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![]() Kolokotroni wrote: A friend of mine is looking for a relatively rules light game that works for a super heroes game. Basically he wants to run a super hero game with relatively little prep time, and I was thinking to look for something that was lighter on the rules side then say mutants and masterminds to help bring down the prep required. Anyone have any ideas? Here is the link to a game I wrote last year. It's something I came up with in my free time and my players really seemed to have a hoot playing it. If you end up using it just let me know how everything turned out. ![]()
![]() Dale McCoy Jr wrote: What I'd like to know is ... Why did Nasa make the announcement? Nasa is suppose to look beyond earth... NASA has an entire Earth Science division that does atmospheric, biospheric, and airborne science. () All those hi-tech satellites can't be looking at space all the time so why not turn them around and learn something that can greatly benefit people right now. ![]()
![]() JRutterbush wrote: I believe you're thinking of the Whirling Frenzy variant, from the 3.5 Arcana Unearthed supplement. It also gave you +2 AC instead of -2, and allowed an extra attack on a full attack, with all attacks at -2. It was a decent variant, but not an official one for Pathfinder yet. Huh, I had forgotten about that, but I know it's not that one I'm thinking of. Maybe I saw it in a 3rd party supplement somewhere. In any case "Nothing to see here folks, just a guy whose delusional" :-) ![]()
![]() I'm the event organizer for our local con and we're getting things ready for our event this January. I'd like to have Society games at our con and was wondering if there is anyone like a regional Society coordinator in New England or someone I could contact about getting a bunch of Society games at our con. Any info that folk could pass on would be wonderful. ![]()
![]() Mikaze wrote:
The half-orc lovers don't need the constant emotional support and ego inflation that the elfy folk do. Elves are so emo, ;-) ![]()
![]() Nebelwerfer41 wrote:
HA! A friend of mine is a professional comedian out in LA and there are at least two female porn stars that are in his group. I think the GM has a blog called "Playing D&D With Pornstars" that you can search for. ![]()
![]() This is a primer that someone on the WotC eberron boards sent to me a while back. http://www.mediafire.com/file/mmykdmndl2m/Jaytic d'Cannith's Eberron Primer.doc It's nice and organized and easy to add and subtract material to. This is one that my wife used for a con game she ran last year. It's basically the intro chapter from the Eberron book. I think most of it can be found online somehwere at the WotC site. ![]()
![]() Oh yeah. I forgot about venders. Figure out if you want to charge them for space. Make sure you have space for them if you're going to have them. Make sure to put something together that you can either give or send to them for information. This should include dates and times of the event and some place for them to tell you how much room they are going to need for their warez. Some venders may only need a half table. Some may need two or three depending on what they are selling. ![]()
![]() My wife and I are gearing up to run our second small Con here in central Maine. There are really only 3 people who plan the thing: My wife, myself, and a friend of ours. If we had more than that and we know nothing would really get done. Try to line up a good graphic designer do do your website and promotional materials. Fortunately my wife is a professional graphic designer and marketer so we have that covered. For your first con keep things small at first and consider the focus of your con (I will assume that you want to run an RPG/game con). Keep this focus in mind during all your planning. It is easy to loose sight of this. The first thing to do is figure out how long you want the con to be. I would recomend no more than one or two days to start. Preferably over a weekend with a holiday attached. We do ours over Martin Luther King weekend that way people who travel have that Monday to get home and rest (and give the planners & volunteers a day to recouperate as well). Once you've figured out how long it's going to be then you have to find a venue. A school would work, as was mentioned above, but you will prabably only be able to get part of it and probably not for multiple days unless you or someone you know is on staff. You can also look at event centers, convention centers as well as town or city recreation centers. We do ours at a local hotel that has a small convention center. They do lots of wedding receptions and are used to large amounts of people. They also give people attending the Con a small discount on any rooms they get for the weekend. You will have to check on the Venue's policy about food and beverage. Some places will let you have booze, others won't. Some might requre that they be the only ones to sell food as part of the contract. Getting a venue may also require some upfront payment so be prepared for this. Fortunately we have a good relationship with our venue so they let us pay for the use of the place afterwards with the money we made from the con. If you want to have movies or classes make sure there are spaces available for this and think about how you will get any audio/video equipment. We have some friends that work in the AV department of the local university that we utilize on this end of things. Also see what their capacity is for tables and people. You'll need to figure out how you want the game room organized to keep things simple