advance for any help with this.

Rhen has been spending his days and nights at The Sitting Duck wondering where the other members of his party have gone off to.

Recruitment is now open for three players. You may submit multiple PCs in case someone else gets your first pick of class.

Where We Are

This is a continuation of play that started with Hollow's Last Hope
Followed by Crown of the Kobold King. This is the sequel to Crown but we needed to level up.
We inserted Wingclipper's Revenge and The Pallid Plague to level up.
Real life got to three of our players in that last module. They were posting at a very slow rate and finally gave up after finishing it.
Rhen Vemsa is our dwarven rogue. He is way into pbp and DMs as well. His post rate and quality is great. He is fun to play with. Do not waste your time building a rogue :-)

What To Expect

One post per day and one over the weekend. I will be somewhat flexible with that. I do have a bag of omnipotence and will use it.

Max HP each level up. You will have the funds available to a PC of your level at each level up. We do not track bar tabs or even loot. You can keep anything you find and use during the module in addition to the level up wealth. Any wealth not spent at level up or during the module is ignored.

The final battle in Wing Clipper's Revenge is indicative of these mods. It was an absolutely epic battle. What did I throw them? CR11 at level 3.

Submit your PC
You are level 5
Purchase mode: 25 points
Wealth: 10,500 gp
HP always max
No third party
traits: 2

When will you know?
Recruitment is open for seven days. Please keep all recruiting discussion and questions here as the primary discussion thread is to be used by players only. Players will have input into the selection process.

Any questions you have are very welcome in recruitment. Let us build a great party.

Discussion is open.

The month is Lamashan, the day is Moonday. It is four days past the full moon, a waning gibbous.
Sunrise: 6:49am, Moonset, 10:51am Sunset: 6:24pm Moonrise: 9:42pm

The Jurin Kreed makes dock in Falcon's Hollow just before sunset. The weather is clear and the temperature is dropping through the sixties right now. Jaylene greets you as you enter The Sitting Duck, seats you at your choice of locations and takes your order.


Discussion is open to anyone, player or not. The purpose of this campaign is to properly learn and then test the new rules provided in the most recent playtest. Expect discussion to be heavy and game play to be slow.

The year is 4707 ar. You are in your favorite tavern in the city of Magnimar. Welcome to The Left Handed Lobster.

Discussion is open.

This is the sequel to Wingclipper's Revenge

Recruitment is currently open for one player. You will be joining a party that just finished two modules together. Your character should be a good fit for the party. There is no deadline for submissions. I would like to get started as soon as possible keeping the current momentum.

Hollows Last Hope (completed)
Crown of the Kobold King (finishing up right now)
Wingclipper's Revenge L3 <----(You will be here)
The Pallid Plague L4
Revenge of the Kobold King L5
Hungry are the Dead L6

Character creation rules:
Purchase mode: 25 points
Starting Wealth: 3000 (You will be level 3)
HP always max
No third party
traits: 2

House rules:
0. Igar the Terrible
1. Have fun

Commit to post daily and at least once on weekends.

Current party makeup:

Ranger, Bulgard His page with stats

Rogue, Rhen His page with stats

Bard, Zevon His page with stats

All submissions are appreciated!

Discussion is open.

You awake to the smell of bacon. You did not sleep well last night. Occasional strange lights and sounds woke you. You head downstairs for your usual breakfast at Jak’a’Napes.

Recruitment is currently closed.

This a continuation of Hollow's Last Hope

Over the next few weeks, you get to know Falcon's Hollow pretty well.

Powers That Be

The organizations listed here represent a few of the influential factions in Falcon’s Hollow.

Blackblood Covenant: This secretive congregation of Falconers who bow to Urgathoa, the Pallid Princess, gather to worship under a cabal of disease-ridden priests. Many of the most high-ranking clergy members hide in plain sight as leprous beggars by day. By night, they lead dark rites to the Pale Princess of Pestilence in remote groves outside of town. The covenant’s ultimate motive and plans remain shrouded in mystery, but it most likely does not have healthy intentions toward the populace of Falcon’s Hollow.

Church of Iomedae: With all the down trodden to preach to in Falcon’s Hollow, missionaries of Iomedae, Goddess of Valor and Justice, have established a foothold in town. Many other religious sects who fled here to escape the Church of Light’s persecution resent Iomedae’s followers. Tensions run high between congregations, often resulting in less than holy brawls on the muddy thoroughfares of Worship Way.

Lumber Consortium: This powerful collection of unscrupulous tycoons and magnates of the lumber trade controls most of the tree-felling camps (commonly called cutyards) in the area around the vale. Those lumberjacks who refuse to affiliate with the consortium (and agree and pay practices) are often muscled out of business or simply disappear. The consortium employs three hundred jacksand nearly half that many sellswords,thugs, and mercenaries to protect the cutyards from monsters as well as to intimidate competitors.

Redrock Guild: This organized criminal syndicate poses as a business club and moneylenders union, but most Falconers know its members constitute some of the vilest flesh-peddlers, sneakthieves, and murderers in town. The current leader is a fearsome half-orc named Kadran Bloodeye, whose penchant for flaying his enemies alive in the basement of his pleasure establishment, called the Rouge Lady Inn, is well known.

