
Shady McKraken's page

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For what it's worth, I once read a thread in Enworld about getting paid to be a DM. The only person who'd done it for pay got $11/hour from some parks and rec department to teach kids to play D&D one summer.

Obbligato wrote:

I am one of a group of gamers who are investigating the possibility of an running online MMORPG done pen and paper style through VTTs as a profit making venture. We are studying the economics of running such a game to determine if it could be economically viable, and that is what this survey is about - please read on. We are veterans players of MMOs as well as tabletop living games and rpgtonight's experiments in an online living game a few years ago.

Your old pal Shady here, from the living game. I sent you an email too.

Anyway, I'll bite. Answers to your questions by number:

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) $5 per month for just 1 game/week
4) $5, maybe a little more, up to $7.50
5) $15 per month for all I can play
6) $15
7) 2 - 3
8) No
9) No
10) N/A
11) Maybe, if I was qualified, and if I didn't have to move.
12) $30K per year to start. Rationale: My current job is entry level crap, about $25k, but it does have potential, so I'd want to move up to something higher paying.
13) - 16) N/A