Ishani Dhatri

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

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The Iron Gauntlet
Chartered Company
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Patron Deity: Abadar
“We are the Light of Civilization”

The Iron Gauntlet is largely comprised of Taldan Humans who have emigrated to the River Kingdoms, though the group is exclusively neither Human nor Taldan.

Our Principles:
•As followers of Abadar it is our wish to bring the Light of Civilization to the Wilderness. We encourage the creation of new settlements, the development of points of interest throughout the River Kingdoms, the creation of roads, and the founding of new Kingdoms. We are opposed to all those who would set back the scales of progress and destroy the labour of others who seek to civilize this region.
•Abadar teaches us that it is our duty to uphold and enforce meaningful laws and promote peace throughout the River Kingdoms. We are opposed to war, armed conflict, and the promotion of violence against other civilized powers; and, it is our belief that war will inevitably lead to the degradation of trade and the stifling of prosperity throughout these River Kingdoms. Conflict should be avoided whenever possible.
•We believe that the regulation of commerce and the promotion of trade serves to enrich all people. We oppose corruption, anarchy, and dependence wherever they can be found. We will maintain and operate mercantile concerns that promote resource distribution and support other groups and companies that do so within our sphere of influence.
•As followers of Abadar we believe that cautious, careful consideration in all matters is the path of peace and profit. We are willing to talk out our differences with others, and we are willing to serve as mediators and arbitrators between those who have seemingly irreconcilable differences.

Our Role in the River Kingdoms:
•Tame the Wilderness - We will work to keep monstrous populations in check and oppose the ‘escalation’ of violence against the civilized races.
•Settlement Management - As taught in the holy texts of Abadar and the ‘Manual of City-Building’, we shall engage in the affairs of civilization and assist others in the good management of their own territory whenever we are able.
•Movement of Trade Goods - We will work to move trade goods from where they exist in excess to where they are in demand and we shall support all those who would undertake this important task.
•Politically Aware - We will cooperate with all legitimate authority figures and support those who heed the teachings of Abadar. We offer our services as Mediators, Arbitrators, Justicars, and Observers to those in need of assistance.

~Signatory of the Roseblood Accord~