and straight forward. Do they have round tables or square tables? Our venue has both so we have round tables around the perimeter of the game room for RPG's and bord games. We have two large suare tables in the middle for the wargames and miniautures. We put the minies guys right in the middle in front of the entrance to give anyone that enters something to look at imediately as they get into the room. Once you have a venue and a schedule you will need to get materials out to the public so they know it will be happening. You will need a website that will need to be updated regularly and you will need fliers and posters designed and printed and put up. We found a great site called Warhorn.net that is an event manager for cons and will help you set up online registration and payment. Now you NEED to advertise for GM's. A game con is nothing without them. I would sudjest creating an online form linked from your website so that will let people submit events that you can then schedule. You'll have to decide when you want to open up registration to the public and how much you want to charge You'll also have to figure out any programing you want to have. Last year we had members of the SCA do some demonstrations through out the day as well as some live steel combat groups. We also had some Vode from the Mandalorian Mercs trotting around in costume (we had a great picture of a 12 year-old fleecing one of the mercs at poker). That's all I got for you. If you have questions my wife will prabably be better able to field them since the thing really is her show. You can reach her at: info@snowconmaine.com You may also want to contact some of the hosts at the Fear the Boot podcast (www.feartheboot.com). They also do a small local con and might have some good ideas for you. ![]()
![]() JaenChronicler wrote: Is your wife sticking with historical Earth (with appropriate steampunk tweaks) for her games, or is she cooking something original up? She's staying with historical earth for this one. There isn't much in the way of steampunk costuming this way and part of her doing this is to encourage others to give it a try. ![]()
![]() Thanks Jean. I'll have to check it out when I'm home and don't have the internet filters making my life difficult. My wife and I would love to go to Steamcon. Alas, the trip from Maine to Seattle is a long and expensive one and my inlaws wouldn't take our boy for that long. Though my wife is running a small gaming con this winter (our second) and has planned a Steampunk Luncheon for that Saturday. ![]()
![]() So I'm thinking about running Legacy of Fire and wanted to do it with the new PFRPG. In the new rules a characters favored class gives the character either +1 HP per level or +1 skill rank per level. My first question is: Does this apply at 1st level as well? My second question is: If every character gets this what is one to do with the "Finding Halleen" campaign trait from the Legacy of Fire players guide where the PC's first class is their character class and they get +1 HP/level and +1 skill rank per level? ![]()
![]() Wolfgang Baur wrote: ...and my own Tales of Zobeck. Thanks Mr. Baur, this looks really interesting. I may just have to pick it up :) ![]()
![]() PandaGaki wrote: I'll just have it be a normal boar hunt since I don't want them to have the feeling that everything in and in the immediate vicinity of Sandpoint is totally screwed up. Otherwise they'll have the feeling of, why in Any of the Gods forsaken name would you want to live here! You definately have a point there. I guess my perception of a challenge has been skewed a bit by only being able to play about once a month or so. Becuase of that I've been trying to keep things fast paced and "different" to keep my players excited about what will happen next. ![]()
![]() While getting my materials ready to (hopefully) run Burnt Offerings I've been thinking about what to do with the Boar hunt the PC's take with Aldern. I was planning on not having them do the catacombs of wrath, but I still wanted to use the sinspawn. So I thought that during the hunt Aldern and his horse would fall down an old shaft to a mine. While the pc's are trying to figure out how to get him out he's going to be snached by two sinspawn from the runewell who have made their way out and made the old mine their lair. So it's a small dungeon crawl against two sinspawn and the makeshift traps they have set up (want to give the rogue something to do). I was wondering what others have done with the boar hunt and how involved they made it for the PC's, and if anyone has any ideas on how to help flesh out the sinspawn lair a bit. ![]()
![]() So what happens with Iesha's Revenant if the PC's set her free and she's able to hunt down Aldern? I figure that she ends up clearing the path as it were allowing the PC's to by-pass any haunts and encounters on the way if they follow her straight down. But, she'll be so fatigued by the ordeal that Aldern wil be able to strike her down when she enters so that the PC's still have their big fight waiting for them. ![]()
![]() In getting my material ready to run Rise of the Runelords I'm making the decision about what books to allow players to use to make their characters. I always allow the basic 3, and normally I allow the PHB2. However, the feel of the PHB2 doesn't seem to fit the RoRL world well so I so I starting thinking and it seems that the ToB might have the fit I'm looking for. Especially with some of the suggestions of making Tsuto a swordsage already on the boards. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how the various fighting styles would fit into the world. Perhaps they are the modern incarnation of the ancient magic of lost Thasilion? I was thinking that Stone dragon may have been the fighting style of the giants employed by Karzoug. Iron heart seems like it would fit the dwarves of janderhoff. I'd appreciate everyone's ideas on this, any any work that people have already done would be greatly appreciated. Thanks chummers. -ShadowPavement ![]()
