Shadow Star's page

20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Here's my basic layout. I didn't pick all your sorcerer spells, but you get the idea how this can get absurd really fast. I gave you nearly every Ioun stone, so you've got a cloud over your head.

** spoiler omitted **...

Wow thanks for this. I really appreciate all the replies.

I take back what I said earlier about artifacts, they have to be approved by her first.

Wow thanks for the replies. Still digesting all of this.

One quick thing - YES we can use artifacts, mythic items, whatever really.

NO alignment / racial / class restrictions at all as long as it doesn't break the rules of the game.

Thanks for the advice. Technically we're not against the GM, basically she will be throwing lots and lots of nearly god-like level creatures / beings at us to fight so...maybe we are???

Okay so one of my good friends (and the only female GM I know!) is running a one night, 1 session, combat heavy adventure next month. We are to create lvl 20 characters and have been given NO limit on the amount of gold we can spend on our gear / items and can buy any official Paizo item / gear etc (no third party stuff). We DO have carrying capacity limits though.

I would like to build a sorcerer for this and was looking for any advice as I have never had / built a character up to this level.

- What are the absolute best items for me to purchase for this session?
- What are the essential high level spells?
- Any great combos with feats, etc. I should be aware of at lvl 20?

Any general advice or suggestions would be awesome.


Ravingdork wrote:
Shadow Star wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

Shadow Star wrote:
Thanks for getting back so quick. Improved natural attack has a pre requisite of natural weapon. Having the natural weapon is the pre req for taking that feat. How are you getting a bite attack? You have to have the toothy racial orc trait but I dont see it listed anywhere. Maybe im missing something on the sheet. Thanks.
She does have a bite attack, when wild shaped. That's enough to meet the feat's prerequisites.

Ahh, I see. The problem is that its a grey area as to whether or not being able to do something temporarily allows a pre req to be met. Someone from paizo commented in a different thread that there is no official ruling on it so its gm discretion. Our gm, along with the others there when we played definitely wouldnt allow it due to the massive damage boost.

Awesome character though. Really cool concept as usual.

I've never heard a game designer say the prerequisite needed to be permanent. Quite the opposite actually. I've seen designers specifically state that taking feats like Weapon Focus (bite) was perfectly acceptable for characters like druids or transmuters.

I'm trying to find the thread. Basically the argument was that if you could take a feat based on a non permanent pre-req, you could essentially take a feat requiring a higher level of strength simply because the character is capable of casting Bulls Strength. Stuff like that. It opens the door to lots of pre-req abuse just based on being able to cast a spell, etc. If I can track the thread down again i'll post it.

Ravingdork wrote:

Shadow Star wrote:
Thanks for getting back so quick. Improved natural attack has a pre requisite of natural weapon. Having the natural weapon is the pre req for taking that feat. How are you getting a bite attack? You have to have the toothy racial orc trait but I dont see it listed anywhere. Maybe im missing something on the sheet. Thanks.
She does have a bite attack, when wild shaped. That's enough to meet the feat's prerequisites.

Ahh, I see. The problem is that its a grey area as to whether or not being able to do something temporarily allows a pre req to be met. Someone from paizo commented in a different thread that there is no official ruling on it so its gm discretion. Our gm, along with the others there when we played definitely wouldnt allow it due to the massive damage boost.

Awesome character though. Really cool concept as usual.

Ravingdork wrote:
Shadow Star wrote:
Hi Ravongdork. A question about Nudle. How is it that the orc has a bite attack but doesnt have it listed in the SQ section? Normally you cant take feats on your animal form. How did you qualify taking improved natural attack - BITE?

Why would a bite attack be listed in the SQ section???

To my knowledge, there is no rule anywhere prohibiting her from taking Improved Natural Attack (bite), though it is true she wouldn't get much use out of it in her natural form. If you know otherwise, please cite your source; I'd really like to know if I'm mistaken.

Thanks for getting back so quick. Improved natural attack has a pre requisite of natural weapon. Having the natural weapon is the pre req for taking that feat. How are you getting a bite attack? You have to have the toothy racial orc trait but I dont see it listed anywhere. Maybe im missing something on the sheet. Thanks.

Hi Ravongdork. A question about Nudle. How is it that the orc has a bite attack but doesnt have it listed in the SQ section? Normally you cant take feats on your animal form. How did you qualify taking improved natural attack - BITE?

Again, thank you all for such great advice. I have to look into all of this tonight and i'm sure I'll have some follow up questions.

As for the sacred weapon. I'm using a custom deity and picked the axe as the favored weapon with a Neutral alighment.

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Sorry for the late reply back.

First, a gigantic THANK YOU, such a helpful community.

We just hit lvl 5. I think I may have messed up my Charisma score. As for feats, I can easily retrain combat reflexes to something else. The GM won't care as he knows this is a new class and I'm not exactly a seasoned player.