Places of Note

The local general store in Falcon’s Hollow is run by the only gnome resident, Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks, who sells everything from standard amenities such as grain, lamp oil, ink, and mining supplies, to such rare oddities as alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, a petrified pseudodragon, and taxidermy nixies (all the rage this season).

Hollow Tribunal:
This is where the diminutive halfling Magistrate Vamros Harg dispenses merchant licenses, stamps mining and lumber claims, and passes judgment on criminal and civil cases. Most Falconers enjoy the irony of the Hollow Tribunal’s name, since the justice meted out there is rarely equitable. The fact that Harg is firmly in Gavel Thuldrin’s pocket is well known, but it is rarely uttered in public by those who value their lives. The sheriff's office and jail are in this building.

This leaning ramshackle inn located next to the town’s stables offers lodgings and food to the many travelers who pass through Falcon’s Hollow. The owner, a rotund red-faced human named Jak Crimmy, with a single wisp of bright red hair on his otherwise bald head, is a retired bard who sports an easy smile. Jak’s cinnamon-crusted flapjacks are legendary in town, as is his skill at juggling frying pans and his astonishing marksmanship with a heavy crossbow (Jak is a man ofmany talents).

Quinn’s Carnival:
Half-elf shadow dancer Namdrin Quinn led a band of veteran adventurers who used to venture into the vale with frequency. After a particularly dangerous quest claimed the life of Namdrin’s wife, Tess, the half-elf ended his career and established this carnival of wonders on the edge of town. Quinn and his companions wow crowds with feats of skill and magic by night, but rumor has it that after the tents close Namdrin and his merry band entreat with dark fey, whose anger mounts at the constant lumbering incursions into the vale. Some say the shadowdancer spies for the vengeful fey, who plan retribution and murder.

The Rouge Lady:
The silk-veiled parlors in the back of this burlesque and gambling hall doubles as an illegal brothel. Kabran Bloodeye owns this illicit pleasure den, where the unfortunate Ralla peddles her charms to earn enough copper for her and Hollin to survive.

The Sitting Duck:
Located a little too close for many folks’ comfort to the town palisade, the Duck is the local hot spot for adventurers, explorers, and other rapscallions looking for excitement. The tavern serves a potent local brew of fermented darkwood leaf that can floor an ogre in a few tankards. Raucous games of “knivesies” and “mig-a-mug-tug” (two dangerous local recreational activities both with high rate of maiming) often rage late into the night. Many adventurers share tales of Darkmoon Vale, Droskar’s Crag, and other surrounding locations for the price of a mug of ale.

Who’s Who

A few more details on some of the noted community members mentioned above are included here.

Sheriff Deldrin Baleson: Deldrin used to be a poor lumberjack toiling in the cutyards under Gavel Thuldrin Kreed’s oppressive thumb. One day he refused to pay an “axe tax” on a lumberaxe he had already bought and paid for. Boss Teedum tried to take Deldrin’s axe, and the half-elf smashed Teedum’s face with the flat of it. As one of the few locals to stand up to Teedum and Kreed, he was elected Sheriff the following week. Now he carries the same axe around on his shoulder to remind Kreed and Boss Teedum he is not afraid of them. Deldrin is tall for a half-elf, towering over most humans, and his well-muscled, imposing form is further enhanced by his sharp gold flecked eyes.

Kabran Bloodeye: Kabran is a short statured half-orc with blood-red eyes. He lost his nose as punishment for numerous criminal activities in a large city far from the hollow. He wears a bronze nosepiece over the ugly crater left in the center of his face that whistles disturbingly as he breathes and leaks blood and mucus (which Kabran dabs away with a crimson handkerchief ).

Magistrate Vamros Harg: Harg is bought and paid for, but the halfling wishes he wasn’t. The little magistrate was a failed barrister in a large city far away before coming to Falcon’s Hollow. Kreed propped him up with the understanding he’d tear the little lawmaker down at the first sign of disobedience. Vamros doesn’t dare oppose Kreed directly, but every chance he gets he nudges cases away from Kreed’s greedy eye and tries to give people a fair shake. The little halfling is ashamed of his own cowardice, but if a group of hardy adventurers supported him in opposing Thuldrin Kreed, Harg might just step up to the challenge and start doling out true justice. Harg is an attractive young halfling fond of finery whose romantic interests run toward his own gender.

Boss Payden “Pay Day” Teedum: Payden, the pug-faced, mash-nosed human thug licking at Kreed’s boots, has a big bone to pick with Deldrin. The only reason he hasn’t tried to break the sheriff’s neck is that Kreed fears turning Deldrin into a martyr for other Falconers to rally around. “Pay Day” gets his name from the way he doles out “dues” to anyone who fails to follow “Mista Kreed’s” commands fast enough.

Sharvaros Vade: This odd hermit lives in a small shack just outside of the town proper, only a stone’s throw from the local cemetery. Most know Vade is a strange man but few are aware of his expertise at necromancy. Vade conducts vile experiments on corpses unearthed from the graveyard in the deep gloom of night, forcing his son to assist him. Vade is bony and thin, with gray eyes and an unkempt black beard.

Welcome! Please dot in. We can get the characters tweaked here and then begin gameplay.

Recruiting is currently closed