![]() Erik Mona wrote:
I guess I'd like to see affiliation work kind of like the Dragonmarked houses from Eberron and the use of Favored in House feat. You spend a feat to gain the benefits of your affiliated organization and you can make a level check to get access to certain amounts of "stuff" depending on what the flavor of the affiliation is. Perhaps a whole chain of "affiliation feats" would be kind of cool, each gaining you access to niftier stuff. (is niftier even a word???) ![]()
![]() Derekjr wrote: My mouse is wearing out from hitting the send and recieve butten on my e-mail:) I feel your pain man. My wife is laughing becuase every other time she looks over at me on the computer I'm either back checking my e-mail or here on the website hoping for some news about pathfinder. *twitch twitch*...need...e-mail.......*twitch twitch* ![]()
![]() I found this through the Star Wars: Saga site
not sure what "the minatures page" is. Anyone have any intel on them? Is this even a credible listing? ![]()
![]() Danflor wrote: Can't... Hold... On... Much... LONGER!!! "And that's why he's called Cliff Hanger!" Tell me about it. I've been checking my e-mail at least once every hour all day waiting to see if the Holy E-mail has been sent out yet. Even got me checking in the middle of the night since I'm up at odd hours to take care of our newborn. Damn you Paizo for making wicked cool products, damn you to the Demonweb Pit :-P ![]()
![]() *Mr. Kool-Aid busts through the wall* OH YEAH!!!!! Totally need one of those goblin plushies for my class room. My students already think I'm "different" this will just be icing on the cake. Besides if its on my desk I can tell them that the goblin with eat their fingers if they don't do their work on time. Hee hee. ![]()
![]() Lilith wrote: ...when all phones, cel and otherwise are turned off to minimize interruptions. (My group is downright religious about this, barring emergency calls. "It's Sunday! Gaming! Buh-bye!!") *Sigh* I wish I had your group. I havn't gamed in over a month becaues just enough people couldn't make it to each session. ![]()
![]() I guess this makes me happy that my players are lazy and don't bother to read the setting books. I can't even get my girlfriend, who loves gaming, to even read the PHB to find out what the heck her monk can do half the time. Good for setting knowledge not getting out. Bad for any hope that my players may ever use in game tactics. Ah well. ![]()
![]() Don't forget there is the option to have Gestalt characters from the Unearthed Arcana book. It allows you to be two classes simultaneously. So you'd be a 1st level Fighter-Rogue with all the abilities of both classes and the best attack rating and saves from either of the two classes. And when you hit 2nd level both your Fighter and Rogue abilities would go up. It's specifically designed for groups that have very few players and who still want flexability. Check it out. ![]()
![]() I havn't gotten mine either. Yay Maine. Though I did change my subscrition address to my home and not the school where I work so I can just get it when it arives instead of treking all the way out of town several days in a row to see if it's there yet. Arrrrggggg......last thing I want to see over summer break is work *shudder* Though from what I've read here I'll plan on having Marzena give the PC's the journal entries that are presented in the 3 FoE, instead of running through the giant dungeon crawl, which I don't care for as much. The journals will prabably be encoded so they still have to do to the Free City to get them deciphered. ![]()
![]() I would like to start this humble thread where we can let Mr. Mona know how much we apreciate the hard work that he puts into what he does, regardless of the flack that he has gotten lately because of the AOW Overload and the 3FoE adventure We can't expect Mr. Mona to be more or less human than the rest of us. (Though I am inclined to think that he is more human than most of us since he has the "game designer" and "editor" templates and is of the "Super Awsome!!!" subtype.)
About Flori CostorSPELLS
Cantrips - Acid Splash; Arcane Mark; Breeze; Chameleon Scales; Dancing Lights; Detect Fiendish Presence; Detect Magic; Detect Poison; Disrupt Undead; Drench; Flare; Ghost Sound; Grasp; Haunted Fey Aspect; Jolt; Light; Mage Hand; Mending; Message; Oath of Anonymity; Open/Close; Penumbra; Prestidigitation; Ray of Frost; Read Magic; Resistance; Root; Scoop; Scrivener's Chant; Spark; Vacuous Vessel
Level 1 - Alarm; Ant Haul; Burning Hands; Color Spray; Ear-Piercing Scream; Expeditious Retreat; Feather Fall; Grease; Identify; Infernal Healing, Mage Armor; Magic Missile; Mount; Mudball; Secluded Grimoire; Snapdragon Fireworks; Summon Monster I; True Strike; Vanish, Level 2: Glitterdust, Summon Monster II Flori Costor
Init +3 (+2 Dex, +1 trait)
Fort +4 (1 base, +2 Con +1 item)
Spd 30 ft
Base Atk +1 (+1 Wizard)
Future Feats:
5: Combat Casting?, 7: Spell Penetration? TRAITS
Total Points: 27 [3x(2 Wizard + 4 Int + 1 human + 2 background)]
848 gold 3 silver 8 copper SPECIAL ABILITIES
Proficiencies: Wizards are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a wizard’s movements, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail.