Campaign: The campaign is a custom one, we are having about 1-2 encounters for every 4 hours of play so its pretty average I would guess. We're in a mix of both city and natural settings, about 50/50 on that too.

I believe my idea of how to play this character was just wrong from the start. I didn't give much thought to mostly buffing myself, which I realize now is a huge mistake.

That being said, if I pick up a reach weapon and can retrain out of combat reflexes (does the command person / combat reflexes combo not seem worth it)? Any recommendations on what to pick up?

Also, what are the better buff spells? I would prefer to focus on buffing myself before the group.

Thanks again for the awesome feedback.

Hey there everyone. So i'm in a campaign with a solid group of players, its about 60% RPG'ing and 40% combat. We all just hit lvl 5 and are using a pretty standard point setup / progression. Just a disclaimer, this is my third campaign ever so I'm by no means an expert.

I'm having a really hard time figuring out where my Warpriest fits in with this group. I feel as though everything I can do, someone else can simply do better. Here is a bit about my character:

STR: 18
DEX: 12 (buffed with Dex belt)
CON: 14
INT: 9
WIS: 18
CHA: -2

RACE: Oread
WEAPON: Dwarven War Axe: D10
BLESSINGS: Plant and Magic (see warpriest link above, scroll down)
Feats: Combat Reflexes - Power Attack - Improved Init. - Weapon Focus

My Goal: I wanted to AT LEAST be really competent with either casting or melee then use the unique aspects of the Warpriest to twist it or enhance it. At this point i'm just average at both. I hoped to use the unique features of the Warpriest but it sounds more unique on paper than it does in play.

Here is the group setup:

Druid (better caster than me)
Ninja (hits as hard as me, and more RPG opportunities)
Warrior (hits harder than me)
Summoner (better caster than me)
Warpriest (me)
Fighter (does more damage than anyone)

As it stands, my spell casting is sometimes useful but generally not needed, I hit hard, but not as hard as the warrior, sometimes the fighter, and I try to contribute with the RPG aspects but that only gets you so far when it comes to enjoyment.

Any tips on how I can improve the above? My GM said I could change anything I wanted to since this is a pretty casual campaign. I feel like my spell list is pretty limited. I can do some healing but the group generally doesn't need it much (and I also don't want to be a "healer"). When I first set out with this character, I thought I would be able to use the blessings in combination with high attack power to make a unique feeling character and it just isn't happening.

I was trying to come up with a way to really push the Combat Reflexes feat to make me a unique force in combat. I planned to use command to try and force enemies to step away, and thus provoke an attack of opportunity. I also was thinking of using Cause Fear or some other spell that also makes them disengage from me and thus, cause an attack of opportunity. This isn't the ONLY thing I want to do, really anything that makes me more useful or unique would be great.

I really need some help here. I just picked up a Masterwork Composite Longbow so I've heard a few things about ranged Warpriests.

Jodokai wrote:
Shadow Star wrote:

- Any experience with the Spellbinder Wizard? Seems like this could be very useful.

...Eldritch Heritage Arcane - This will get you your familiar back. For your Familiar you want a Lyrikien Azata (look it up AMAZING).


Okay maybe i'm missing something here - Azata Lyrakian

How is that better than something like Silvanshee

The Silvanshee's AC's are a bit lower and its additions to knowledge checks aren't QUITE as strong but I feel like it has better spell like abilities, and might be better suited to this Kingmaker AP we're doing. Am I missing something here?

I am really starting to think that maybe being a wizard that focuses a bit more on nature might be extremely beneficial in this Adventure Path. I know I can't be great at everything, but I think rounding myself out a bit with some nature / survival related skills, etc. might be a good idea.

Yep definitely taking craft wonderous item.

Also, anyone know about the Drow Noble? Is it an official race? I really want a character that has Intel and Charisma bonuses right off the bat. The Noble Drow would fit that but I can't find anything about them getting the +4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution. This seems like its meant for the GM and not for players to choose this race type.

Thanks for all the replies. Some follow up and some further questions:

- Yes I am allowed to use any official Paizo released Race.

- I am leaning towards Evocation or Conjuration. I am going to pass on going Universalist.

Now some follow up questions (keep in mind this is the Kingmaker adventure path so survivalist style attributes or bonuses could come in handy):

- If I were to choose Elf, any recommendations on the Alternate Racial Traits? The Envory trait sounds nice: "gain the following spell-like abilities once per day: comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, andread magic. The caster level for these effects is equal to the elf ’s level. This racial trait replaces elven magic. As does the Fleet Footed alternate trait which gives receive Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks. This
racial trait replaces keen senses and weapon familiarity.
Seeing as this campaign takes place mostly outdoors, I would assume the Elf is probably the best race out of all the official ones?