Arcane School – Conjuration (Teleportation):
{Opposition Schools: Enchantment, Necromancy}
Summoner’s Charm: Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell, increase the duration by a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). This increase is not doubled by Extend Spell. At 20th level, you can change the duration of all summon monster spells to permanent. You can have no more than one summon monster spell made permanent in this way at one time. If you designate another summon monster spell as permanent, the previous spell immediately ends. Shift: At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other creatures with you when you use this ability (except for familiars). You can move 5 feet for every two wizard levels you possess (minimum 5 feet). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. Arcane Bond: At 1st level, wizards form a powerful bond with an object or a creature (Ring). Wizards who select a bonded object begin play with one at no cost. If the object is an amulet or ring, it must be worn to have effect. If a wizard attempts to cast a spell without his bonded object worn or in hand, he must make a concentration check or lose the spell. The DC for this check is equal to 20 + the spell’s level. If the object is a ring or amulet, it occupies the ring or neck slot accordingly. A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard’s level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard’s opposition schools. --------------------
Often seen in her barmaid's uniform, Flori’s hair is usually pulled into a loose, messy bun. When not working, she favors simple yet colorful clothing and loose scarves in the local Varisian fashion. She is always seen wearing a braided leather cord with a prominent wooden carving of a butterfly, her holy symbol of Desna, which she often fiddles with. More subtly, she is never without her oddly hued green ring, made from an unusual material not found in Varisia, hinting at her mysterious heritage.
She is a collector of curious trinkets that she has on show at home at all times. These trinkets include a large collection of oddments that Koya has bought back from her from each of her caravan journeys, no matter how local. She has also collected one or two when supporting a couple of local caravan journeys herself. She can be obsessive about her collection and notices when one is missing. Sometime ago, took it upon himself to hide a painted shell that Koya had bought back from Magnimar, making Flori incredibly late for work in the desperate hunt to find it and nearly lost the job in the meantime. After some stern words, he never tried it again. Her optimism has led her to create her very own bucket list on things to achieve and places to visit.
Flori’s Bucket List:
-Go to the Radiant Festival in Absalom
-Visit the Great Library of Tephu -See a Mammoth in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. - Visit Tian Xia - (find out who my father is) -Carve a chunk of ice from a Winter Witch's palace. -Ride the horses in the Qadiran desert -Listen to the teachers in Andoran -See a Shory city -Get invited to Hermea. -Climb the World's Edge mountains -Stand on the Arch of Aroden -Write my name on a monument in Magnimar -Sail the edge of the Eye of Abendego -Walk through a bazaar in Jalmeray -Listen to a Chelaxian opera Flori was born out of wedlock at the Pixie’s Kitten, Sandpoint’s brothel. Her mother died when she was very young and the only things that Flori remembers about her are a big smile and large hooped earrings. She knows nothing about her father, but when she turned 15, Kaye Tessurani, the owner of the Pixie’s Kitten, gifted her with her father’s elaborate eastern dagger and jade ring which he had left behind to pay his debt. Ameiko was able to identify the style of dagger and design of the ring from her own homeland and Flori has kept them both close ever since. Koya took Flori lovingly into her home after her mother’s death as “a brothel is no place for a young girl to grow up!” Even with Koya’s guidance, Flori has never settled with a clear career path, flitting like a butterfly into a variety of odd jobs. She tried working on Varisian trading caravans, sorting through books at the arcane section in the library and even fortune-telling with Koya but none of them stuck for some reason. In the end, Koya managed to get her a collection of part-time jobs across Sandpoint and Flori now juggles odd hours in Sandpoint’s taverns, mainly the White Deer and the Rusty Dragon when she can or when Koya is away. Occasionally she has joined Koya on a short caravan journey, as she loves the chance to get out of Sandpoint and explore, even if she hasn’t had much chance to go very far yet. Whenever Koya and her other adopted child, Sandru, return from their travels Flori is always excited by the wonderful stories they bring, as well as the promise of a new souvenir from the far-off places that she has not seen yet!.