- With Fleet Footed, could I essentially skip Improved Initiative freeing up a feat??? Seems like it could combo into a nice advantage or being able to further specialize due to the feat not having to go to improved initative. If that would work, any suggestions on which feat to take besides Improved Initative?

- Any experience with the Spellbinder Wizard? Seems like this could be very useful.

For starters, I've only been in 1 full Pathfinder campaign before so I am by no means an expert. That being said, we have a new GM who is going to be running the Kingmaker Adventure Path

I decided to play a Wizard for this campaign. I have a lot of things already down on paper for him but am constantly changing things. I have played a Sorcerer to lvl 20 before and loved it.

I tend to get overwhelmed when I have too many choices and I'm starting to feel that way. Here is what I would like to get out of this character and who I want him to be.

Chaotic Good

Personality: I want him to be able to converse with Nobles easily, to come off as a high and mighty Wizard worthy of standing in any noble court. However, I want this to be an act he puts on, upon leaving the company of nobles, etc. he would immediately bad mouth them and their stuffy ways. He would be careful with what he says to avoid constant bluff checks. I want him to be mischievous, a trickster of sorts with a love of gambling and hard drink. Pulling the puppet strings of the nobles to further the goals of the party.

Abilities: I want to be valuable to the party, constantly looked at to solve problems and get us out of dangerous situations, etc. However, I also want to be mighty, to cast powerful damaging spells. I would love to use a lot of spells out of the other books besides the Core book that my play group has maybe never seen before. I also love interesting combinations of spells like casting a damaging area of effect spell with a duration and damage over time on an enemy then dropping a prismatic dome over them to trap them inside. Would love some suggestions here.


- What would you recommend on Race? I know Elf seems to be the preferred but I would love to try something slightly different that won't cause many issues conversing with nobility and elite (I doubt they would give a Grippli the time of day...)

- What would you recommend as far as the school I should go with? I've read that the Wood Elemental school is fantastic and I've also read that Conjuration is great.

- Familiar or bonded object? If familiar, any creature recommendations based on my loose character outline above? I like the idea of the improved familiar - Sylvanshee

- Any and all spell recommendations based on my Abilities section would be very welcome. Along with interesting combinations of spells.

- Same goes for feats, looking for any interesting options or must haves. I know I should take improved initiative, and probably toughness.

- Any recommendations on an archetype? Leaning towards Exploiter Wizard - Exploiter Wizard or Spell Sage

Lastly, anything i'm missing? Any suggestions on how to possibly build the character different as I may be missing something or not even thinking of something important?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the clarification.


Sorry I missed your FAQ link where it clearly answers my and my GM's questions.

Thanks again.

So I am about to start a new campaign and me and the GM are wondering about the Improved Familiar feat. It states in the rules that part of the per-requisits is the "Ability to acquire a new familiar".

Well, what does that mean exactly? I assume a familiar, at the begging of the game if Arcane Bond is chosen for a Wizard, is just given to you.

So what does that mean for improved familiar? Do I have to do the ritual of 1 week, 200 gold per level, and 8 hours to conjure or summon the improved familiar? Or can I just dismiss my existing familiar and automatically get the new one?

I am GM'ing a campaign where I am creating a mix of home-made planes and official stuff. I found something on the page about the First Plane called The Riddled Sphere -

On the plane they are going next, I want to have man-made moon that the players have to travel to and solve a mystery on. I was thinking maybe I could integrate some stuff from the Riddled Sphere dungeon but I can't find much of any info on it.

Anyone have more information on this dungeon or know where I can find it?

Hello, this is my first post as I have just started GM'ing my own campaign for the first time! I am wanting to have much more dynamic combat in my campaign than in the previous one I was part of. Here are my questions. I will keep them all with this example of a fight i'm setting up for our next session:

Large room 60x100 feet with six large pillars in it.

- If I want to have a large fallen pillar laying on the ground in the heroes way when they enter this room, how tall does it have to be for them to just not "take ten" on it. I know you can't take ten during combat but I want it to be moderately difficult to get over. How would that work during / out of combat?

- If I put cracks or fissures in the ground, how wide do they have to be to be moderately difficult to jump across? I setup 8 foot gaps for them to jump across upon entering the dungeon and they "took ten" on them which seemed like it shouldn't have been allowed considering they were on a steps very high up a mountainside.

- If I want to have one of the pillars busted and close to falling over, how can I let them know this in a more dynamic way than just telling them? If they were to roll perception on the entire room, how do I know if it is high enough to see this damaged pillar?

- How does cover work? I want to have some large rocks scattered around (and the fallen pillar) that could potentially provide full or partial cover. Not sure how that works when, say, an alchemist is throwing something at a 6 foot tall enemy behind a 5 foot rock.

Any help at all would be so very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.